Immortal Cultivation Simulator: Starting From The Empress’ Palace

Chapter 913: Daofeizi appeared, trying to protect the

Qingsong's complexion is not very good-looking, even ugly?

If what Xiao Jiu said is true.

That proves that Xiao Jiu took the initiative to recognize Chen Mo as the master.

Only then will it be possible to conclude a contract.

This is a great shame to the Linghu family.

However, Ao Yan and Huang Qing were watching from the sidelines. Qingsong would definitely not be able to tell this shame. In order to save face, he said: "Your Highness, you must have been deceived by human beings to be like this. Wait until I catch him When you go back, you must find a way to terminate your contract, Your Highness."

"I was not deceived by him, I took the initiative." Xiao Jiu said a little angrily, how could he not understand.

Suddenly, she thought of something and said, "Since you still regard me as a princess, then I order you to retreat quickly."

Hearing this, Qingsong's face froze.

Although the current Xiaojiu has no right to order himself, but he has the holy body of the fox in his body and will become the king of the spirit fox clan in the future, it must be a certainty.

At that time, I will be a minister and she will be the king.

If you don't obey her order now, you won't be able to wear small shoes in the future.

Just when Qingsong was at a loss.

Ao Yan opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Hurry up if you blow yourself up, he will die, you can't stop us."

Ao Yan didn't care whether Xiao Jiu died or not.

It would be better if he died.

One less threat.

The Dragon Clan also doesn't want to see the Linghu Clan grow stronger.

"Ao Yan, you..." Qing Song was so angry that the veins popped out on his face.

"Brother Ao is right. Chen Mo must not be allowed to leave. The matter of swallowing the soul of the dragon bird is very involved." Huang Qing also agreed with Ao Yan's statement, and advised Qingsong: "But the contract matter is really troublesome. In order to express With the sincerity of our Phoenix Clan, I can help you capture Chen Mo, and after returning to the Beast Realm, I will kill him after the contract on your princess is terminated."

Huang Qing's eyes showed a fierce light.

At this time it is not appropriate to break up with Qingsong, if he is forced to fall to Zuoqiu Yinren's side, this matter will be difficult.

Qingsong, an old fox, doesn't know Huang Qing's plan.

However, this matter needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

Ao Yanlong narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded immediately, and said: "Zuoqiu Yinren, hand him over, you can't protect him."

However, Zuoqiu Yinren didn't take Ao Yan's words to heart at all, instead he scratched his ears and said, "Every word you say to me is really noisy.

How about this, you hand over all the space accessories on your body, and I will let you leave safely, how about it? "


Ao Yan recognized a hot breath from the huge dragon nose, as if he heard something wrong, he flicked the dragon tail: "What did you say?"

"I said, hand over all your space accessories, and I will let you leave safely." Zuoqiu Yinren said impatiently.

"Arrogance." Ao Yan uttered thunder, and Huang Qing's expression sank, and said: "Fairy Zuoqiu, the three of us join hands, you have no chance of winning, and you will suffer for nothing. People, maybe none of them can be saved."

Zuoqiu Yin was powerful and famous in Hunyuan Heaven.

If possible, Huang Qing doesn't want to fight with Zuoqiu Yinren.

After all, as a strong person in the Dao realm, it would be terrifying if he fought for his life.

Feng Qing didn't want to cause extra problems.

When Zuoqiu Yinren heard this, he laughed and said, "I am the only one!"

As soon as the words came out.

The world suddenly became silent.

Qingsong, Ao Yan, and Huang Qing were all shocked, and the beast boy looked around in the void.

Ao Yan showed a sneer and said: "The surrounding void has been destroyed like this, there is no way to hide, Zuoqiu Yinren, don't pretend to be a ghost, delay time, give you three breaths, and hand over Chen Mo, if not, don't blame me Show no mercy."

"Teacher, they are going to kill the members of our sect, why don't you show yourself?" Zuoqiu Yinren said to the void on the left.

"Still pretending to be a ghost." Ao Yan couldn't bear it anymore, and spit out a thunderbolt, which hit Zuoqiu Yinren.

But the thunder spit out of his mouth just now, but it disappeared.

"Ao Yan, I haven't seen you for some time. You are a dragon who has lived for thousands of years. How can you bully the younger generation?"

A gentle voice sounded.

Ao Yan's expression changed, and he looked up.

I saw a phantom suddenly appearing in the sky, and the gentle voice just now was spit out from the mouth of this phantom.

This is an old man, and when Ao Yan's eyes met his, he felt an indescribable sense of oppression, and that kind of oppression made his soul tremble slightly.

"Dao... Feizi..." Ao Yan gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, the expressions of Qingsong and Huangqing at the side changed drastically.

Dao Feizi, the current head teacher of the Shenxiao Sect, a Mahayana monk.

His strength is even more unfathomable.

Although it looked like just a spirit body, it also made their faces thicken.

"I've seen the head teacher." Chen Mo bowed his hands respectfully to Dao Feizi above him, heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't expect that it was Dao Feizi who was the reinforcement, so don't worry now.

"Didn't you tell me not to make a move first?" Dao Feizi looked at Zuoqiu Yinren and said via voice transmission.

Zuoqiu Yinren pursed his lips.

Daofeizi smiled, then turned his eyes to Qingsong, Aoyan, and Huangqing, and said: "Using the big to bully the small, Yin Ren is right, hand over your space ornaments, and I will let you go. "

Although Dao Feizi had a smile on his face and looked like a good old man, everyone knew that what he said was not a joke.

"Daofeizi, does your Shenxiao sect want to go to war with our three clans?" Ao Yan snorted coldly, and said immediately: "The real dragon treasure technique is my dragon clan's inability to pass on supernatural powers, but now he has learned it. This is absolutely intolerable to Dragon Clan

The patriarch ordered to kill him on the spot or bring him back to the Dragon Clan. "

"The same is true of the order given by the patriarch of my Huang Clan." Huang Qing said.

"My mission is to kill Chen Mo and bring back the little princess." Qingsong said.

"Go to war?" Dao Feizi smiled slightly, and said, "If your patriarch said this in person, I'll believe it, but you..."

There seemed to be a hint of disdain in his tone, and he continued: "Even if there is a real war, I am not afraid of you."

"I put the words here, Chen Mo, you can't take them away."

"Is this what your Shenxiao faction means?" Ao Yan said in a deep voice.

"No, this is the meaning of the Dao League. The Dao League has no fear of going to war with your three clans." Dao Feizi said.

"Just for him, do you not hesitate to let the lives of the two realms suffer?" Ao Yan's voice became deeper and deeper.

"Just for him."

"Don't regret it." Ao Yan said harsh words.

"I will never regret it." Daofeizi said with a smile.

Ao Yan's expression sank completely, and he said: "You are just a spirit body, we really think we are afraid that you will fail."

Saying that, a golden scroll appeared on Ao Yan's claw.

Obviously, he was going to shake people.

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