Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 1 There are also layoffs in the world of immortality?

"Zhou Xun!"

"From now on, you are fired! These 90 spiritual essences are your compensation!"

"Master Steward, can't you be accommodating?"

"Go! Go!"

After all, Zhou Xun couldn't escape the fate of being expelled, so he had to accept the bag containing the essence.

This spiritual essence, also known as spiritual stone fragments, has a lower spiritual energy content than genuine spiritual stones. It is a low-level currency used by immortal cultivators in this world. Generally speaking, one hundred spiritual essences can be exchanged for one spiritual stone.

"N+1, not bad!"

Weighing the cloth bag in his hand, Zhou Xun laughed to himself, then walked out of the talisman-making shop and came to the street.

It's late autumn again, the sky has turned dim, the big trees on the roadside have become withered, with a few dry leaves hanging on them.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew through the seams of Zhou Xun's clothes. He involuntarily shrank his neck and sighed:

"It's been two years since I traveled through time!"

Looking back on the life I lived through time, it’s really hard to describe.

In his previous life, he was a social worker and lived a life of 996 blessings. Although it was a bit hard, his life was not bad.

However, bad luck happens to those who suffer. Finally, while working overtime, one day he couldn't hold on and fell down, and traveled to this world of immortality.

Having just traveled through time, Zhou Xun was ecstatic to learn about the existence of immortal cultivators.

This means that the scene in the novel "Feng Xu controls the wind, rides on the auspicious clouds to embrace the moon, controls all things, and opens the sky with a sword!" will become a reality.

And he also had the opportunity to glimpse the avenue of immortality and watch the sea turn into a mulberry field.

What's even more ingenious is that the young man he traveled through, also named Zhou Xun, is an immortal cultivator. He is fifteen years old and has a second-level Qi cultivation level.

With expectations for future immortality, Zhou Xun quickly integrated into the life of the immortal world.

When he traveled through time, his predecessor was working as a spiritual bond servant at Miaofu Pavilion, the largest talisman-making shop in Hongyefang.

The so-called spiritual contract servants can be understood as Zhou Xun's contract workers in his previous life, but it is much harder here. After all, there is no such thing as human rights in this world. He needs to work from morning to night every day without rest.

"996 in the past life, 007 in this life, I really go back more and more!"

Zhou Xun worked in Miaofu Pavilion for a total of three years.

Although it is boring and hard work, it is an extremely enviable job outside.

The harvest is guaranteed during droughts and floods, and 30 spiritual essences are paid into the account every month, which is enough for living and simple cultivation in Hongyefang.

You know, most of the monks here who are in the early stage of Qi training only earn less than ten spirit essences per month.

He couldn't even afford to rent in the cheapest shantytown in Hongyefang, so he could only live on the outskirts of the city, where the formation couldn't cover it.

Because the cheapest house in a shanty town costs 100 souls a year, which is what Zhou Xun rents.

After calculation, it would cost eight spiritual essences a month.

Nearly one-third of his monthly income is used to pay rent, which makes Zhou Xun feel like he was working hard in a big city in his previous life.

Returning to the wooden house where he lived, Zhou Xun took out a blue wooden sign.

He muttered something in his mouth, and then a magic formula was hit on the wooden sign, and the wooden sign emitted a green light and hit the door in front of him.

Green light disappeared into the door, flickered and then disappeared.

Zhou Xun pushed gently again, and the door opened.

Although it is known as a shanty town, all the properties here are owned by Hongyefang, and each wooden house is equipped with simple defensive restrictions.

Once someone attempts to open it through violence, the city's law enforcement team will be alerted immediately, so there is still a certain degree of safety.

Every qualified monk in Hongyefang is willing to rent such a house.

It was still early when we entered the house.

After being free, Zhou Xun felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

On weekdays, he works in the shop during the day and doesn't have to worry about what to do.

After sitting blankly for a while, Zhou Xun began to think about the next path.

After two years of traveling back in time, he had accumulated a total of one hundred and twenty spiritual essences. Including the ninety that he had compensated for during the day, the total was two hundred and one, which was worth more than two spiritual stones.

