Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 305 The storage bag of the true elixir monk!

In a short time, Master Yun'an arrived at the Soul-Suppressing Hall.

Looking at the broken soul lamp on the highest shelf in the palace.

Master Yun'an seemed to have been hit hard.

"This is the fall of Master Maple Moon!"

Master Fengyue is the youngest among the three true elixirs of Yunguang Sect, and is only over 170 years old.

Calculated based on the five hundred years lifespan of a Danjie monk, at least he could live for more than three hundred years.

If you add Shou Yuan Dan, you can suppress the sect for at least four hundred years.

Such a character has actually fallen.

Master Yun Yi's lifespan is less than forty years.

If another true elixir cannot be cultivated in these forty years, then the Yunguang Sect will only have one true elixir, Jin Hongzhenren, in charge.

Combined with the current situation of Tianyumen's invasion.

It can be said that this will shake the future foundation of Yunguang Sect, and even threaten to overturn it.

Thinking of this, Master Yun'an knew that this matter was no longer something he could handle.

Immediately, he took out a message jade slip and started sketching it.

After a while, a middle-aged man wearing Yunguangzong clothing was called, and after whispering instructions, he handed the jade slip to him.

The man took the jade slip, left the Yunguang Mountains, and rushed towards the front line of Golden Ape Valley.

On the other side, Zhou Xun rushed back to Wangchuan Lake after leaving Xunkong Mountain.

Return to the island in the middle of the lake.

Zhou Xun began to count the trophies of Master Maple Moon.

The first is the three magic weapons.

One attack, one defense, one control.

Among them, the Fire Cloud Tower is the natal magic weapon of Master Fengyue. Although the materials used are extraordinary, it did not take long for Master Fengyue to achieve the true elixir.

The longer the natal magic weapon is stored, the more powerful it will be.

Therefore, although those veteran alchemy monks have mediocre cultivation, their natal magic weapons are often extremely powerful.

Master Fengyue's Fire Cloud Tower was just an ordinary thing, and it was a fire attribute treasure. Zhou Xun took one look at it and put it aside.

"It wouldn't be bad if I exchange it in the future!"

Another one is a thick earth shield.

The earth-attribute defensive magic weapon is extremely powerful and can withstand the full impact of Zhou Xunmu Yaohu.

It's a pity that the damage was quite serious, and it needs a long period of warming to restore its power.

The defensive magic weapons in Zhou Xun's hands also include the Xuanqing Shield and the White Turtle Shield.

Among them, the Xuanqing Shield has the same attributes as his practice skills, both of which are wood attributes, making it easy to use.

With the addition of the White Turtle Shield, there was no need for him to refine one again.

However, after you incarnate and break through the pill formation, it would be good to use it for self-defense.

The last piece is the fiery red rope.

Pat the storage bag and take it out.

Before it is stimulated, it is only about ten feet long and coiled into a roll in the hand.

The whole body is red in color, and the tail end is engraved with three ancient inscriptions "Red Flame Cord".

Holding it in my hand, I felt a faint feeling of warmth, which was quite nice.

This is also the magic weapon that Zhou Xun is most interested in.

Since killing many fake elixirs in Tianyu Sect, he has many magic weapons in his hand, which are ready for attack, defense and concealment.

Only there is no magic weapon to control the enemy.

Now that he has obtained the "Red Flame Cord", it has made up for his shortcomings.

When facing the enemy in the future, he will have an extremely intimidating method.

Because this kind of magic weapon that controls people often appears and disappears, and has the ability to control people invisibly.

Even if one's cultivation level is a small level higher, if one is careless, it is easy to fall into the trap of such a treasure and become a prisoner.

If Zhou Xun hadn't relied on the Blood Demon to block this treasure that day, he might have been killed by Master Fengyue.

Unfortunately, the materials used to make this kind of treasure are too rare.

Therefore, the value of this treasure is extremely high.

When trading, it is often taken to a higher level.

For example, a third-level low-grade control-type treasure is worth more than some third-level mid-grade attack-type magic weapons.

