Immortal Cultivation Stars From Earthly Fiend 72 Arts Chapter 112


Chapter 112 Refining the magic weapon
Holding up the bottle gourd, Lu Fan closed his eyes slightly.

A cloud of colorful smoke is constantly changing its shape in front of him. Lu Fan's mana is slowly flowing, constantly refining the cloud of colorful smoke.

Lu Fan is very proficient in refining Supreme Unity Wuyanluo, and the strands of multicolored haze are quickly integrated into it, and soon, the last strand of multicolored haze is also refined into Supreme Unity Wuyanluo middle.

Next, Lu Fan tapped the bottle gourd, and a flash of light flashed. The essence of the Five Elements obtained by lottery appeared in front of him, and a ball of spiritual fire appeared out of thin air. The essence of Elements is shrouded, and the Supreme Unity Wuyanluo, which has just been refined, is also integrated into it.

The essence of Five Elements quickly merged with Supreme Unity Wuyanluo in the spirit fire, and the Supreme Unity Wuyanluo, which had been refined to invisibility, became colorful again.

As the spiritual fire continued to burn, the mana in Lu Fan's body was also rapidly depleting. Fortunately, Five Elements True Qi was constantly alive and could barely keep up with the consumption.

After one hour, the essence of this group of Five Elements has been fused into Supreme Unity Wuyanluo. Lu Fan slowly withdrew the spirit fire, reached out and took the Supreme Unity Wuyanluo, and input a mana into it, the dive light flashed, and the Supreme Unity Wuyanluo instantly turned into a cloud of smoke, covering all around Lu Fan.

Next, Lu Fan tested the Supreme Unity Wuyanluo, and then put it away. Overall, the Supreme Unity Wuyanluo's defense has been doubled, and the resistance to mana has been doubled. Consumption has been reduced a bit.

Feeling the lack of mana in the body, Lu Fan put away the magic weapon and began to slowly adjust the breath to restore the mana. About one hour later, he opened his eyes, and a streak of divine light flashed through his eyes. Lu Fan opened his mouth and exhaled, and a stream of silver white spurted out of his mouth, condensing and not dispersing like a qi sword.

This breathed sword shot three meters away, hitting a tree trunk in an instant, leaving a shallow pit. This is the effect of Gengjin True Qi in Five Elements True Qi. Lungs belong to metal. When True Qi cultivates, it will strengthen the lungs by itself. When refining Great Accomplishment, the formidable power of Seventh Gold Sword Qi will be no worse than that of ordinary Flying Sword.

This is also the spell that comes with the cultivation technique of Five Elements Hunyuan Zhenjie. This is the advantage of the high level cultivation technique. Even if you don’t learn the spell separately, you will still have the spell that comes with the cultivation technique. spell.

Seeing the Qi sword condensed and did not disperse, a smile appeared on the corner of Lu Fan's mouth. During this time, he was not only refining treasures, but also cultivation.

The bottle of Essence Convergence Pill that lottery got last time has been used up by him, but the effect is very good. During this time, the Five Elements mana in his body has doubled. This was the result of his deliberate suppression, and he spent time and energy again condensing his mana.

His current strength has reached the base building Peak, and he is only one step away from the Golden Core. However, it is not easy to cross this step. Since ancient times, countless shocking and stunning people have fallen on this level.

Golden Core is also known as the 1st Step of Longevity. Before Golden Core, no matter how strong your Divine Ability is, your life essence is only two hundred years old. Dust, into the underworld. Only after reaching the Golden Core, the life essence will increase greatly, reaching the number of 500. Of course, if there are various ways to prolong life, it can continue to increase, but the maximum number will not exceed 800, so the cultivation world has Golden Core The saying that the longevity is eight hundred.

And only after reaching the Golden Core, cultivator can try to reincarnate and recultivate even if it cannot continue to break through. Of course, the reincarnation of the Golden Core cultivator will experience the mystery of the womb, which requires the help of the same sect Fellow Daoist to reintroduce the path after its birth.

And once there is no help from the same sect Fellow Daoist, and I fail to break the mystery in the womb, it is very likely that this life will really be lost. Therefore, if the deadline is not approaching, and the realm cannot be broken through, the Golden Core cultivator is unwilling to reincarnate, after all, the risk of reincarnation is too great.

In fact, only Golden Core cultivators can be called daoists among the Taoist sects, but since the previous dynasty, the Imperial Court has banned many cultivators working for them as daoists, which has led to the current foundation-building cultivator. Known as a daoist.

The Golden Core cultivator is also known as Earth Immortal because of its vast mana.

The threshold of Golden Core may be difficult for others, but it is only slightly more difficult for Lu Fan. After all, he has been controlled by one of the Great 36 Constellations and the road in front of him. Call it a smooth journey.

Thinking of his future prospects, Controlling Sword Flight, going in and out of Qingming, traveling towards the Northern Sea and Mu Cangwu, Lu Fan was excited and yearned for it. After a while, he calmed down, and then he jumped straight down from the boulder with a vertical leap, and a breeze surrounded him, lifted it up, and then landed on the ground lightly.

didn't expect he actually stayed here for a month. He looked at the old horse who was grazing leisurely next to him. He didn't hurry for a month. This old horse actually gained a lot of weight. It is no longer the skinny look it used to be. During this time, Lu Fan will feed the old horse a Spirit Pill every day. It can be said that the old horse is now a shedding body and exchanging bones. Don't look at it's mediocre now, if it really runs, those maximal horses are far less than it.

"xiu ~!" A loud whistle sounded.

"xu lu lu!" The old horse who was grazing immediately stood up, let out a neigh, and ran over immediately. The old horse was not polite, and immediately lowered his head and rubbed on Lu Fan's body, his mouth constantly trying to arch the bottle gourd around his waist.

Lu Fan slapped its big head away and poured out a Spirit Pill from the bottle gourd. As soon as the beast Spirit Pill appeared, the old horse snorted with excitement and stared straight at the Spirit Beast pill in Lu Fan's hand.

"Here you are!" Lu Fan shook the head and handed the Spirit Beast Dan to its mouth, the old horse immediately stuck out his tongue, rolled the Spirit Beast Dan in, and was proud He ran happily around the surrounding mountains and forests.

Lu Fan rode an old horse and swayed down the mountain. During this time, he would return to the town down the mountain after the cultivation every day. After all, although he had a tent and sleeping bag, he had no house to live in. Comfortable.

This old horse has taken a lot of Spirit Pill, and his physique has far surpassed that of ordinary horses. He travels through mountains and rivers like walking on flat ground. These mountain roads are a piece of cake for him, with fast speed, strong endurance, and extremely human nature. , It can be said that this old horse is completely a treasure. Maybe continue to follow Lu Fan, and the horse may become a Spirit Beast.

Just like Zhang Guolao's donkey in the Eight Immortals, the donkey was originally an idiot and hardly turned into a demon, but Zhang Guolao's donkey finally became a Spirit Beast, or even an Immortal Beast.

If this old horse of Lu Fan continues like this, it is not impossible to become a Spirit Beast in the end.

(end of this chapter)

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