Master Maple Moon sneered and immediately stopped pretending.

The original weak state faded away in an instant, and a master Maple Moon in his prime appeared.

Zhou Xun was not surprised by this.

He knew the strength of his attack very well.

A true elixir cultivator cannot be seriously injured like this.

The original performance was just a trick to delay time.

At this point the incarnation has arrived and there is no need to pretend anymore.

"Zhou has been thinking about it for a long time, but he still doesn't understand where he offended his senior. As a dignified true elixir master, he wants to deal with a qi-training monk!"

"Fortunately, Zhou was lucky and survived!"

"Next, let's see the real seal in your hand!"

As he spoke, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and he increased Mu Yaohu's spiritual power transmission.

The Mu Yao Gourd's light surged, its power became even stronger, and it hit the "Thick Earth Shield" heavily.

The power is at least twice as powerful as before.

Sensing the power of Mu Yao Gourd, Master Fengyue looked extremely ugly.

How could she not know at this time that she had been deceived by Zhou Xun.

Those disguises I had made before seemed so ridiculous now.

At the same time, she also understood that Zhou Xun was not as simple as she thought.


At this moment, Mu Yaohu had hit the "thick earth shield" and made a loud noise.

This sound was far better than before.

In an instant, the "Thick Earth Shield" whined, and the spiritual light flew back upside down, obviously suffering a lot of damage.

Master Maple Moon snorted, obviously traumatized.

Fortunately, this "thick earth shield" is her natal magic weapon.

Otherwise, she would have been seriously injured by the blow just now.

At this point in the situation, Master Fengyue understood that he had no chance of defeating Zhou Xun.

So the mind came to let go.

The method in his hand changed.

Not long after, Master Fengyue's momentum suddenly surged and did not stop until he reached the peak of the early stage of pill formation.

Apparently some kind of secret technique was used to temporarily improve one's cultivation level.

It seemed like she was going to try her best too.

At the same time, he waved his hand and scattered three talismans.

They are all at the third-level low-grade level.

The three talismans turned into a knife, a sword, and a long sword, and with strong power, they struck at Mu Yaohu and Zhou Xun's body and incarnation.

At the same time, a bright blue talisman was attached to his body.

Under the surge of mana, Master Fengxue instantly turned into a red light and fled into the distance.

But soon, he stopped with an ugly expression.

It turned out that it was Zhou Xun's incarnation blocking her way.

Twelve thunder seeds turned into a giant net of 100 feet, stopping Master Fengyue.

"Lei Xiu!"

Master Maple Moon’s expression changed drastically.

This method reminded him of a person, Feng Wuji, the folding fan master of Tianyu Sect.

The genius who once seriously injured the fake elixir monk of Yunguang Sect.

Could it be that Zhou Xun's external incarnation was made from him.

But why the skills and secret techniques are retained? This is completely different from the techniques of external incarnation that she knows.

If she knew the name of Zhou Xun's secret technique, she would probably understand.

The ability to transform three pure things with one breath is a top-notch magical power that has been spread throughout ancient times. How can it be compared to the mere external incarnation of a Xibei?

The incarnation's obstruction gave Master Maple Moon no chance to escape.

If there was only one Avatar, it would not be difficult to defeat him with her early True Pill cultivation, but now, there was Zhou Xun behind her who was even more powerful than her.

But in a blink of an eye, Zhou Xun had caught up.

Blocking his way.

At the same time, when Master Maple Moon fled, the rope magic weapon, which lost its magic support, was instantly countered by the five blood devils.

Then it was sealed and banned by Zhou Xun and put into the storage bag.

The five blood devils, who were no longer restrained by the rope magic weapon, followed Zhou Xun and surrounded him.

On the other side, Zhou Xun's quasi-third-level puppet also took the opportunity to destroy the giant hammer turned into a talisman.

At this time, they also gathered around.

Front, back, left, right, and all sides were blocked, and there was no possibility of Maple Moon escaping.

