Immortal Cultivation Simulation: Tongtian Sword Master

Chapter 181 Orchid Valley, Artifact Refining Room

After concentrating on it.

Lin Chen has a decision.

"You should try the second way."

At first glance, the first road is very safe. If you run to the Tianxiameng and take the Closed Door Training, there will be no interference, and you will be able to survive the catastrophe.

It seems perfect.


What about after the catastrophe?

Aren't you going to die under that almost invincible big foot?


Lin Chen can't just seek peace for a while.

He needs to use his own advantages to make more long-term considerations.

And his advantage.

It is the simulator!

It is necessary to use a simulator, keep simulating, and improve your strength until you have enough strength to resist the crisis.

And to rely on the emulator, Spirit Stones must be earned.

Tons of Spirit Stones!

If you really live in Tianxiameng, the Spirit Stones you can get there will most likely not be able to meet Lin Chen's needs.

Tianxiameng, the name sounds quite lofty, but through Lingyi's introduction, Lin Chen understands that it is just a fantasy country like "Utopia".

Those who gather are also mobs.

There is no way to compare with the Baicao Pavilion with its profound heritage.

Therefore, Gou practicing in Tianxiameng is a very good choice for Lin Chen in the simulation.

But for Lin Chen in reality, that can only be regarded as the worst of bad strategies.

Lin Chen will only choose this path unless he is forced to have no other choice.

"It's still unknown whether I can decipher the mysteries of the three inscriptions with my current ability as a seventh-level craftsman."

"The top priority is to go to Helian Tieshou immediately and try it out!" Lin Chen made up his mind.


The thunder calamity power in the sky has dissipated, tempered by Lin Chen's dissipated thunder calamity energy, Wan Mingyue's clothes fluttered, her whole body exuded a shimmering white light, and she had an extraordinary aura.

Taking a long breath, Wan Mingyue opened her eyes, and her breath became stronger.

Although her Cultivation Base has only improved the First Stage Realm to God Transformation Realm Third Stage, her strength is no longer the same.

Just like Lin Chen back then, Wan Mingyue now has the ability to leapfrog challenges.

Coupled with her proficiency in mantras and secret spells, even against the inner disciple of the Divine Transformation late stage, she can still gain the upper hand.

"Junior Brother..."

Wan Mingyue stood up, staring at Lin Chen with her beautiful eyes, unable to hide her inner excitement.

She is going to ask Lin Chen about "Cultivation Base is promoted too fast".


"Sister, we don't have time. Come with me!"

Without further ado, with a flick of his sleeve, Lin Chen rolled up the bright moon with Magic power, and it flew nearly a thousand feet in the blink of an eye.

"Junior Brother, what happened? Why are you in such a hurry?" Wan Mingyue leaned against Lin Chen, lightly grabbed his sleeve, and asked in confusion.

"Sorry, Senior Sister, I can't say it yet."

Lin Chen was worried that Wan Mingyue's forehead would record the summons, so he had no choice but to not reveal anything.

Lin Chen is still at a loss as to how the forehead protector works.

Thinking of the terrifying Ling Hailan behind the Cultivation Base, Lin Chen had to be extremely cautious.

"Strange, what exactly is Junior Brother doing?" Wan Mingyue frowned slightly, feeling very puzzled.

But seeing Lin Chen's serious face, he didn't seem to be joking with her, so she could only suppress her inner curiosity and didn't ask any more questions.

Even the matter of "too fast improvement of Cultivation Base" is still kept in my mind, and I will discuss it with Lin Chen later.


Riding an ordinary top-grade Magic Treasures, Lin Chen flies extremely fast.

Because of the ability to use sword arrays, Lin Chen refined several top-grade Magic Treasures like the current one.

Although one of them was destroyed by Fire Fang, he didn't fall into the predicament of having no treasure to use.

Compared with Taobao, Magic Treasures are easier to refine.

With Lin Chen's current Fifth Stage Cultivation Base in the early Void Return Stage, it only takes half an hour at most to refine an unowned top-quality Magic Treasures.