There is also a first-grade low-grade golden thorn talisman, which is a reward he received for his diligent work in Miaofu Pavilion.

"My current net worth is considered to be at the top among the monks who are in the early stages of Qi training!"

But it has been nearly a year since he last paid rent.

After all, the steward in charge of rent collection in the city was about to come. Excluding the one hundred for rent, I could only use one hundred and ten coins.

"One piece of spiritual essence is three kilograms of spiritual rice. I consume thirty kilograms of spiritual rice every month. Even if I save some food, the remaining spiritual essence is barely enough to last for a year!"

Zhou Xun figured that he would have to find another job.

Otherwise, I will have no choice but to live on the outskirts of Fangshi.

You must know that there is no formation coverage there, and there is no law enforcement team patrolling.

A lot of murders and treasure grabbing happened.

Often the monk who was chatting and laughing with his friends one day would be lying in a smelly ditch the next day, dead.

Zhou Xun didn't want to end up like this.

After the calculation was completed, the sky also darkened.

Zhou Xun then walked into the kitchen and started preparing today's dinner.

Opening the large vat containing spiritual rice, Zhou Xun scooped out a full spoonful. Then he thought of something and shook back a third of it.

"Now that I've been fired and have no source of income, I still have to save some food!"

The reason why mortal food is not eaten is because mortal food contains too many impurities and is not suitable for immortal cultivators to eat for a long time.

There are many people in Hongyefang who cannot make any progress in their cultivation because they cannot afford spiritual rice and eat human food for a long time.

Zhou Xun's ambition is to take the high road, so naturally he will not make such a mistake.

After eating the spiritual rice, Zhou Xun returned to his room, rested for half an hour, and then began to meditate.

This is a practice trick he discovered.

If you eat spiritual rice for half an hour before starting to practice, your efficiency will increase by about ten percent.

Zhou Xun guessed that this was because half an hour after the spiritual rice was in the stomach, the essence had been fully absorbed and the body's spiritual energy was in a full state. At this time, practicing would naturally be more effective with half the effort.

The first state of cultivation is the state of Qi training.

There are nine levels of Qi training.

Levels one to three are the early stage of Qi training, levels four to six are the middle stage of Qi training, and levels seven to nine are the late stage of Qi training.

Zhou Xun’s simple statistics of the practitioners in this world also conform to the Twenty-Eight Principle.

Eighty percent of monks can only stay in the early stage of Qi training throughout their lives, and only 20% of monks can break through to the middle stage and beyond.

For two years, Zhou Xun relied on this trick to practice hard every day.

Now we are only one step away from the peak of the second level of Qi training.

Counting his age of seventeen, he is considered a genius among low-level monks, and he has the potential to break through to the later stages of Qi training in the future.

As the training time deepened, Zhou Xun's mind fell into a trance again, and the sound of fighting could be vaguely heard in his ears.

"It's this dream again, this is the third time in two years!"

This is a battlefield for monks, and within a radius of a thousand miles, all kinds of auras and spells are flying around.

A real phoenix came to the world and summoned overwhelming spiritual fire, turning the whole world into a fiery red. But at this time, Zhou Xun was transformed into a powerful person.

With a wave of his hand, a red gourd flew out and subdued the arrogant True Phoenix in an instant.

The next moment, the scene changed. Zhou Xun appeared in a magnificent hall. In the middle of the hall, there was a jade volume emitting purple light. Zhou Xun stepped forward to take a closer look.

The three characters of "Ningchun Sutra" are engraved on it.

Looking at the three words that were like the mantra of the great road, Zhou Xun resisted his excitement and turned to the first page.

"The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is excess damage."

After a long time, Zhou Xun woke up, and his eyes were extremely bright at this time.

This is actually a supreme method that condenses the essence of spiritual plants and repairs the foundation of a monk.

"To make up for the monk's foundation, is this a way to condense the essence of spiritual plants and enhance spiritual roots?" Zhou Xun guessed.

"It's a pity that I can only see the upper part of the jade album, but as long as I enter this dreamland one more time, I can see the entire book!"

This is my first time writing a book, so please support me!

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