Immortal Cultivation Simulation: Tongtian Sword Master

Chapter 438 Ten Thousand Immortal Spirit Stones, Xueqing's Crisis

Lin Chen moved quickly and began to clean up the battlefield.

First of all, he found the place where Tianchu Daoist's breath disappeared, so as to open up the entrance of Tianchu Daoist Minor World.

All the treasures of Tianchu Daoist are hidden here.

After cultivator Cultivation Base breakthrough Prestige, there is no need to use Qiankun Bag to hide things, and all valuables can be stored in Minor World.

When the strong person in the respected realm falls, Minor World will not disappear immediately, it will last for a while, and will not disappear completely until the energy is exhausted.

And if you want to get the hidden treasures in Minor World, you need the treasure hunter's Cultivation Base to reach the honorable state.

After Lin Chen got the treasure from Tianchu Daoist, he took stock of it.

Fairy Spirit Stones, more than 13 million pieces!

Also, the hidden treasures of Immortal Venerable in the Valley of Hundred Tribulations and the hidden treasures of Pingdu City are all in it.

"Those two treasures were indeed taken by Tianchu Daoist..." Lin Chen understood.

Although many of the resources in these two treasures have been used up by Tianchu Daoist, there are still about 60% remaining.

With these resources, plus some additional resources collected by Tianchu Daoist, it is enough for Lin Chen to raise his natal Magic Treasures to the ninth rank of Heavenly Rank.

After the natal Magic Treasures reach the ninth level of the sky, Lin Chen can re-engrav the more powerful Jiuyao inscription and gain new power.

As for the original four-element inscription...

"Elder Kong's original Liangyi Zhenwu sword is only a spiritual weapon. Now that we have so many resources, we can upgrade the Liangyi Zhenwu sword to a fairy weapon and engrave the four-element inscription." Lin Chen calculated.

Although the Sixiang inscription is not as good as the Jiuyao inscription, it is also quite powerful, and they all belong to the peerless inscriptions recorded in "The Hundred Refinements of the Universe".

After Lin Chen moved all the treasures to own Minor World, he continued to deal with the site.

The next thing to do is to deal with the corpse of the divine beast Taotie.

"This gluttonous corpse is an incredible treasure!"

Lin Chen stretched out his hand to caress the soft scales on the corpse, and clearly felt that there was a huge and exaggerated Blood Qi in it.

If he can absorb all these Blood Qi, his Cultivation Base will definitely be greatly improved.

It is not difficult to see from previous simulations that after the breakthrough, the improvement of Cultivation Base becomes extremely slow.

Only this kind of treasure similar to the gluttonous corpse level can bring great benefits to Lin Chen's improvement of Cultivation Base.

Lin Chen carried the body of Taotie to Minor World.

But he was not busy absorbing the Blood Qi.

It would be too wasteful to absorb Blood Qi to improve Cultivation Base in reality!

Now I have 13 million Spirit Stones in my hand, which can be simulated thirteen times. In other words, as long as the Taotie corpse is left in Minor World, every time you simulate, you can get a Blood Qi benefit.

Not only that, Lin Chen did not refine the power of faith left behind by the Immortal Venerable before.

These resources can be used to gain income through simulation. If there are more resources of this type, I believe that within a few simulations, his Cultivation Base can reach the limit of the prestige.

In Lin Chen Minor World, "Qing", the soul of the Immortal Cauldron, saw the corpse of the Taotie.

His eyes widened, his face full of shock.


"It's too exaggerated... This kid has the ability to kill such a fierce beast?" Qing couldn't believe it.

One must know that even the master he has always recognized, the Immortal Venerable, at the peak of the year, did not have the ability to kill such a beast as Taotie.

"The appearance of Taotie is a sign of great danger... Could it be that something happened in the Dao Domain?"

"If the situation in the Dao Domain is chaotic, is it necessary for a Venerable Artifact Spirit like me to cling to the word 'loyalty'?"

Qing was lost in thought.

Although he is a spirit, he has his own emotions.

Since the fall of the original master, he has chosen to be loyal to the Immortal Venerable, who has been kind to him. As the treasurer of the Taoist Celestial Immortals sect, he does not want to be controlled by Sect Leader Min Wuyou.

Now, seeing Lin Chen bring the gluttonous corpse, Qing couldn't help but have some other thoughts in his heart.

After Lin Chen finished disposing of Taotie's corpse, he returned to the altar where Taotie was before.

The altar was attacked by "Reversal·Sixiang Tianluo", and it has been damaged at this moment, even the underground fairy veins have been affected and destroyed.

As for other things such as the Blood Dharani, they were also destroyed by Taotie, and there was no value in collecting them.

With a wave of Lin Chen's hand, Magic power swept across, leveling the place and erasing all traces of the battle.


He controls the Samsara sword plate, and his figure disappears in place.



Calling Wan Mingyue from Minor World to her side, the two stayed on the Samsara sword plate, Lin Chen briefly told Wan Mingyue what happened.

Then, as before, with Wan Mingyue controlling the Samsara sword plate, Lin Chen began to consume the immortal Spirit Stones to perform the first simulation of the state of honor.

"I'm far from reaching the peak of my strength now, I have to hurry up..."

Lin Chen thought about the next action plan, feeling a sense of urgency in his heart.

This trip to Pingdu City has indeed gained a lot, but correspondingly, Lin Chen also discovered that in addition to the overt threats of Yuban and the Purple Snake Devil Venerable, he also faced a hidden threat like Leng Wanjun.

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