Immortal Cultivation Simulation: Tongtian Sword Master

Chapter 207 Mission, Penglai Ding Bijun

Tianji Pavilion.

Ling Hailan looked at the handsome young man hiding in the tortoise shell with a respectful expression.

"My lord, during your Closed Door Training period, something important has happened in the Baicao Pavilion."

"Oh? This seat has foreseen some things, and I have a task for you to do. Tell me."


Ling Hailan didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly reported the issue of the forehead protection of Baicao Pavilion more than half a month ago.

"Lin Chen?"

The Supreme Master narrowed his eyes.

"There is a problem with the forehead protection, it should be that someone has understood the method of cracking the inscription."

"This matter is indeed a bit tricky."

"However, there is a more important thing right now that requires you to do it together with me."

Ling Hailan was startled when he heard the words, and looked at the Master in disbelief.

Do it together?

What does it mean?

Could it be... the Supreme Master wants to do it himself?

Since Shang Zun came to Tianji Pavilion, in the past Hundred Years, he has never left Half Step.

Ling Hailan couldn't imagine what kind of task would require the master to do it himself.

Listen now.

"This seat uses the technique of divination to deduce, and found that the future variables have increased, and the trajectory of the astrology has shifted, which has already affected our plan."

"For the current plan, only by finding the Seven Spirit Sword can we offset this variable."

"Seven spirit swords are scattered in the world, and three of them have become undetectable and unobtainable. The other two are guarded by Wei Li and cannot be obtained."

"Only the two spirit swords hidden in the Xilie Region and Dongyang Region still have a chance to obtain them."

"After investigation, we found out that there is a spiritual sword hidden in the Wanjiang Desert in the Western Lieyu, and the exact location cannot be determined."

"Hailan, in the next half month, I need you to go to the Wanjiang Desert to collect this spirit sword."

The Supreme Master gave detailed instructions.

"Yes." Ling Hailan cupped fist took the order.

"Okay, you go to the Wanjiang Desert. And this seat, I will personally go to the Penglai Immortal Island in the Dongyang Territory to collect another spirit sword." The Supreme Master said.

"Penglai Xiandao?" Ling Hailan's expression was a little moved.

There is a spirit sword hidden in Penglai Xiandao, which is known to many top figures.

However, due to the abundance of masters in Penglai Xiandao and the protection of the natural geographical environment, no one dared to break ground on Taisui's head to search for the sword.

Ling Hailan didn't expect that this time, in order to get the Seven Spirit Sword of Penglai Xiandao, Shang Zun decided to do it himself.

"The date of the Four Regions Martial Arts Competition is approaching, and the original plan cannot be violated."

"Heilan, you must hurry up when you go."

"Well, it's not too late. Let's go now!"

After Shang Zun finished explaining, he walked towards the door.

There is a phantom of the tortoise shell on the body, and the golden light blooms. With one step, the person disappears inexplicably.

Ling Hailan didn't dare to delay, and quickly settled the affairs in the pavilion, and then set off for the Western Lieyu to search for the spirit sword.


Sea of ​​Chaos.

On the vast blue sea, a gorgeous spirit boat three hundred feet long is slowly advancing.

On the deck of the bow, stood a woman.

The woman has a beautiful face, wearing a white voluminous avenue suit with fluttering sleeves, her long black hair fluttering with the sea breeze, and behind her is a large green and blue bow that is half a person's height and simple.

Looking at the undulating sea, she was dazed, with a hint of loneliness and disappointment in her eyes.

"Senior Sister Bijun, the 'mirage' illusion is just a legend. The so-called life and death have fate, you should not be too persistent."

Next to him, a young man in white couldn't help but speak.

"Hmm..." Ding Bijun sighed softly, with a worried look on his brows.

"For this trip, we have already settled the affairs of the Four Regions Martial Arts Conference on Central Island. For now, we should return to Penglai as soon as possible to discuss the next step." Li Muge, a young man in white, reminded.

Ding Bijun glanced at the empty sea again without giving up, sighed again, turned around in disappointment, and walked into the spirit boat.


"Look, what is that?"

"It seems to be a person! Is it a dead body?"

On the other side of the deck, there was a commotion.

Many young disciples gathered on the edge of the deck, pointing towards the sea.

"It's so noisy, what a shame!" Li Muge looked displeased when he saw this scene.

Immediately walked up to the group of disciples and reprimanded them sharply.

"Uncle Li... In the sea, there seems to be someone..." A disciple lowered his head and muttered in a low voice.

Li Moge followed the disciple's gaze and scanned the sea.

He quickly looked back.

"This is the sea of ​​chaos. It's an area with no rules. It's just a dead body. There's nothing to make a fuss about!"

"Go back and punish you for copying the "Penglai Qingxin Sutra" three hundred times!" Li Moge scolded.

"Damn it!"

"It's unlucky, this damn corpse!" All the disciples cursed in their hearts, all of them were dejected, and wanted to return to the spirit boat.

at this time.

Ding Bijun paused!

She stood far away, staring at the "dead corpse" drifting with the crowd, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Senior sister, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't look, it's just a dead body, nothing surprising." Li Moge gestured with his eyes, reminding Ding Bijun to return to the spirit boat and go home.


"That's not a dead body."

Ding Bijun shook her head: "There are weak Magic power fluctuations on that person."

"Is it?"

Li Moge couldn't notice it, looked at the cultivator floating in the sea, and said: "That's nothing to worry about. Sister, don't mind your own business, go back as soon as possible."

Ding Bijun shook her head again: "This cultivator's breath is weak, and it seems to be injured. It's not for me to do nothing."

Without further ado, Ding Bijun jumped up and swept towards the cultivator in the sea.

Not long after, the cultivator in the sea was salvaged to the deck.

A group of young disciples gathered around, looking at the boy in black with his eyes closed, all of them felt very curious.

Li Muge concentrated his Magic power, made a little investigation, and shook his head: "Senior sister, this person's breath is scattered, and he is obviously hopeless. It is most suitable to stay here for sea burial, so why do you need to do it?"

Ding Bijun didn't say much.

She walked up to the boy in black, patted the boy's chest with Magic power, and put a green Medicine Pill into the boy's mouth when he opened his mouth.

"What a powerful body..."

Ding Bijun was secretly startled.

At the same time, I was a little puzzled, how could such a powerful physical body lose its breath and die?

What kind of danger has this encountered!

"Take him back and treat him carefully." Ding Bijun ordered.

"What! Sister, you... want to bring him back to our Penglai Island?" Li Muge was surprised.

"Qiu Shuang, Han Xue, you take him down and take care of him." Ding Bijun arranged.

"Yes, Master." Two female disciples stepped forward and carried the boy in black into the spirit boat.

"Hey, Senior Sister, your heart is too kind... This person's background is unknown, I'm afraid it's not right for you to do this." Li Moge frowned and shook his head repeatedly.

"Saving someone's life is better than building a seventh-level pagoda. If you accumulate more blessings, you may be able to receive mercy from the gods and bestow mirage illusions." Ding Bijun muttered to himself while looking at the sea.


Everyone returned to the spirit boat.

The spirit boat flew away from the sea and headed eastward at full speed.

two days later.

Enter the boundary of Penglai Island in Dongyang Domain.


in the haze.

Lin Chen seemed to have fallen asleep for a century.

On the forehead, bursts of cold sensation hit.

Lin Chen felt a pain in the back of his head, and slowly opened his eyes.

"woke up!"

"Senior sister, come and see, he's awake!"

Accompanied by the clear girl's exclamation, a delicate face came into Lin Chen's eyes.

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