Immortal Cultivation Simulation: Tongtian Sword Master

Chapter 295 The Wandering Soul Of The Wilderness, Gu Xizhao

"No matter who you are, I will make you pay the price!"

Lin Chen clenched his fingers tightly, with killing intent in his eyes.

After learning the truth about the catastrophe in the Human Martial World, the Tongyou City, and the Ghost Swamp, Lin Chen understood that it has always been the witches who have been playing tricks.

Now, another powerful Wu Clan master appeared, manipulating Chu Tiannan, killing Chen Wuxin and training him into a puppet.

There has been an undying hatred between Lin Chen and the Wu Clan.

Now, with the continuous improvement of his strength, Lin Chen has already begun to plan a plan to counterattack the Wu clan.


Driving a Samsara jianpan, Lin Chen flew for a day and a night according to the map guide.

Finally, it came to the range where the wandering souls of the wilderness haunted.

Looking at the boundless mountains below, Lin Chen was at a loss as to what to do.

The scope of activities of the wandering souls marked on the map is really too big!

Moreover, unlike dead things like treasure chests, the Great Wilderness Wandering Soul is constantly moving.

If you don't care about anything and search within this range by chance, you may not be able to find it next time, or even be eliminated in the next ranking.

The correct way is to explore the path with simulation.

However, Lin Chen does not intend to use ordinary simulation here.

Ordinary simulations take nearly a quarter of an hour in real time each time, which is too "cumbersome".

If you want to find a powerful wild wandering soul, it is more correct to use a simple simulation that takes almost no real time.

Comparing the terrain, Lin Chen stood at the edge of the range of wandering spirits marked on the map.

After a fairy crystal is consumed, the simple simulation begins.

[You unfold Divine Sense to explore the wandering spirits of the Great Wilderness. 】


[After a quarter of an hour, unfortunately, you walked all over the edge of the map and failed to find the whereabouts of the Great Wilderness Wandering Soul. 】

[This simple simulation is over. 】

"Not in the outermost circle? Then go a little further in, and come again!"

Lin Chen divided this range of activities into about fifty circles in total according to the radiation range of his own Divine Sense.

As long as you keep going inward and simulate once in a circle, Lin Chen can check the entire range of activities.

It shouldn't be difficult to find that wild wandering soul.

No more hesitation, continue with simple simulation.

Inward, the second circle, did not find...

Continue, the third lap, the fourth lap...

In this way, Lin Chen explored the inside of the range of activities of the Great Wild Wandering Soul round and round.

There are fewer and fewer areas that have not been explored.

Not long.

[You discovered the whereabouts of the Great Wilderness Wandering Soul! 】

Finally, when he found the thirty-third circle, Lin Chen found something!

"Excellent!" Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and he set off quickly, flying at high speed along the starting point of the thirty-three laps he was currently in.

Since the simple simulation predicts what will happen within the next quarter of an hour, this means that the probability of the wandering soul of the wilderness leaving the range of the thirty-third circle is very low.

Standing on the sword plate, Lin Chen's Divine Sense is fully activated.

The clouds in the sky, the trees in the mountains, and the flowers and birds in the forest are all clearly perceived by Lin Chen.

With his current Divine Sense strength, as long as the Great Wild Wandering Soul enters the range, Lin Chen will definitely be able to spot it immediately.

Along the thirty-third lap, it flew at high speed for about half a quarter of an hour.

at this time.

On a high mountain below, Lin Chen saw a dazzling light of flames.

"over there!"

Staring at the top of the mountain surrounded by green pines and cypresses, a long-haired cultivator in a black Taoist uniform stood on the cliff, overlooking the mountain scenery.

And beside this cultivator, stood a strange bird with a flaming head.

This bird is shaped like a crane, with only one foot, blue feathers with red markings, and a white beak.

At the top of the head, the bird feathers were burning, emitting a striking red light.

"That person is the wandering soul of the wilderness? Is the flame bird his spiritual pet?"

Lin Chen paused, observing from a distance, and did not approach rashly.

The black-clothed cultivator was clearly aware of Lin Chen's appearance.

The black-clothed cultivator turned around and glanced at Lin Chen, then flew to stand on the flame bird's back, and ran away into the distance without looking back.

The speed is astonishing!

Lin Chen could only see the residual light of the flame bird.

"The previous simulation reminded that the wandering soul of the wilderness would not attack me actively, but just pulled me into the illusion of the wandering soul."

"He's so fast, this should be a test!"

In order to catch up with the opponent, Lin Chen used all his strength.

Dragon flames and thunder were ignited on the surface of the sword plate, and under the blessing of the Sword Intent of the Ming Law Realm, the Law of Heavenly Thunder, and the Black Dragon Bloodline, Lin Chen's speed soared thirty times!

Not long.

Then I saw the flame bird and the cultivator in black again!


The black-clothed cultivator obviously didn't expect Lin Chen to be so fast, and the translucent eyebrows and eyes could not help showing surprise.

He no longer hides his clumsiness, and puts one hand on the flame bird's neck.

In an instant, the flame bird's crown was blazing, its wings spread out, and its speed skyrocketed again!

"So fast!"

"The strength of this wild wandering soul is so powerful!" Lin Chen didn't dare to relax, and hurriedly followed him.

In this way, Lin Chen and Dahuang Wandering Soul started a chase.

This pursuit lasted for most of the day.

Lin Chen hadn't caught up with him yet!

"No... What kind of spiritual pet is the flame bird, and the speed is too fast."

"I should not be able to catch up with him, he is waiting for me on purpose..."

After Lin Chen realized the truth, he knew that he could not continue to chase like this, and had to use some means.

Thus, Lin Chen condensed Magic power and began to attack the wandering soul.

Sword Emperor·Famous!

With a sword cut out, the Sword Qi cut through the sky like a horse, and slashed towards the flame bird's tail.


When Youhun saw this sword strike, a look of shock appeared on his face.

With a slight movement in his mind, ten Flying Sword phantoms appeared behind him.

The Flying Sword spun at a high speed, forming a huge sword wheel, and the center of the sword wheel exuded a powerful sword power, which absorbed Lin Chen's famous Sword Qi completely!

Witnessing this scene, Lin Chen blinked, a little dazed.

What means?

With the magic power vortex that the Flying Sword rotates, can it absorb the attacks of others?

With this hand alone, Lin Chen has never seen it in the atrium.

Lin Chen realized that the opponent was too strong and had to attack with all his strength, and was about to launch the second attack.

But suddenly found that the black-clothed cultivator had already controlled the flame bird, hovering in mid-air.

"Fellow daoist is such a fierce Sword intent, Gu Xizhao, a wandering soul in the wilderness, has learned it!"

Far away, the black-clothed cultivator reported his name to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen drove the roulette and flew to this "person", and the cupped fist replied: "Lin Chen in the lower courtyard."

Only then did Lin Chen see clearly that Gu Xizhao and the flame bird were not entities, but flickering forms of light and shade.

Gu Xichao said: "Lin Chen fellow daoist can be as fast as me and my spiritual pet 'Bifang Crane' with only Magic Treasures. The strength is really amazing."

"I see that the fellow daoist Sword intent is also extremely profound. He has actually learned the sword skill Secret Technique in "The Sword Emperor's Ancient Classic". He is qualified to explore the illusion."

"I don't know fellow daoist, are you interested?"

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