Chapter 94: The Issue of Three

"The spiritual energy in the Yao Mountain area is still quite abundant. If Second Senior Brother has time, he can go to the medicinal field that Junior Brother is in charge of. There are some poisonous flowers and plants planted there, and there is a little boy named Wang Xiaobao who helps me take care of them," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You want me to take care of the poisonous flowers and plants in the medicinal field, right, Junior Brother? It's just a small matter. But now that you have obtained the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, although the Transforming Poison Spirit Body is not bad, do you still want to study poison techniques?" Nie Yingji sat down on a stone bench in the courtyard and said.

After obtaining the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, the Transforming Poison Spirit Body indeed became less important. After all, the higher one's cultivation level, the stronger their resistance to toxins.

Once one reaches the Immortal Transformation realm, the Rising Dawn realm, or even the Heavenly Ascension realm, most poisons in the mortal world become ineffective.

Not to mention the situation after becoming an immortal or a demon. It is a complete leap in life level. After cultivating the Profound Heaven Demon Codex, his horizons have also broadened.

"After all, it was the first thing Master taught me. I don't want to neglect it. Besides, my cultivation level is still low, so I shouldn't think too far ahead. And before reaching the Immortal Transformation realm, poison techniques are still very useful," Zhou Tianfeng said, sitting in front of Second Senior Brother.

Ordinary poison techniques, no matter how well you mix them, can only cause limited damage. But if you add what I have in my body, it's completely different.

Poison techniques, in essence, are a means of using weakness to defeat strength. So what if you're stronger than me? As long as I use poison to bring you down, you'll be at my mercy.

Not only must I continue practicing poison techniques, but I also need to continue researching. In the future, if I want to deal with the mysterious woman behind Second Senior Brother, poison techniques might become a special move.

Zhou Tianfeng already had a rough idea in his mind. He planned to cultivate some Apex Level poisonous insects using his saliva and the viruses in his blood.

As an Apex Level existence at the Immortal Level, he definitely wouldn't care about these insignificant insects.

"That's true. As long as you haven't broken through the Immortal Transformation realm, you are essentially still a mortal. Poison techniques can still be effective, especially if it's one of the most powerful poisons in the world. Even those at the Immortal Transformation realm or the Heavenly Ascension realm can be affected," Nie Yingji nodded.

What Junior Brother said makes sense. What cultivation level does he have now? Only the Foundation Building Stage.

The road ahead is still long! Researching poison techniques will keep him occupied for a long time. And once the Transforming Poison Spirit Body is developed, it won't be useless.

When I see His Majesty again, I can ask him about the Upper Realm after becoming an immortal or a demon. Can poison techniques still flourish? If not, I should advise Junior Brother to stop cultivating as soon as possible.

"Senior Brother, would you like to take a stroll in the Yao Mountain area? I can show you around," Zhou Tianfeng said.

With me accompanying you, we can explore the area together. If you go alone, it might cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

"That's not necessary. After all, I'm not a disciple here. Roaming around might invite gossip, which is not good for you or Master," Nie Yingji said.

"Senior brother, I don't plan on joining Jade Water Heavenly Palace either, becoming a guest elder or anything like that. After Master comes out of seclusion, I will take my leave," Nie Yingji waved his hand and said.

"How could I make it difficult for my junior martial brother? After all, I just joined this new sect," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Senior brother, after Master comes out of seclusion, I think there's a high probability that he will pass on the position of sect leader to you, considering what happened between you and the eldest senior brother," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Blood Shadow Ancestor absolutely cannot tolerate such despicable behavior from the eldest senior brother, so the only one who can inherit the mantle of Blood Shadow is the second senior brother.

Moreover, the second senior brother has obtained an unparalleled divine technique that directly points to the Ascension Great Dao. His future achievements will far surpass those of the eldest senior brother. Perhaps he can establish a Blood Shadow Sect that spans two realms.

"Let it go! Isn't there still the third senior brother?"

"You know, this time Master didn't rescue the third senior brother, and his personality is not suitable for inheritance either. You, the second senior brother, are the most suitable for Blood Shadow," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Let's talk about it later!" As for becoming the sect master of Blood Shadow Sect, he hadn't really thought about it. From cultivation until now, he had never thought about it.

Before, it didn't matter whether it was the eldest or the fourth, they were all the same to him. But now, the junior martial brother is clearly not suitable, and the third senior brother has gone missing again.

As for the eldest, hehe, their karma is not yet settled. How can the position of Blood Shadow Sect's sect master be passed on to a dead person?

"Since that's the case, let's wait for Master to come out of seclusion before making a decision," Zhou Tianfeng said.

The two chatted for a while, and then Zhou Tianfeng took his leave and went to the main peak of Yao Mountain to pay respects to the sect leader.

This night, the exciting things he encountered must be kept in his heart. Absolutely not a single trace can be leaked, otherwise his second senior brother's life would be in danger, and he himself would be in certain danger.

