Immortal Cultivation Simulation: Tongtian Sword Master

Chapter 424 In Pingdu City, Three Missions

The disciple who spoke was dressed in white, wearing a white jade crown on his head, and a jade belt around his waist.

He is Qingyu Immortal Venerable's eldest disciple, Fang Changxiao.

"Master, the Wangyou Pill is evil and vicious. The medicinal herbs added to it are the 'Blood Dharani' that our Taoist sect expressly prohibits planting."

"According to the information obtained so far, this Wangyou Pill has been circulating in the Huangping capital area of ​​Wuyang Zhou for nearly Hundred Years."

"During this trip, we should find out who is behind the scenes, cut the weeds and root out the roots, and have a big cleanup."

Regarding Fang Changxiao's proposal, the other four Taoist disciples all agreed with it.

However, Qingyu Immortal Venerable did not immediately comment.

"Chang Xiao, sit down."

Qing Yu Immortal Venerable took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "You have been with me for so many years, and you are still so irritable."

"Master, I..."

Fang Changxiao wanted to say something, but was stopped by Qingyu Immortal Venerable.

Helpless, he had no choice but to sit down and drank a cup of fairy tea in one gulp.

"Chang Xiao, have you ever thought about it, since the Wangyou Pill has been circulated in Wuyang Zhouhuang for a long time, the mastermind behind it must not be simple."

"So, we should discuss this matter in the long run."

"This trip to Pingdu City is mainly to inquire about news, and we must not startle the snake."

Fang Changxiao pondered for a moment when he heard the words.

After that, he nodded solemnly: "It is true what Master said, and the disciple's thoughts are indeed a bit reckless..."

"Hehe, it's good if you can listen to the teacher's words."

Qing Yu Immortal Venerable greeted kindly: "What are you guys doing standing around? Sit down."

"The road to practice is long and arduous, you should learn from Chang Xiao."

"Yes, Master..." The others quickly saluted and agreed.

"And you, Wanjun..." Qingyu Immortal Venerable turned to Leng Wanjun again, and said, "You are a rare genius! This time I bring you here, firstly, to see more of the world, secondly, your He has extraordinary abilities, and can be a teacher if he is appropriate. Do you...understand?"

Leng Wanjun's eyes trembled, and he turned his head mechanically, without making a sound, only responding to Qing Yu's Immortal Venerable cupped fist.




It's a pretty bustling city.

Lin Chen and Wan Mingyue stood in mid-air, looking around, they saw houses and pavilions of different sizes densely packed in a large area, and it was impossible to see the end.

"Junior Brother, this place is so exaggerated, it's dozens of times bigger than Minzhou City!" Wan Mingyue opened her small mouth, her beautiful eyes filled with surprise.

It's hard to imagine that such a prosperous city would emerge from such a barren place in Wuyang Zhou Desolation Immortal Spiritual Qi.

"It's better to be older, and there will be a place to play when you grow up. Let's go, sister, let's go around the city. We don't have anything to do today, so just have a good time." Lin Chen suggested.

"Well! Let's go!"

Wan Mingyue happily responded, took Lin Chen's arm, and followed him to the city of Pingdu.

Although Lin Chen said that he wants to play, it is definitely impossible to just play.

In fact, he currently has three things to do.

First, find the treasure place of Immortal Venerable in Pingdu City.

Pingdu City is one of the five treasure places of Immortal Venerable. Although the treasures here are not very good, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. It is quite good to get a half-piece of immortal artifact.

The second is to take the opportunity to inquire about the "Wangyou Pill".

Wangyou Pill, this kind of medicine pill is very evil, and the master behind it must have amassed a large number of immortal Spirit Stones through this pill.

If you can find out the controller, and then kill someone to seize the treasure... the harvest will be amazing.

As for the third, it is to explore the matter of the "Immortal Food Contest".

Lin Chen didn't care much about this matter, but Wan Mingyue did, so Lin Chen couldn't be careless.

Lin Chen took Wan Mingyue and walked on Qingshi Street in Pingdu City.

The environment in the city is clean and tidy. The cultivators who come and go are all dressed in fancy clothes and look very friendly. It is not much different from the environment in the inner city of Wujian Xianye.

Under normal circumstances, the gathering towns of Xianxiu are relatively peaceful, and there are not many killings.

Xianxiu pays attention to Karma, killing others willfully will affect the actual Karma level, resulting in the slow progress of Cultivation Base.

Those with high-level Karma are afraid of affecting their future. Although they are strong, they will not kill people easily; those with low-level Karma may break their cans. They don’t care about Karma, but they are weak and unable to kill.

Therefore, as long as there are a small number of Golden Immortal late stage or immortal Wang Qiang in a big city where immortal cultivators gather to maintain order, the overall stability of the big city can be guaranteed.

In Pingdu City, there are many street stalls and shops of all sizes.

With Wan Mingyue, Lin Chen stopped and stopped all the way, ate a lot of snacks, bought a lot of clothes, and took the opportunity to visit many shops such as talismans, formations, medicine pills, and refining equipment.

During this process, after inquiring, the two learned that the Immortal Food Competition had ended two months ago.

The next session will have to wait until next year.

Lin Chen thought Wan Mingyue would be very disappointed for not being able to participate in the Immortal Food Contest.

But looking at her happy appearance, her mood didn't seem to be affected.

"Junior Brother, it doesn't matter if I can't participate. Anyway, I didn't want to participate. I just want to see the author of "Gluttony Immortal Food Record", Tianchu Daoist, and inquire about the recipe of 'Furong Wangyou' by the way."

Wan Mingyue explained with a smile.

"Eh? Furong Wangyou?"

Lin Chen was startled.

Only then did he suddenly realize that the immortal food that Wan Mingyue mentioned was actually similar to the name of "Wangyou Pill".

Will it...

"Junior brother, where shall we go next?" Wan Mingyue said: "If there is nothing special to do, then let's go to the big and small fairy food shops in this city, and ask, by the way, if there is any fairy food like Furong Wangyou .”

But Lin Chen shook his head: "Senior Sister, to tell you the truth, one of the treasure locations I learned about happened to be in this city."

"Oh?" Wan Mingyue was surprised: "Then what are you waiting for, go find it quickly? Immortal food is not in a hurry, you can go to the store anytime, if the treasure is found first, it will be bad!"

"Well, let's go."

The plan has been made, Lin Chen no longer hesitates, pulls Wan Mingyue, and goes to Immortal Venerable's treasure trove in Pingdu City.

Obviously, the Pingdu City at this time has deviated greatly from the memory of Immortal Venerable.

It is not easy to find the exact treasure location.

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