"Hmm... This top-grade Magic Treasures is already a bit unable to meet the needs of the current Cultivation Base."

Lin Chen came to a conclusion based on his own flight speed.

As for the Void Return Realm cultivator, top-rank Magic Treasures, it becomes not powerful enough to bring maximum Magic power increase.

Only stronger Immortal Magic Treasures, or Taikoo Daobao, and natal Magic Treasures that can be continuously improved can meet the needs of Realm.

In "Nine Cauldrons Casting the Sky", there are detailed descriptions about Magic Treasures and Daobao grades.

The ultimate Magic Treasures belong to the same level as the Ancient Dao Treasure, the first-order natal Magic Treasures.

Xianpin Magic Treasures belong to the same level as Taikoo Daobao, third-order natal Magic Treasures.

Now that the Cultivation Base breakthrough has returned to void, Lin Chen feels that it is necessary for him to create a dedicated natal Magic Treasures to further enhance his strength.

Unlike Lin Chen's dissatisfied psychology, Wan Mingyue's eyes were full of envy.

The flying speed of the Void Return Realm is too fast!

The improvement brought by the big Realm breakthrough is really desirable.

Driving the Magic Treasures Flying Sword, Lin Chen kept flying at a high speed. According to the map marks, it took about half an hour for him to arrive at the new hiding place of Helian Iron Hand, Orchid Valley.

Still the same as before, there is a large fog formation at the entrance.

Lin Chen dived into the fog, and walked into the Orchid Valley with ease.

Thanks to the improvement of Cultivation Base, this time, he didn't even disturb Helian Iron Hand.

When Lin Chen stood in front of Helian Tieshou, Helian Tieshou was leaning back on the couch, covering his face with a cattail fan, humming an out-of-key dirty tune.


Lin Chen coughed.

"Damn it!" Helian Tie Shou uttered a phrase of national essence, and the whole person looked like a cat with fried hair, jumping up from the chair directly.

After seeing that it was Lin Chen, he calmed down a bit.

And when he saw Wan Mingyue beside Lin Chen, his face became a little nervous again.

"Boy, how did you find this place? Where's Yier? Also, why did you bring a strange girl here?"

A lot of questions came out of his mouth, and Helian Tie looked Wan Mingyue up and down with his hands, with surprise in his eyes.

This girl looks too punctual!

This face, this figure, this temperament... Tsk tsk!

"Helian Elder, I want to borrow your refining room to study the secrets of forehead protection!"

Lin Chen didn't have time to chatter with Helian.

"Oh? It's okay for you, kid, to successfully join the Inner Sect so quickly, and bring the forehead of the senior disciple?" Helian Tieshou's eyes lit up.

Seeing that Lin Chen mentioned that he had to do business, He Lian ironed his face.

"Follow me!"

Lead Lin Chen, he walked into a cave in the valley.

"That girl can't come in!"

After entering, he gave another special warning.

Lin Chen understood what Helian Tieshou meant and nodded.

Turning to Wan Mingyue, she said, "Senior Sister, this senior and I have some things to deal with. Just wait for me here first."

"If you're bored, you just practice swords?"

Wan Mingyue didn't understand why Lin Chen brought her here, but considering that Lin Chen had been in a hurry all the way, she knew that he was probably on important business, so she didn't ask any more questions.

"Junior brother, you can do your own thing and leave me alone."

As she spoke, she walked under a big tree, took out a stone pier and sat down, and took out a book from her Qiankun bag.

Then, read with relish.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen couldn't help but recall the scenes in Yandang Mountain. Knowing that Wan Mingyue likes to read, he didn't care about her anymore.

Follow Helian Tieshou into the refining room.

This refining room was personally arranged by Helian Tieshou referring to the topography of the cave, and it was built in the middle of the mountain.

Although the environment looks simple and not up to the standard of a large-scale refining workshop, it has all internal organs and all kinds of refining utensils are not lacking.

Lin Chen entered the refining room, without talking nonsense, his eyes wandered, scanning each piece of refining equipment.

Soon, locked on a mirror on a stone platform.

This mirror is called "Ming Expanding Mirror".

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