Lin Chen was just about to use his simulation ability.


The Demonic Beasts seemed to have guessed what Lin Chen was thinking, and suddenly screamed strangely: "You want to punch me to death?"

"Spiritual pet, mo... Hey, what are these things? Human race, you have such a strange idea..."

As soon as the snow-white fur Demonic Beasts spoke, Lin Chen froze for an instant.

Staring at it, Lin Chen blinked twice, a little dazed.

In my heart, I was shocked.

"Damn! What's going on with Demonic Beasts? They... can know what I'm thinking?"

At the moment when he was about to use the simulation just now, Lin Chen had the feeling of being seen through by the Demonic Beasts.

If the Demonic Beasts can really "read minds", this ability is indeed a bit heaven-defying!

Seeing the white-haired Demonic Beasts fell silent, Lin Chen tried to think of something in his mind to prove it.

"This white fur Demonic Beasts is so ugly!"

"However... the body is huge, but it is very fat. I will remove its legs later, roast it on the fire, and sprinkle some small ingredients. It should taste good..."

Lin Chen manipulated his thoughts and began to fantasize along the line of "killing sheep".

At the same time, observe the expressions of the white-haired Demonic Beasts.


Sure enough, after a while, the white-haired Demonic Beasts responded.

It shuddered, and looked at Lin Chen with a little more fear in its eyes.

"What a cruel human race! We are strangers and we met for the first time. How could you treat me so cruelly?" Demonic Beasts couldn't help but said.

Lin Chen was shocked again when he heard this.

"It can really read minds! Such a powerful ability..."

"I don't know... what kind of Demonic Beasts are these..."

The speculation was confirmed, Lin Chen was secretly startled, and guessed the identity of the Demonic Beasts.

The white-haired Demonic Beasts raised his chin slightly, and said proudly: "Hmph, do you know how powerful I am? I belong to the 'Bai Ze' clan! I know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom. I don't know, the incarnation of both wisdom and beauty..."

White-haired Demonic Beasts, gushing and boasting.

Hearing this, Lin Chen had goosebumps all over the floor, feeling like he had cancer from embarrassment.

As if aware of Lin Chen's thoughts, this Bai Ze immediately stopped boasting, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "It's all the truth, I never lie."

At this point, Lin Chen finally understood the Bloodline inheritance of the Demonic Beasts.

It turned out to be the legendary Bai Ze clan!

According to records, Bai Ze can understand the emotions of all things and know the things of ghosts and gods. He is an ancient auspicious beast.

Combined with what was mentioned in the previous simulation, the strength surpassed the seventeen Linghemen masters.

It can be seen that this Demonic Beasts is indeed a combination of strength and wisdom, and the nobility of its Bloodline far exceeds that of ordinary Demonic Beasts.

If you can take this Demonic Beasts as a spiritual pet...

Lin Chen swallowed subconsciously.

The system that can predict the future, and the self in the system, also brings a miraculous spiritual pet who knows everything and can read minds.

It's not enough...


In addition, after some time, Little Sister Lin Xueqing broke through and entered the atrium.

At that time, the power of Lin Xueqing's Ten Thousand Stars Sky Eye will also become stronger.

Precognition, mind reading, and the superposition of the two forces will inevitably bring Lin Chen an unimaginable and huge improvement.

In that state, let's deal with what Immortal Venerable called "finding the entrance to the new Immortal World". can really be done easily!

So far.

Lin Chen looked at this Bai Ze with fiery eyes, and subconsciously licked his lips.

Seeing this, Bai Ze quickly shrank back and distanced himself from Lin Chen: "Human race, don't look at me with such eyes, I will be ashamed!"

"Shy?" Lin Chen pouted.

From Bai Ze's face, Lin Chen could only see pride, not any shyness.

"Come on, let's talk! What conditions do you need before you are willing to be my spiritual pet?"

Considering that there is not much time, in order to prevent the rest of the coming "visitors" from interfering, Lin Chen did not talk nonsense and spoke directly.


Bai Ze shook his head: "Impossible."

"Huh?" Lin Chen was puzzled.

"It's impossible for you to accept me as a spiritual pet." Bai Ze said: "I'm just a clone summoned here from the 'inner domain' by the totem formation."

"It belongs to an existence similar to trials."

"So you can't accept me as a spiritual pet."

"Liyu, separate your body..." Lin Chen frowned upon hearing this, and looked at Bai Ze suspiciously.

I don't know if it's true or not.


Now that I think about it, yes, the Demonic Beasts totem is weird.

All the simulation prompts is, after touching, a Demonic Beasts appears.

However, Demonic Beasts cannot be domesticated directly, but hatchable eggs will appear after they are killed.

This phenomenon is indeed consistent with what Bai Ze said.

"So, if I want to get the spirit pet egg you left behind, I can only kill you and pass the totem test, right?"

Lin Chen said, subconsciously clenching his fist the size of a sandbag.

"Huh? Wait!"

Bai Ze quickly stopped him: "Who told you that you must kill my avatar to pass the test?"

"Beating, killing, killing, it hurts, okay?"

As he said that, Bai Ze felt a wave of demon power all over his body.

The huge body shrinks and transforms into a human form.

He has long black hair, and is wearing a white and spacious cultivator uniform. Two spots are reserved on the back for the white wings that have not completely disappeared.

The pair of horns on the forehead seemed to be something she cared about, and like the wings, they were kept.

Lin Chen stood aside, looking up and down, with a beautiful snow-white face, and a rather...proud figure under the Taoist uniform.

Lin Chen was very surprised: "You...are a woman?"

"Huh?" Bai Ze looked at Lin Chen, blinked his big eyes, and tilted his head: "Why... are you convinced by my beautiful face?"

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched.

I silently supplemented the information in the illustrated book on a personal level.

Bai Ze, a very narcissistic Demonic Beasts.

Bai Ze didn't seem to have a thin skin, and after knowing Lin Chen's attitude, he didn't blush.

Gathering her strength, she stretched out her two slender white hands and held them upwards.

The palm of your hand is full of inspiration.

A bright and dark white spirit pet egg appeared.

"Actually, if you want to pass the test of the Demonic Beasts totem, you don't need to kill me at all. As long as you get my approval, I will hand over the descendants of my family to you."

Lin Chen looked at this spiritually compelling soul pet, secretly startled.

He had a hunch that if he could hatch this egg, he would definitely get a heaven-defying spiritual pet.

Its combat power is definitely not inferior to the ice-feathered blue bird of the Nangong family!

"Then..." Lin Chen looked at Bai Ze and asked, "Have I got your approval?"

Bai Ze quickly put away the pet egg, shook his head vigorously: "Not really!"

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