Immortal Cultivation Simulator: Starting From The Empress’ Palace

Chapter 300: Execution of treacherous and evil, the side of Qing Jun

The reason why this gate can be opened.

It was Chen Mo who led the troops to the city, and the momentum was terrifying. The torches were piled up together, and the dazzling flames were dotted, making it impossible to see how many people there were, as if there were thousands of troops.

In addition, Chen Mo had the imperial edict in his hand, and the guards stationed at the South Gate were also said by Xiao Yunqi's arrangement, and there were also Xiao Yunqi's people in the army guarding the South Gate. Although there were many doubts, the sword was on the neck, and everyone knew that they were around Is the person from the other party's person, so in a hurry, he can't care about other people and opened the city gate.

Chen Mo brought the army in from the South Gate and took over the city defense of the South Gate.

As for the reason for the lack of manpower, what Xiao Teng said will be known in time. It turned out to be a long time ago, either coerced or lured, Xu, with high officials and wealth, bribed the guerrilla left leaders of large and small military academies in Nanmen Defense, Chen Mo. Just be responsible for accepting this army.

There are more than 13,000 forbidden troops guarding the South Gate.

Of course, more than 13,000 people are still in Beijing camp.

After Chen Mo entered the city, in addition to the officials who had been bribed, the rest of the generals, large and small, who were neutral or unaware of the situation, were all killed by Chen Mo with his people, allowing his cronies to accept his position, and his subordinate soldiers and horses.

After doing all this, Chen Mo controlled everyone and asked everyone to put out the torches, minimize the movement, and wait for Xiao Teng to lead the army to come.

In less than two quarters of an hour, Xiao Teng came with the army, and he also entered the city surrounded by everyone.

An army of more than 100,000 people rushed in like a long dragon, and they didn't see the tail of this army for half an hour.

Countless torches illuminated the streets of Bianliang, and the chaotic sound of horses' hooves disturbed the sleeping people. Some curious people opened the windows, but just glanced at them and immediately closed the doors and windows.

People, many people, all with guns and knives.

The people leaned against the window, shivering.

And those soldiers who opened the south gate in a daze, looked at this large group of people, touched the cold sweat on their foreheads, and secretly rejoiced.

Baimeng Book

so far so good...

Otherwise, his body would have been separated.

At this time, Bianliang South Street was already a sea of ​​torches, and boundless soldiers and horses poured in.

Now the big movement, naturally alarmed the battalion of the forbidden army.

For the sake of Gaoqiu and Zeiss, many officials and generals rushed over and told them the news.

When they learned that Xiao Teng brought the army in, or that they were officials for many years, they knew what had happened.

He quickly ordered the drums to be played, and sent people to mobilize the army outside the city.

However, Gaoqiu and Cai Si rushed to the palace as soon as possible. There are not many people around them to protect. They are wily. They also know who the traitor refers to in the reason that Xiao Teng made "kill the traitor". If they don't leave, wait for Xiao When Teng's men arrived here, they would definitely wrap them up and could only enter the palace to defend.

And when they were rushing towards the palace, the Imperial Guards of the Beijing camp were also quickly mobilized. Countless generals crawled out of the quilt without knowing it, and regardless of the beauty's retention, they wore armor and rushed to the capital to **** them.

Anyone who hears the wind and has a little brains knows that this is a mutiny.

However, in the eyes of most people, they thought that Xiao Yunqi was about to die, so he fought hard in order not to be implicated.

After all, there has been a lot of uproar in the past two days.

The cunning rabbit dies, the running dog cooks.

Once Xiao Yunqi died, there would be no good results for those who got close to him personally or on weekdays, so they could only fight.

But what they didn't expect, the rumor that Xiao Yunqi only had one breath left was completely false. After Xiao Teng brought the troops in, Xiao Yunqi took the family generals of Xiao's house and killed them, eliminating all the people who were watching around him. Clean and rush to the palace.

While rushing back, he shouted the old-fashioned slogan: "Put the treacherous evildoers, Qing Jun's side!"

As Xiao Yunqi took the lead in shouting, more and more people shouted, and the entire Bianliang City shook. The streets were densely packed with people, as if the sky was going to be pierced.

When Xu Dabang was rushing back with the news of the victory, he happened to meet someone sent by Chen Mo on the way.

It turned out that after Chen Mo received the letter from Xu Dabang, he immediately sent someone out.

After the people sent out took out something to prove their identity, they only said three words.

Qing Jun's side.

Xu Dabang was shocked, and he understood something even though his mind was still agile. After a brief hesitation, his eyes turned red, like a gambler roaring with filial piety: "Brothers, march at full speed, slay the treacherous, and be on the side of Qing Jun! "

Those Jianghu forces who were recruited had a grudge against the imperial court. Accepting the recruiting was only a last resort. If they had the opportunity, they would rebel at any time.

But at this moment, he had just become a hawk dog, and when he heard these words, his blood immediately boiled over.

That's what's called a rebellion...

Although there were some holes in the ground, Chen Mo was still very worried about his woman, so after mastering the defense of the South Gate, he asked Gao Zheng to take someone to guard the Chen Mansion as soon as possible.

As for Erzhai, Chen Mo also asked people to inform them to hide.

It didn't take long for the entire imperial city to be surrounded by Xiao Yunqi's His pro-military was very distinctive. They were uniformly dressed in gold armor, and they were extremely light and thin, exuding a cold light on them. Profound treasures.

Not only that, the overall strength of these pro-militaries is in the sixth grade.

There are one or two thousand people who are still of the fifth rank.

This is Xiao Yunqi's most elite and most trusted army.

Also the most loyal army.

Because what they wear, even their own family papers, are kept by the Xiao family, and they are also used for their children to study.

And these people have been through a lot of battles.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Zhao Ji's face was gloomy, and his body was trembling uncontrollably because of fear, anger, or both.

Although he already knew Xiao Yunqi's ambitions and even rebelled, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Prime Minister, Chief Lieutenant, have all your people arrived?"

Zeiss, Gaoqiu, officials from their faction, and some loyal ministers all crowded into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, discussing countermeasures.

When I heard the emperor's words, I also said that I rushed here.

Unlike those people, Cai Si and Gao Qiu understood that this was definitely suggested by Xiao Yunqi, otherwise Xiao Teng would not have the courage.

At this moment, Wei Xian hurriedly walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony and announced a bad news.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, it's not good, Lord Shi let someone open the outer city of the palace, and the rebels came in." After Wei Xian finished speaking, he immediately knelt down.


Zhao Ji couldn't stand up at all, his whole body leaned softly against the long eucalyptus behind him, and even his lips couldn't stop shaking.

how come? how come?

The Lord Shi mentioned by Wei Xian was named Shi Si.

A rank one warrior was recommended to Zhao Ji by Concubine Hu Gui, who said he was his cousin.

Zhao Ji asked him to take charge of some of the people who were pro-military and were responsible for guarding the outer city of the imperial city.

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