Originally, according to what Immortal Venerable said, Lin Chen needs to cooperate with the Immortal Cauldron Artifact Spirit to find and open the entrance to the real Immortal World.

So as to resist the invasion of Tianku Immortal Venerable.

But now, through the simulation, Lin Chen found that there seemed to be a problem with the spirit of the Immortal Cauldron.

This made Lin Chen have to wonder whether the original starting point of the matter was correct.

"I have to find out the truth through simulation..."

Lin Chen understands the advantage of owning.

Only by clarifying the truth can we make the most correct decision.

Otherwise, he might be used by others, and he would die without knowing how.

The simulation continues.

[You choose to go to the Zhongshan Continent in the world of mountains and seas. 】

[Seventeen days later, you entered the volcanic area of ​​Zhongshan Continent, and accompanied by five masked men in white clothes, you entered the volcanic magma. 】

[Spiritual Qi is abundant here. 】

[Soon, you met Chu Tiannan here. 】

"Reminder! Master Host, because Chu Tiannan hides a special treasure, the content of the follow-up simulation cannot be deduced..." the system suddenly said.

The route to the world of mountains and seas was blocked because of Chu Tiannan.

It seems that this way does not work.

"Looks like... we can only check the third location first..." Lin Chen thought to himself.

in addition.

In the process, he also discovered a detail.

That is, the system can achieve "boundary breaking" simulation.

Whether it is entering the world of human and martial arts, or entering the world of mountains and seas, the simulation will not stop.

Even after encountering Chu Tiannan in the simulation, the system could accurately name Chu Tiannan and remind Lin Chen that the reason he couldn't deduce it was the interference of the special treasure on Chu Tiannan.

These all prove that after refining the Cave Underworld Turtle Shell, the system's capabilities have been greatly enhanced.

After the simulation was forced to end, it started again from the first day.

According to Lin Chen's instructions, this simulation directly enters the third option.

Namely, to explore, the new location "Dragon River".

The place where the demon dragon emerges.

[One day later, you, accompanied by five masked figures in white, enter the special area at the junction of the left court and the atrium, Longhe. 】

[According to the introduction of the masked man in white, this place is the place where the demon dragon ascends to immortality, filled with Spiritual Qi. Seen from a distance, it looks like a long and magnificent white river, so it is named Longhe. 】

[After entering the Dragon River, the black dragon Bloodline in your body is restless. You clearly feel that in the depths of the Dragon River, there is a voice that is constantly calling for you. 】

【You follow the guide and go to the depths of the Dragon River with five masked men in white. 】

[Three days later, after experiencing many remnant souls and Spiritual Qi turbulent interference, you successfully arrived at the depths of the Dragon River. 】

[Here, you found a door! 】

[In the void, the bronze gate nearly a hundred feet high is tightly closed. You are clearly aware that the call is coming from the door. 】

[You step forward and push hard. 】

[Bloodline is affected, and your body automatically enters the dragon state. It seems that there is no problem with your Bloodline, and the door was pushed open by you smoothly. 】

[After the door is opened, the Spiritual Qi in the door dissipates, and the voice calling you disappears. From the dissipated Spiritual Qi, you draw a ray of special Spiritual Qi that you have never touched, Xian Spiritual Qi. 】

【Immortal Spiritual Qi enters the body, your Cultivation Base has been improved, touch True Immortal bottleneck. 】

[It's a pity... there are too few immortal Spiritual Qi, not enough for you to activate Heavenly Tribulation. 】

[It is absolutely impossible to take this opportunity to breakthrough True Immortal. 】

[After the bronze gate was opened, a vortex appeared inside the gate, and it was not known which location it was connected to. 】

[You feel strange because the voice of calling suddenly disappeared, and you are going to check in the Initiation. 】

[But was stopped by the masked man in white. 】

[The man in the white mask tells you that there is great danger here. It should belong to the "weak point" connecting the three courts with the real Immortal World. 】

[In other words, it is half a real Immortal World entrance. 】

[Just take time to get through. 】

[For your safety, the masked man in white is responsible for guiding you back to the atrium. 】

[At the same time, your actions are known to everyone in the martial arts world. You gain a lot of prestige for this. 】

[The masked man in white is very satisfied with your performance in the mission, and has decided to expand the range of Spiritual Qi blessings corresponding to you, from the human and military world to the entire atrium. 】

[If you continue to perform so well, you will have the opportunity to enter the land of laws and practice various new laws. 】

[The man in the white mask also told you that there is only one entrance to the real Immortal World, which is far from enough, and you have to continue to explore other locations. 】

【You are very obedient, return to the atrium...】

"Eh? System, wait."

Lin Chen forcibly interrupted, frowning: "This is not right, there is a problem."

Obviously, the content of this simulation can be summed up in four words - "Mission completed".

With ease, a real Immortal World entrance was found.

Even, Lin Chen felt a ray of Spiritual Qi from it, to prove it.

The entrance to the real Immortal World, connected to an unknown place, may be dangerous. Therefore, the masked man in white persuaded Lin Chen to leave.

At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.


In the previous simulation, Lin Chen already knew that these men in white masks would kill him without hesitation.

Therefore, this simulation, "the masked man in white is for the safety of Lin Chen", this kind of statement is pure nonsense.

There must be some purpose.

As for what purpose...

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

The answer lies behind that bronze door!

As long as you enter the gate and find out, the truth will be revealed.

"System, this simulation is over, let's do it again!"

Lin Chen ordered decisively.

Because there is no file reading card, Lin Chen can't go back directly.

The simulation must end first.

"Good Master Host." The system replied.

[This simulation is over, the income is being withdrawn...]

With the end of this simulation, a special force was born in Lin Chen's body.

"Oh?" Lin Chen's pupils narrowed.

It's Spiritual Qi!

When I opened the bronze gate just now, I absorbed the boost obtained by that ray of fairy Spiritual Qi, and the benefits were captured by the simulation and extracted back!

Referring to the previous experience of taking Cultivation Base Medicine Pill and Qualified Medicine Pill, doesn't this mean...

At this point, Lin Chen's heart beat faster!

He seems to have found a "breakthrough"!

"Let's take a look at what's behind the bronze gate first."

Lin Chen suppressed the excitement in his heart and decided to check the truth first.

Soon, the simulation restarts.

And proceed to the position behind the door.

[You ignored the "good intentions" of the masked man in white, and decided to forcibly enter the post-Initiation space. 】

[The man in the white mask resolutely does not allow it. After verbal persuasion failed, he decided to stop you by force. 】

[You forcibly killed five people. 】

[But he was stopped by ten white-clothed masked men who newly appeared. 】

[You are evenly matched with ten people. 】

[You fight and retreat, and finally forcefully enter the world behind the bronze gate at the cost of serious injuries. 】

[Behind the door is a closed small room. 】

【Nothing, nor any Spiritual Qi fluctuations. Here, it is obviously impossible to be a real Immortal World entrance. 】

[At this point, you understand that looking for the real Immortal World entrance is a lie. 】

[When you were in a daze, a large group of men in white masks appeared in the room. 】

【You were attacked by an unusually powerful force and unfortunately fell. 】

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