
A bad premonition welled up in Lin Chen's heart.

Looking around, Lin Chen quickly stopped using the Moon Nightmare Secret Technique after discovering the abnormal behavior of those Moon Nightmare Demons.

"Stop it...Brother, this group of Moon Nightmare seems to be attracted by your strange moves just now!"

Xie Kongkong looked at the irregularly shaped Moonmare Stone in Lin Chen's hand, and was very curious: "What kind of move is this? It can turn ordinary reefs into Moonmare Stones, which is incredible!"

You know, in the reef mining area, there are reefs all over the place. If Lin Chen has the ability to refine the reefs into nightmare stones, doesn't that mean that he can make unlimited moonlight stones to increase experience and improve his own status?

This ability is too heaven-defying!


Xie Kongkong didn't know what price Lin Chen had paid for this moon nightmare secret technique.

A relic guardian beast that can only be killed with 1000 energy points.

Obviously, for the Self Union Realm cultivator, this is almost impossible to kill.

After his death, the treasure corresponding to the Moon Nightmare Secret Art has special abilities beyond the imagination of ordinary cultivators.

"Brother Xie, let's go!"

With a wave of Lin Chen's sleeve, the Magic power turned into a big shovel, directly shoveling up a large piece of reef and putting it into the Qiankun bag.

Afterwards, he cast the Samsara sword disk, took Jie Kongkong with him, and flew above, away from the huge moon nightmare demon.

Find a secluded and safe place.

Lin Chen then started to use the Moonmare secret technique to refine the reef with peace of mind.

About an hour later.

More than one hundred Moonmare Stones were successfully refined!

"Brother Xie, how much is your mission? I only want five." Lin Chen held a pile of Moonmare Stones and asked Xie Kongkong.

"I am also five yuan, this task is fixed, only five yuan." Xie Kongkong said.

"Okay, you take the fifty yuan first, and you will send you a task in the future, just hand it in, save trouble."

Lin Chen took out half of the Moonmare Stone and stuffed it into Jie Kongkong's hand.

Now with the Moon Nightmare Secret Art, Lin Chen has become a "Moon Nightmare Stone Making Machine".

As long as you have enough time, you can produce as many Moonmare Stones as you want.

"Haha, that's great! Thank you, brother! This mission of the Nightmare Stone is the most difficult of all missions. Now that we have got so many Nightmare Stones, I'll see how much more the leader of the Blood Alliance can torment me!"

Xie Kongkong was very happy holding a large pile of Moonmare Stones.

Now that the Moonmare Stone has been obtained, there is only one thing left.

hand in!

Just getting the Moonmare Stone is not enough, it must be handed in successfully.

According to the requirements of the Atrium World, there are two ways to hand in the Moonmare Stone.

First, turn it in at the Great Hall quest in the Atrium City.

Second, in this reef mining area, find the temporary point set by the atrium world and submit it.

Since there is not much time left for this mission, the reef mining area is located on the edge of the entire Atrium, very far away from the Atrium City.

Therefore, only the second method can be used to submit.

"Let's go, brother! Hand in the Nightmare Stone, and we'll be free! When the time comes, we can go back to the Atrium City, or go to the Chen Family, it's your choice!" Xie Kongkong said excitedly.

Lin Chen shook his head.

It feels vaguely wrong.

Until now, the blood alliance has not appeared.

Could it be that they have already sent someone to wait for the solution at the submission point?

To be on the safe side, let's simulate it once, just in case.

There are three submission points provided by the atrium community.

Lin Chen looked at it sequentially through simulation from near to far.

[You reconcile with Kongkong and come to the nearest Moonmare Stone submission point. 】

[Having not arrived yet, Xie Kongkong will tell you that there are people from the blood alliance near the submission point, at least three of them whose strength is comparable to that of the Integrated Union late stage. 】

[So you have to go to the second submission point. 】

[Similarly, there are also three strong players whose strength is comparable to the Integrated Union late stage. 】

[You continue to the third submission point. As a result, the blood alliance cultivator guarded here is even more powerful, and its strength is comparable to that of Mahayana in the early stage. 】

【You choose to go back to the original submission point, join forces with Xie Kongkong, and launch a sneak attack on the three blood cultivators. 】

【You two are not opponents, unfortunately you were killed. 】

[This simulation is over. 】

After reading the simulation results, Lin Chen frowned deeply.

Sure enough, the blood alliance sent people to block the submission point.

If you go there rashly, you will definitely encounter accidents.

"Brother Xie, the submission points here are very dangerous. There are people from the blood alliance, so we can't go directly." Lin Chen said.

"Ah?" Xie Kongkong's face became serious, "If you get stuck at the submission point, it will be troublesome!"

"If we leave now and return to the atrium, I'm afraid it will be too late!"

For a while, Xie Kongkong fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.

After fighting against the blood alliance for so long, could it be said that this time it will fall into the hands of the leader of the blood alliance?

The world where Xie Kongkong lives is composed of ordinary human races and half-human half-demon blood races.

Xie Kongkong is a normal human race, but the leader of the blood alliance is the leader of the blood clan. Because of this, the opponent will press on Xie Kong every step of the way.

Currently in the atrium world, there is only Xie Kongkong, a human race in the Self Union Realm. It can be said that he carries the hope of the entire human race in the universe.

If he died, he could not regularly buy the big witch puppets and enter the world of origin to help the human race, then the human race would definitely perish under the ravages of the blood race.

For a moment, Xie Kongkong showed an unprecedented unwillingness on his face.

"No, I can't die! No matter how dangerous it is, I will try my best!" Xie Kongkong straightened up, clenched his fists, and looked firm.

Ready to go to the submission point and fight to the death.

But Lin Chen said: "Brother Xie, the opponent has a total of three strong men who are comparable to the Integrated Union late stage, and they are invincible."

"I thought of a way, maybe I can try it."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Chen drove the Samsara sword plate and walked in the direction of the previous moon nightmare monster.

Seeing the distant horizon, a hazy and huge shadow emerged, Xie Kong felt a move in his heart.

"Brother, could it be that you want to..."

He already knew just now that Lin Chen's Moon Nightmare secret technique could attract the attention of the Great Demon.

Lin Chen returned to the vicinity of the Moon Nightmare Demon at this moment, and his intention was obvious.

Standing in the center of the Samsara sword plate, Lin Chen's hands glowed with white light, and his body seemed to turn into jade.

Moon Nightmare Secret Technique!

The key to this secret technique lies in the change of the "microscopic structure" of Magic power.

This principle is somewhat similar to carbon.

Both are carbon elements, but they are arranged in different ways, showing two forms of graphite and Vajra stone.

The Magic power form changed by the Moonmare Secret Technique will no longer have any attack power, but it can refine reefs into Moonmare Stones.

This form of Magic power is extremely attractive to moon nightmares big and small.

clatter clatter——


Under Lin Chen's Moon Nightmare Secret Technique, both the Moon Nightmare Big Demon and the Moon Nightmare Little Demon responded.

The body twisted and ran, and they all gathered towards Lin Chen's position.

"Excellent! Let's go!"

Seeing that the effect of "pull monsters" was good, Lin Chen made a decisive decision, controlled the Samsara sword disk, and flew towards the submission point in the mining area.

At this time.

Near a submission point, many cultivators gather.

They gathered together in groups of three or five, belonging to more than a dozen different forces, and were submitting the Moonmare Stones in the order of first come, first come.

Everyone's expression is very vigilant.

They are wary of the people around them, for fear that someone who does not practice martial arts will take the opportunity to rob.

And at this moment, suddenly, a huge shadow in the distance attracted everyone's attention.

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