Immortal Cultivation Simulation: Tongtian Sword Master

Chapter 457 Chaos Spiral, System Principle

Inside the Temple of Time.

Like last time, the mysterious woman called out treasures for Lin Chen to choose.

Looking at the five treasure boxes with exactly the same appearance, Lin Chen chose the middle one without any hesitation.

The selection of this treasure box cannot be predicted by simulation, it is purely luck, and there is nothing to hesitate.

The treasure box is opened.


Golden light blooms!

A palm-sized square black object appeared.

"Gold rank again?!"

The mysterious woman stared at the bright golden light, her beautiful eyes widened, she couldn't believe it.

You know, last time Lin Chen selected the gold-ranked Infinity Jade Slip, this time he actually selected the "Grand Prize" again?

Too much luck!

At this time, the other four treasure boxes were also opened.

Three of them glowed with blue light, and only one sword glowed with purple light.

Different from the entanglement of not choosing a sword last time, Lin Chen knew how to judge the level of these treasures this time.

Looking at the black square object shrouded in golden light, he nodded secretly.

Good luck!

I just don't know... what kind of treasure is this palm-sized black object.

Unlike Magic Treasures like swords.

Cultivation Technique cheats? Not quite.

After observing for a long time, he really couldn't understand it, so Lin Chen had no choice but to cast a look of "seeking explanation" to the mysterious woman.

The mysterious woman swept the other four treasures into the void, and said, "Lin Chen, you are lucky. This thing is called 'this time'."

"At this time?" Lin Chen became more and more confused: "What a strange name, what is it used for?"

The mysterious woman said: "I distributed this treasure to you according to the rules, and I don't know its specific function. However, one thing is certain, it is not for your use. At this time, it is a system enhancement Chips that can be installed on your system to increase the capabilities of your system."

"You can also understand it as a Cultivation Technique that can only be cultivated by a system."

"Uh... this..." Lin Chen smacked his lips, quite surprised.

He actually chose a chip to enhance the system, which he never expected anyway.

Different from Lin Chen's somewhat bewildered state, Liuli became excited.

"Okay! Master, Liuli can be stronger! Quick, install the current chip for me!"

"Oh..." Lin Chen responded, feeling a little troubled: "How do you install this thing?"

With an attitude of trying, he stretched out his glowing left hand and grabbed the current chip.


The chip vibrated, as if activated, it immediately merged into Lin Chen's body and disappeared.

"Is it okay, Liuli?" Lin Chen asked.

"Well, it's ok. The installation has already started, but it will take some time to install it. After the installation is complete, I will tell the owner what this thing is for." Liuli said cheerfully.


Lin Chen pursed his lips noncommittally.

If there is nothing else, he will leave the Temple of Time just like last time.


"Wait a minute." The mysterious woman suddenly stopped Lin Chen.

"What? Senior, is there anything else?" Lin Chen turned around and asked in doubt.

The mysterious woman nodded: "Lin Chen, didn't you ask me last time, why did you create a system, and why is the system bound to you?"

"Now, I can tell you the answer."

"Eh?" Lin Chen was shocked.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a place where all the answers you want to know are hidden."

"Where are you going?" Lin Chen subconsciously asked.

The mysterious woman turned her gaze to the huge round mirror beside her.

The image displayed in the mirror is exactly the mysterious, gigantic star-like "ball" surrounded by the giant ring where the Temple of Time is located.

"Chaos Spiral!"

The mysterious woman uttered an unfamiliar term, and then, with a casual move, she led Lin Chen into the round mirror.


The round mirror corresponds to a passage, dark and narrow.

The mysterious woman walked in front, while Lin Chen and Liuli followed behind her.

"My name is 'Bai'. You can call me directly in the future, and you don't need to call me senior."

"Strictly speaking, I am your guide. If one day in the future, you also reach the limit, you can replace me and become the new 'hundred'."

The mysterious woman spoke amazingly.

"Uh..." Faced with such a sudden remark, Lin Chen found it extremely puzzling.

Want to ask, but don't know where to start.

Helpless, I had no choice but to shut my mouth first. After reading that "chaos spiral" and knowing the truth, it's not too late to ask...

Not long.

Under Bai's leadership, Lin Chen and Liuli came to the huge sphere.

From a distance, Lin Chen couldn't see the details of the giant ball, and didn't know what it was.

But when he got close, Lin Chen was stunned after seeing the details.

What catches the eye is densely packed, all of which are screen images. The images are connected into lines, like long films, entangled together, and finally, this unusually huge giant ball is formed.

"This is the spiral of chaos, the origin of time."

Bai said calmly.

"In this world, all creatures, as small as a grass and a fish in the boundary, as large as the dragon and Kunpeng in the inner boundary, can find the corresponding time image here."

"But the image is not the only one."

"Any image that can be found here, can be seen, and corresponds to the past, present and future of the real world is called 'real time'."

"Correspondingly, invisible, non-unique images that may occur are called 'virtual time'."

"In the spiral of chaos, the real time is presented as an image; while the virtual time is hidden in the chaos and presented as a hazy mist."

Hearing Bai's explanation, Lin Chen quickly took a closer look, only to find that there was a thick gray fog on the inside of each long film-like image.

Bai continued: "Now, do you understand the principle of the simulation system?"

Lin Chen nodded with a solemn expression.

Simulation, to put it bluntly, is to spy on the "virtual time", extract the future benefits of the virtual time, and add it to the "real time".

In the end, the "real time" is changed, and a brand new "real time" image is born in the spiral of chaos.

"In this way, all simulation systems are connected with this chaotic spiral. Otherwise, it is impossible to spy on the virtual time."

Lin Chen understood.

At the same time, I was puzzled.

The spiral of chaos can be regarded as the collection of timelines of all things. It allowed Lin Chen to understand the underlying principles of the system.

However, this does not answer his previous questions.

Bai, why make a system?

The chaotic spiral operates according to specific rules, perfect and balanced. Creating a simulation system, extracting imaginary time as income, and forcibly adding it to real time will obviously destroy the balance.

For no reason, why do such a thing?

Also, with so many creatures in the world, why was he selected by the system. What exactly are the selection criteria?

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