But this was not over yet, Zhou Xun waved his hand, and four puppet beasts at the peak level of foundation building appeared on the field, lined up in a row.

Then under Zhou Xun's control, a white light flashed from his mouth.

Four fist-sized white beams of light flew out and hit Master Maple Moon.

Master Maple Moon’s face was ashen.

She stretched out her hands, mana surged from her fingertips, and a red translucent light envelope instantly enveloped her.



Four voices sounded in succession, and the four light shields of the puppet beast hit the protective light shield of Maple Moon, causing ripples.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun's expression did not change.

He didn't expect the four foundation-building peak puppets to take down Maple Moon.

All he wanted was to consume Master Maple Moon's mana.

After all, the puppet's attacks all rely on spirit stones as their source.

And there are so many spiritual stones in his storage bag that they have already piled up into a hill.

Not afraid of consumption at all,

With a thought, the four puppets continued to attack.

The quasi-third-level puppet also joined the attack.

Tens of breaths later, Zhou Xun waved his hand, and four medium-grade spiritual stones flew out and landed on the foundation-building puppet beast.

The beam of light that had paused attacked again.

The quasi-third-level puppets use high-grade spiritual stones, but they cannot last more than one stick of incense before they have to be replaced.

In a short period of time, Zhou Xun had already consumed several high-grade spiritual stones.

However, it's all worth it.

"Perhaps, I can focus on developing the puppet technique. As long as there are enough spiritual stones, I don't have to worry about the problem of mana consumption."

Zhou Xun looked at the master Maple Moon standing in the middle, and couldn't help but have a higher evaluation of the puppetry technique.

At this time, Master Maple Moon, who was in the middle of the attack, had a solemn face.

After rushing left and right, he still couldn't break out of Zhou Xun's siege.

She didn't expect that she would be trapped in Zhou Xun's hands.

You know, she is the only three true elixir monks in Yunguang Sect, and she has three magic weapons in her hands.

It is definitely not a weak existence,

During the battle at Bujin Ape Valley, Wu Zongdao of Dilinggen was no match for her.

Time passed bit by bit, and Maple Moon's mana continued to be consumed.

Zhou Xun, on the other hand, is looking forward to it.

He even took the Qi Restoration Pill and started to adjust his breath, and his magic power was slowly recovering.

As time goes by, Zhou Xun's advantages are getting bigger and bigger, while Maple Moon's disadvantages are getting bigger and bigger.

Master Maple Moon became more and more anxious, and even felt a hint of despair.

"Am I going to perish here!"


"I am a true elixir monk!"

She still has more than three hundred years to live, how could she die here, at the hands of ants that she didn't even care about back then?

At this time, her face finally showed a panic look.

The original coldness and arrogance are no longer seen.


Another defensive mask was broken!

This is the last defensive talisman on her body.

The mana in her body was gradually drying up, and the backlash from her previous use of the secret technique to improve her cultivation slowly began to come.

A feeling of weakness came!

"Zhou Zhouxun, I promise not to stop you and Xueying anymore, how about you let me go?"

Finally, Maple Moon's arrogance was defeated by the fear of death.

He couldn't help but seek mercy from Zhou.

"If I had known today, why would I do it in the first place!" Zhou Xun said lightly.

Hearing this, Master Fengyue was very anxious and said hurriedly:

"No, I am the True Pill of Yunguang Sect. You can't treat me like this. Why don't you think about yourself and Lake Wangchuan!"

I felt that the mana in my Dantian was exhausted, and I felt dizzy.

At the same time, the last defense on her body, her mana mask, had no mana support.

I was disillusioned for a few times, and then dissipated!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Xun fired a Wooden Thorn Technique without hesitation.


Master Maple Moon's body was trembling, and her eyes were horrified as she watched the green light stabbing towards her.


The wooden thorn penetrated Maple Moon's heart without any obstruction.

His vision went dark, his consciousness sank into darkness, and he no longer had any chance of living.

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