"Junior martial brother, you're back. Master specially asked me to wait for you at the entrance," as soon as he arrived at the main hall, a female disciple was waiting for Zhou Tianfeng.

"Then I'll trouble this senior sister," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"No need to be polite, junior martial brother."

Guided by this beautiful senior sister, Zhou Tianfeng entered the main hall after thanking her.

The sect leader, Ming Yanshang, was still dressed in red and sitting cross-legged, smiling as he looked at Zhou Tianfeng.

"Disciple pays respects to the sect leader, Master's senior nephew."

"Nephew, no need for formalities! Have you met your second senior brother? Is everything arranged properly?" Ming Yanshang asked.

"Reporting to the sect leader's senior uncle, I have already made arrangements for second senior brother. He will temporarily reside at Jade Luan Peak and will pay respects to the sect leader after Master's Wife comes out of seclusion, then he will leave Yao Mountain," Zhou Tianfeng said.

As long as you have made the arrangements, that's good. After all, Yao Shui Tian Gong is a reputable and orthodox sect, accommodating him is already an act of great kindness. Just make sure he doesn't wander around and cause any unnecessary misunderstandings," Ming Yanshang said.

"I understand, I have already instructed second senior brother."

"Alright! Let's move on to today's topic! Nephew, is there anything you don't understand about your daily cultivation?" Ming Yanshang asked.

"Reporting to the sect leader's senior uncle, there is indeed something I don't understand. I hope the sect leader's senior uncle can enlighten me," Zhou Tianfeng said.

To be honest, if he had a complete set of cultivation techniques and resources, Zhou Tianfeng felt that he wouldn't need anyone's guidance at all. His Transcendent Level brain would basically arrange the best cultivation plan for him. But since the sect leader brought it up, he might as well ask.

There are a few things he has been wanting to know, but he doesn't know if the sect leader can answer them.

"Tianfeng, you don't need to be polite. If there's anything you don't understand, just ask," Ming Yanshang said with a smile.

"Sect leader's senior uncle, what is the essence of spiritual energy? How is spiritual energy generated? What is the specific function of spiritual energy?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

A bunch of question marks appeared above Ming Yanshang's head. What is the essence of spiritual energy? How is it generated? What kind of questions are these?

Spiritual energy has existed since ancient times! It has always been present in this world. As for its function, isn't it for us to absorb and cultivate in our daily lives?

Do we still need to ask this question? Even entry-level disciples who have just started cultivating can answer it, right?

As for the essence of spiritual energy, isn't it just spiritual energy? What else could it be?

"Feng'er, spiritual energy is just spiritual energy! It has existed since ancient times, available for us cultivators to absorb and enhance our cultivation. What else could it be?" Ming Yanshang said.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded slightly without saying anything.

Then how does spiritual energy come about? Why does it enable us to cultivate? Why can't it be something else?

Humans on Earth explore how water is formed, how soil is formed. Where do we come from?

This is also the reason why humans can continue to progress. Because we ponder over certain questions, propose various hypotheses and doubts, and seek the ultimate truth.

Obviously, Ming Yanshang, as the sect leader, couldn't answer such questions, or perhaps she had never even thought about them.

"Sect leader's senior uncle." Next, Zhou Tianfeng didn't ask any more strange questions, but inquired about some doubts regarding cultivation.

Ming Yanshang answered them one by one.

Afterwards, Ming Yanshang arranged a cultivation plan for Zhou Tianfeng, focusing on training the Heavenly Rage Battle Body. The method was simply to engage in battles, and this time, the opponent would be Ming Yanshang herself, replacing his senior sister Lin Wan.

Zhou Tianfeng could arrange his other cultivation on his own, and if he had any doubts, he could come and ask her.

Zhou Tianfeng also specifically obtained the jade token from the main library of Jade Water Heavenly Palace. Knowledge is something he can never have too much of.

"Alright, Feng'er, come with me. I will suppress my cultivation to the same level as yours for our battle. In the future, we must develop your Heavenly Rage Battle Body properly," Ming Yanshang said.

"Understood, disciple will comply."

After Zhou Tianfeng and Ming Yanshang left the main hall, a graceful figure appeared, with long purple hair and wearing battle armor.

This person was the mysterious woman who had been keeping an eye on Zhou Tianfeng.

Watching Zhou Tianfeng leave, the mysterious woman frowned. How could this kid ask such questions?

How is spiritual energy generated? What is the essence of spiritual energy? These three questions are not something he should be thinking about at his level!

Even her current cultivation level is far from being able to touch upon these three questions. Only those who have reached the pinnacle of the Upper Six Realms can contemplate such things.

This has already reached the ultimate exploration of the origin of the world, the mysteries of the Dao. It is a question that arises only after one has cultivated a path to its extreme.

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this. How could this kid have such doubts?

Could it be that this kid is a reincarnation of some ancient powerhouse?

(End of this chapter)

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