Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 306 Lin Xueying, the body of water and moon?

Could it be that Lin Xueying is the body of water and moon!

Zhou Xun made a bold guess.

If this is the case, it can be said that Master Maple Moon was so hostile to him from the beginning.

With Master Fengyue's remaining lifespan, if he can seize Lin Xueying, he will gain the talent of the water-moon body.

Coupled with the cultivation resources accumulated as a true elixir monk, he will soon be able to return to the elixir-forming stage.

Maybe it can even be formed into a golden elixir, and there will be a glimpse into the possibility of the Nascent Soul stage in the future.

And Lin Xueying's body was regarded as something in his pocket. Zhou Xun, the person with whom she was actually married, Master Fengyue naturally wanted to kill him and then kill him.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xun's heart moved.

"Doesn't that mean that Xueying actually has the potential to break through the Nascent Soul!"

After all, this is not inferior to Tianlinggen's qualifications, and even exceeds them in some aspects.

"Forget it, this book The Body of Water and Moon will just be given to Xueying in the future!"

Zhou Xun thought and put all these classics into his storage bag.

At this point, Zhou Xun has finished counting all the trophies on Master Fengyue.

Not counting the three magic weapons, the total value has exceeded one million spiritual stones.

He is worthy of being a true alchemy monk.

In less than a hundred years, there has been such an accumulation.

I don’t know how rich the real elixir of a veteran like Master Yun Yi, who has been in charge of the Yun Guang Sect for hundreds of years, is.

Shaking his head to dispel this unrealistic thought, Zhou Xun set his sights on the body of Master Maple Moon.

The previous blood devils were all refined with the bodies of fake alchemy monks.

This true elixir was refined by the physical body of a monk, and it must be more powerful than before.

According to Zhou Xun's previous experience, the blood demon child refined by Master Maple Moon's body is roughly equivalent to half a true elixir cultivator. It is no problem to use it to entangle a true elixir cultivator in a short period of time.

Zhou Xun laid the real body of Fengyue in front of him, and then used his strength to force out three drops of blood according to the magic formula in the Blood Demon Sutra.

Hit the real body of Maple Moon.

The blood demons refined by the true elixir cultivators are more powerful, so they consume three times the blood essence and blood.

Under Zhou Xun's control, the essence and blood turned into three unique blood talismans, which landed on the center of Fengyue's eyebrows.

Then it slowly melted in, and immediately a faint blood light spread out from Maple Moon's body.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible force of ghosts came from the body of Fengyue Master and attacked Zhou Xun.

This is the remaining power of the soul in the body of Maple Moon Master.

This power of the soul made Zhou Xun's expression change. It was indeed left by the True Pill cultivator, but it was different.

Fortunately, Zhou Xun was well prepared. He waved the green ape flag in his hand,

A ray of green light flew out, landed on the ground, and transformed into a small green ape that was about a foot tall.

His face was full of excitement, and he immediately hammered his nose hard several times, and a gray light instantly enveloped the remaining soul of Master Maple Moon.

A faint and graceful figure appeared in the gray light, struggling.

Then it was sucked into Qing Yuan's nose without any resistance.

Qing Yuan patted his belly, showing a satisfied look.

At this time, the Qing Yuan's fur became brighter and shinier, glowing faintly with a faint golden light. He had grown a lot more than before.

The remnant soul of the dignified Zhendan monk is still unable to resist.

Regarding this green ape, Zhou searched all over the ancient books but could not find even a few words about it.

"It seems that its origin is deeper than I thought!"

Zhou Xun smiled lightly and quickly put the green ape back into the small banner.

After solving the residual soul, the next process is very simple and smooth.

One day later, a vague connection came from the corpse. At this time, half of the refining was completed. Next, only the raising of the corpse was completed. A blood devil equivalent to half a true elixir monk was successfully sacrificed. .

Arriving at the four-yin land three thousand miles west of Wangchuan Lake.

After opening the restriction, a feeling of coldness came, and Zhou Xun unconsciously activated a cyan shield on his body to block out the Yin Qi.

"It seems that after these years of accumulation, the Yin Qi here has been completely restored!"

Zhou Xun had previously raised five Blood Demon Sons here, and at the same time he had sacrificed the Blood Demon Bag, almost consuming all the Yin Qi here.

After successfully burying the Blood Demon Son, Zhou Xun left.

Because this blood devil has a higher level of cultivation, the time required to cultivate it will naturally be longer.

According to Zhou Xun's estimation, it will take about six years to fully refine.

"In six years, you can get a Blood Demon Child that is close to the true elixir level, which is quite a deal!"

Golden Ape Valley front line,

The meeting hall.

Master Yun Yi looked at the letter in his hand with a gloomy face.

This is what Master Yun'an sent, and it contains the news about Master Fengyue's soul lamp being broken.

The soul lamp contains a trace of the soul of the original owner. Once the soul lamp is broken, it means the death of the original owner.

There can be no mistake in this matter.

That day, Master Fengyue personally asked for orders to go to Wangchuan Lake to trap and kill Zhou Xun.

Now, news came that Zhenren Fengyue had been killed in battle, and he immediately targeted Zhou Xun as the murderer.

Unexpectedly, if I didn't check for a while, another real Baiyun appeared in Xu country.

At this time, Master Jin Hong, another true elixir from the Yunguang Sect, walked in. Seeing Master Yun Yi’s gloomy face, he asked:

"What's wrong, senior brother?"

Master Yun Yi did not speak, but handed the letter in his hand to Master Jin Hong.

Master Jin Hong took it, immersed his consciousness in it and began to examine it.

It didn't take long for his face to change drastically, and then he looked at Master Yun Yi in shock.

"Senior brother, this. This."

How he didn't know the seriousness of the matter.

Their Yunguang Sect now only has two true elixir monks.

The most troublesome thing is that Master Yun Yi still has less than fifty years to live, and the probability of cultivating a second true elixir within this period of time is extremely small.

It is foreseeable that after Master Yun Yi passes away, the Yunguang Sect will be left with the only true elixir of Master Jin Hong.

Since Zhou Xun could kill one true elixir, why couldn't he kill the second one.

Thinking of this, Master Jin Hong couldn't help but feel extremely regretful.

If I had known earlier, if I had persisted, Zhou Xun might have been a member of the Yunguang Sect.

And Master Maple Moon will not perish.

What a sight it would be for the Yunguang Sect to possess the power of the four true elixirs!


Master Yun Yi sighed, his face full of loneliness and regret, and he seemed to have aged hundreds of years.

"My brother made a wrong decision!"

Master Yun Yi did not shy away from his mistakes at all.

But soon, he returned to normal.

He had experienced the darkest moments of the Yunguang Sect back then, and this little setback could not affect him.

"The matter has come to this, and I can only take action myself!"

Master Yun Yi said with a fierce look in his eyes.

Back then, he was able to lead the Yunguang Sect through the danger of extinction, and he can do the same now.

He is the number one monk in the Xu Kingdom, a person at the peak of the middle stage of pill formation.

"Senior brother, then. Here is the Golden Ape Valley."

Jin Hongzhen said with some hesitation.

If Master Yun Yi leaves, he and Xuan Qingzi from Feng Kingdom will be the only ones on the entire defense line.

Once the Tianyu Sect attacks, the two of them may not be able to stop it.

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