[The impact on Golden Immortal failed. 】

[Affected by the black-level Karma, you find that the Cultivation Base improvement brought by the 216 immortal Spirit Stones is very small, and it is far from supporting your breakthrough Golden Immortal. 】

[You have to continue to practice. 】

[One month later, "Bai Feng", the official person in charge of Liefeng Mountain, returned after completing the Sect mission. 】

【I heard that Fei Tianrong was injured by you, and that the credit for killing Xia Fushan was stolen. He came to Liefeng City to find Luo Kang and your bad luck. 】

[Bai Feng Cultivation Base has brokenthrough Golden Immortal, and has mastered a "Water Principle" Supernatural Power, which is extremely powerful. 】

【You and Chu Tiannan teamed up to tie the match. 】

[Bai Feng saw that he could not win the battle for a long time and could not take advantage of it, so he returned to Liefeng Mountain. 】

[One month and three days later, Lin Xueqing heard about the conflict in Liefeng Mountain, worried about your safety, and wanted to see you. 】

[But she was restricted by Sacred Land and couldn't leave, so she had to entrust Duanmu Yao to see you. 】

[Duanmu Yao is very happy to see you. And you took the opportunity to tell her about the "Assassination Plan" and asked her to help convey it to Hong Ling Immortal Venerable. 】

[One and a half months later, the news of Yuban came from the imprint on your arm, asking you to go to the ancient vine forest a hundred miles away from Lefeng City to meet her. 】

[You leave to go. 】

【Come to the ancient vine forest, and Yu Ban, who covered her face with a black veil, appeared and attacked you without saying a word. 】

[Yuban possesses the strength of the Demon Master Realm, a fellow practitioner of immortals and demons, and holds several pieces of immortal weapons and devil armaments', and even the Magic Treasures of natal life have been upgraded to the fifth level of the heavenly level, which is two levels higher than the ninth level of the human level. The high rank Taoism Supernatural Power after the fusion of the three Taoisms. 】

[You were instantly killed by her! 】

"Uh..." Lin Chen subconsciously scratched his head when he saw the simulation result.

This result surprised him a bit.

Why was Yuban killed? Didn't the other party already "trust" him?

"I seem to have underestimated this woman..." Lin Chen realized that Yu Ban was not an easy person.

The other party didn't say anything about the previous conversation in the secret room, but he was secretly suspicious.

In this simulation, as soon as he and Duanmuyao revealed the "assassination plan", Sect launched a protective action, and Yuban immediately realized that Lin Chen had a problem.

So after tricking him into the ancient vine forest, he didn't even ask, and killed him directly.

"It seems that I have to keep the assassination plan in my stomach and can't tell others."

Lin Chen understood.

At the same time, he was shocked by Yuban's strength.

This is too strong!

It's just that the general demon master's realm is better, but it turned out to be the demon master's realm of fellow immortals and demons!

Moreover, the fairy armaments', the fifth-level natal Magic Treasures, and even the mastered Taoism Supernatural Power are all high rank Secret Techniques comprehended after the fusion of the three Taoisms.

This kind of character, even if he encounters a powerful person at the respect level, there is a high probability that he can withstand a half move.

Taking Lin Chen's "poor" True Immortal Ninth Stage Cultivation Base, in the case of all kinds of treasures and Supernatural Power, it is obviously impossible to compete with it.

Being spiked is also normal.

Glancing at the minced Spirit Stones in his hand, Lin Chen felt a little pain in his flesh.

Wasting a piece of Spirit Stones for nothing?

"Liuli, can you read files? Can I have two file reading cards?" Lin Chen tentatively asked.

"Hehe." Liuli laughed like "Don't dream".

"Why did you have a file reading card before, but now it's gone?" Lin Chen protested.

"The former owner's Cultivation Base was low, and Karma's influence is small!"

"The essence of file reading is a kind of 'parallel jump' of time. The Karma entanglement of the two worlds is superimposed together. If you don't pay the price, you can't bear the backlash intensity, master."

Liuli explained.

"Pay the price?" Lin Chen caught the key, and asked in a deep voice: "So, you can read the file, but you have to pay something?"

Liuli affirmed: "Yes! If you want to read the file, you have to pay another tenth of the immortal Spirit Stones, or... a million immortal crystals."

"Oh?" Lin Chen was startled when he heard that.

Immediately, I was a little angry: "Don't talk nonsense, can't you read the file? It's only a million fairy crystals, do I look like a poor ghost who doesn't even have a million fairy crystals?"

"Hehe...I'm just telling the truth...Master, the file reading effect of a million fairy crystals is not as good as one-tenth of a piece of fairy spirit stones."

"Using Xianjing to read files, the owner will still be entangled by Karma, and the total number of file reads in a single simulation is limited."

"Using the fairy Spirit Stones, there is no such restriction." Liuli patiently explained.

"So that's how it is..." Lin Chen understood.

"That's still..."

"Use fairy spirit stones, fairy spirit stones are so good, there is no limit!" Liuli encouraged Lin Chen in anticipation.

"Get out! Use fairy crystals! Fairy Spirit Stones are so precious! Don't play tricks with me here!" Lin Chen scolded.


Liuli was very disappointed.

After consuming one million fairy crystals, the simulation rewinds and starts over.

The front is basically unchanged.

When it came time to meet Duanmuyao, Lin Chen chose not to tell her about the assassination plan.

Then, Lin Chen still received Yuban's order and went to Guteng Forest to meet each other.

【You came to Guteng Forest, Yuban appeared and attacked you. 】

[After fighting with you, she roughly inferred your strength and thought you were a usable person. 】

[At the same time, because the Purple Snake Mark cannot collect personal information, Yuban doesn't know your true identity except that you are "Seventy-Nine". 】

【Yuban gave you an assassination list. 】

[You open it and see that there are two names on the list, namely Bai Feng and Lin Chen. 】

【You were surprised, but didn't ask any more questions. 】

【Yuban explained to you that one of these two people has some relationship with Qingyu Immortal Venerable, and the other has some relationship with Tianku and Hong Ling Immortal Venerable. 】

[Assassination mission Time Limit 30 days, after 30 days, if you can't complete it, she will punish you, if you complete it, you will be rewarded. 】

Seeing this, Lin Chen smiled wryly.

Are you sure you're not intentionally embarrassing him with this mission?

Two mission targets, Bai Feng, he couldn't kill him head-on, and the other...

I kill myself?

"Kill yourself? Huh?"

Suddenly, Lin Chen's heart skipped a beat.

Bai Feng has mastered the supernatural power of Taoism, and he is in Liefeng Mountain, protected by a large array of terrestrial leylines, making it extremely difficult to kill.

If you can kill own, it seems...

There is a certain room for manipulation!

Thinking of this, Lin Chen's eyes brightened.

The simulation continues.

[Using these thirty days, you began to fake the illusion of being assassinated. 】

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