Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 10 Breakthrough, third level of Qi training!

Zhou Xun first took a bath and then walked into the quiet room.

He took out a brand new piece of soothing incense, lit it and placed it in front of him, then sat cross-legged on the futon and closed his eyes slightly.

Soon, Zhou Xun calmed down.

Slowly opening his eyes, he gently opened the lid of the jade box, carefully picked up the Spirit-Gathering Grass and placed it in the palm of his hand.

The formula for running the Spring Condensation Sutra.

"The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is excess damage."

While the formula was running, a mysterious and mysterious feeling arose. Zhou Xun's mind was immersed in a state of selflessness, integrating with the nature of heaven and earth, as if he could control everything.

He gently touched the Spirit-Gathering Grass with his finger, and the surrounding energy was immediately attracted and gathered one after another.

Suddenly, the Julingcao rose out of thin air and became more vivid, with a faint fluorescent light emitting from its green leaves.

As the last mantra was completed, an invisible force emerged out of thin air and enveloped the spirit-gathering grass.

As time passed by bit by bit, the light on the Spirit-Gathering Grass became stronger and stronger, as if the essence was constantly condensing.

Suddenly, a green light spot appeared on the spirit-gathering grass, emitting a soft light.

Following the guidance of the Ningchun Sutra, Zhou Xun waved his hand, and the green light point slowly floated away and flew towards Zhou Xun's dantian.

In an instant, his body seemed to be surrounded by a warm current, which was like a mother's embrace, warm and peaceful.

At this moment, Zhou Xun felt as if his body was being washed, full of vitality and vitality.

At the same time, a strong suction force suddenly appeared in Zhou Xun's dantian, and his technique began to operate unconsciously.

It was as if the bottleneck at the second level's peak didn't exist, and it was broken through directly.

What's even more amazing is that Zhou Xun's five senses were suddenly boosted to an incredible level.

Everything around you becomes clear and bright.

The subtle details that were previously impossible to see suddenly became clearly visible.

Even the living room, which was blocked by the quiet room door, suddenly appeared in view.

In addition, the smells and sounds that were originally inaudible suddenly became clear.

"Divine consciousness!"

Zhou Xun was stunned by what he found.

Under normal circumstances, only monks in the late stage of Qi training can develop spiritual consciousness. This is why monks in the late stage of Qi training are called Daxiu.

With divine consciousness, one can leave the imprint of divine consciousness on the magic weapon.

When driving the magic weapon, it follows the direction like a shadow, and it is like an arm commanding. At the same time, the spiritual power consumption of driving the magic weapon is much smaller.

With the guidance of spiritual consciousness, monks can also cast spells with tracking effects. Compared with the early and middle stages of Qi training, the power is incomparable.

The strange thing is that my consciousness can only see three feet around me.

It is much smaller than the range of more than ten feet of spiritual consciousness of monks in the later stages of Qi training.

But this can also greatly improve your strength.

If he had a magical weapon in his hand, he would not be afraid even if he faced a master at the fifth level of Qi training.

The technique ran on its own for half an hour and finally stopped.

Zhou Xun felt that not only had he broken through the shackles of the second level, but he was also halfway through the third level.

"It saved me several years of hard work!"

In terms of cultivation, he is now much taller than Shan Xionghai. If he were to find out, he would not know what the situation would be like.

"The improvement brought about by using the Spring Condensing Sutra this time is beyond imagination!" Zhou Xun was satisfied.

"By the way, I almost forgot the most fundamental effect of the Spring Condensation Sutra, which is to enhance the spiritual root qualifications!"

Zhou Xun immediately activated his technique and began to refine the spiritual energy in the air.

After a long time, he opened his eyes.

"Compared to the past, the speed of spiritual energy refining has increased by at least one-third!"

"I just don't know what my current spiritual energy sensitivity is?"

The levels of spiritual roots are divided according to the sensitivity of spiritual energy.

The spiritual root levels of immortal cultivators are divided into:

Ordinary spiritual roots, low-grade spiritual roots, middle-grade spiritual roots, high-grade spiritual roots, earth spiritual roots, and heavenly spiritual roots.

The sensitivity of spiritual energy is 1-9 points, which is the spiritual root.

11-19 points are low-grade spiritual roots.

Points 21-39 are middle-grade spiritual roots.

Points 40-59 are high-grade spiritual roots.

Points 60-79 are earth spiritual roots.

Points above 80 are Tianlinggen.

Normal immortal cultivators have all five elements, so they all have the five elements spiritual roots of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. As for those thunder spirit roots, ice spirit roots, wind spirit roots, etc., they are all mutated from multiple attributes.

Of course, monks with mutated spiritual roots are relatively rare.

But the strange thing is that every cultivator with mutated spiritual roots has a spiritual root sensitivity above 60.

In addition, there are the natural spiritual bodies among monks, such as the fire spirit body, which is naturally compatible with fire attribute skills. Even with ordinary spiritual roots, its cultivation speed is comparable to that of earth spiritual root monks.

There are also thunder spirit bodies, three yang bodies, Xuanwu bodies, etc.

It's just that this kind of spirit body is too rare, even rarer than the Tianlinggen monk.

Every person born with a spiritual body is a powerful monk in the future.

Since there are innate spiritual bodies, there are also acquired spiritual bodies.

The types of acquired spiritual bodies are more complicated, some are better than natural spiritual bodies, and some are useless.

For example, the lightning-attracting body is naturally capable of attracting lightning strikes.

These were obtained by chance.

Zhou Xunai has dual spiritual roots of fire and wood, with a fire attribute sensitivity of 11, and his wood attribute sensitivity is 17, which is also on the upper side among low-grade spiritual roots.

As for the other three attributes of gold, water, and earth, their sensitivity is less than 1, so they are not included in the calculation.

Although there is no induction stone to measure the sensitivity of spiritual energy, based on the speed of refining spiritual energy, his current spiritual root should have entered the middle grade.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xun couldn't help but look at another spirit-gathering grass.

"If this spirit-gathering grass is refined, can it be directly promoted to the middle stage of Qi refining?"

At the age of 17, in the middle stage of Qi training, he can be considered a genius among the four major families.

Zhou Xun soon gave up this idea.

A few days ago, I was still at the second level of Qi training, but after a few days, I suddenly became a master in the middle stage of Qi training.

Even a fool knows that there must be great opportunity.

Zhou Xun naturally did not dare to take this risk.

"This spirit-gathering grass should be reserved for the later stage of breakthrough qi training. There are many elixirs on the market, so there is no need to use such an extremely rare treasure!"

Moreover, Zhou Xun has now broken through the third level of Qi training and met the criteria to register as an alchemy apprentice.

In addition, his spiritual root qualifications have also improved, so it seems that he has a high probability of being successfully selected.

After becoming an alchemy apprentice, it is even more common to come into contact with elixirs.

Zhou Xun then collected the spirit gathering grass.

Only then did he have the time to look at the condensed Spirit-Gathering Grass.

I saw that the originally green and jade-like spiritual plant had completely disappeared, leaving only a small pool of gray fly ash.

No one who looks at it would recognize the spirit-gathering grass that was once famous in the world of immortality.

"It really condenses all the essence!"

Zhou Xun sighed in admiration, then simply packed up and strode out of the quiet room.

Zhou Xun spent the following days practicing.

Time flies, a decade flies by.

The day has finally come for the registration and selection of alchemy apprentices.

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