Zhou Xun did not expect that he would get this treasure in the hands of Master Fengyue.

"It really takes no effort at all!"

Zhou Xun smiled slightly, put it back into his storage bag, and when he was ready, he took action to refine it.

After studying these three magic weapons, Zhou Xun then looked at the storage bag.

This was left behind by the True Pill monks of Yunguang Sect.

When he was on a rescue mission to Huai'an, he had seen how much Master Baiyun had left behind.

Even if he only took half of it, it would still be an unimaginable wealth for Zhou Xun.

Zhou Xun was able to grow up so smoothly with the help of Master Baiyun's treasure back then.

Otherwise, his spiritual roots may still be at the upper level.

As for Master Fengyue, he was the true elixir of Yunguang Sect, so Zhou Xun could not help but be filled with expectations.

When he opened it, Zhou Xun was astonished to see how rich Maple Moon was. Although the quantity was not large, they were all high-quality products.

There are more than 400,000 pieces of light spiritual stones, including eleven high-grade spiritual stones.

You know, Zhou Xun killed so many fake alchemy monks, and including all the heavenly materials and earthly treasures he took, he only had more than 800,000 spiritual stones.

Now, with the addition of these in the hands of Master Maple Moon, the number has finally exceeded one million.

This quantity is probably only available to veteran true elixirs like Jin Hongzhenren.

The four bottles of third-level elixirs are all elixirs that assist monks in the early stages of elixir formation to practice.

Extremely valuable.

Each bottle is worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

There are more than ten third-level spiritual minerals, all of which are excellent materials for refining magic weapons. They are sold, and each piece is worth at least more than 50,000 spiritual stones.

There are not many elixirs, only six, but all of them are excellent.

Among them, there are four plants of the third-order low-grade and two plants of the third-order medium-grade.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun's eyes lit up.

These two third-level mid-grade plants can be cultivated to the third-order top grade. At that time, the essence can be extracted and the spiritual root sensitivity can be increased by two points.

You know, Zhou Xun has now reached the earth spirit root level.

Every improvement you make before forming a pill will bring huge rewards when you form a pill in the future.

Since incarnating into the memory of his original body, Zhou Xun learned that he has 79 points of sensitivity from the Thunder Spirit Root, which is the ultimate level of the Earth Spirit Root.

And with such talent, it is so difficult to condense the golden elixir.

This also made Zhou Xun understand that achieving the Golden Elixir was not as easy as he imagined.

As for the talismans, Zhou Xun didn't see any.

But this is understandable. She had used up all the talismans when Zhou Xun besieged Master Fengyue that day.

Otherwise, Zhou Xun would not have been attacking for so long.

In addition to these, there are several jade slips.

Zhou Xun picked it up and checked it.

"Red Flame True Technique" is a top-level fire-attribute skill that can be practiced until the late Nascent Soul stage.

"Essences of Pill Formation" is actually the experience of Master Fengyue collected when he attacked the pill form, including others' and his own.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun was overjoyed.

As a casual cultivator, I am most lacking in this aspect.

Now that he has obtained the "Essence of Pill Formation", it can be said to be a great supplement. For Zhou Xun, this is a greater gain than the three magic weapons.

"Travel Notes of Tian Xuanzi" is a remarkable person from ancient times. Tian Xuanzi's travels and experiences recorded many secrets.

"The Body of Water and Moon", this is actually an introduction to the top water-attributed spirit body in the world of immortality - the Body of Water and Moon.

It describes in detail how to identify the body of water and moon, how to activate this body, and how to practice after activation.

It has everything, it can be called a complete collection of water and moon body cultivation.

Seeing the signs of frequent play on this jade slip, Zhou Xun smiled in his heart.

"Could it be that Master Maple Moon actually has the body of water and moon?"

Then I often studied this jade slip, so much so that I almost had to take out the paste.

Soon, Zhou Xun overturned this idea.

Master Maple Moon practices fire-attribute skills, so how could he have a water-moon body?

Fire and water are incompatible!

At this moment, Zhou Xun's heart moved.

He thought of Lin Xueying!

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