Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle.

In a flash, another year has passed.

Today, Zhou Xun is more than half his seventy-four years old.

At this time, the liquid mana in his Dantian has reached one hundred and seventy-three drops. It is expected that in a few years, he will reach the peak of foundation building.

Training room at the bottom of the lake!

Zhou Xun sat cross-legged. Today he was going to try to break through to the level 3 alchemy master!

A year ago, after the Incarnation Sacrifice finished refining the thunder seeds, the alchemy practice that had been stagnant for half a year was resumed.

What is surprising is that after half a year of rest, Zhou Xun's alchemy skills have not become unfamiliar.

The speed of skill improvement is actually faster than before.

Zhou Xun guessed that it was because he had practiced too frequently before, which made him feel a little impatient, and thus he fell into the inferior position.

After being stagnant for half a year, I adjusted my mentality to a peaceful state.

In this way, it has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

So in just one year, Zhou Xun quickly improved his alchemy skills to the second level peak.

While this feeling was still there, Zhou Xun decided to directly attack the quasi-third level!

He patted his hand in the storage bag, took out a quasi-third-level soothing incense, and lit it in front of him.

Not long after, a faint scent of sandalwood lingered on the tip of his nose. Zhou Xun's mind instantly fell into concentration and became stable, and his six senses became smarter.

This is the effect of the quasi-third-level soothing incense, which can temporarily enhance the monk's six senses and resist distracting thoughts.

It is an excellent aid for monks.

Zhou Xun didn't have many in his hands at this time.

After a long time, Zhou Xun opened his eyes. His eyes were like a calm lake, without any ripples.

The energy and spirit are also adjusted to the best state.

without hesitation,

He slapped his hand on the storage bag, and several rays of light flew out and landed on the ground:

An alchemy furnace with a simple shape and green-gold color is exactly the magic weapon-level alchemy furnace used by Master Baiyun.

A stack of top-grade Dragon Spirit Charcoal, made from the third-grade low-grade Dragon Subduing Wood, is extremely valuable. A foot-long piece can be sold for as much as a thousand spirit stones.

This was also obtained from the storage bag during the trip to Huai'an. It must have been left behind by Master Baiyun.

There are more than twenty plants of various elixirs, and the one in the middle is particularly eye-catching. It is a quasi-third-level Ganoderma lucidum!

These are the materials for refining the elixir this time.

And what he wants to refine is the most common quasi-third-level Qi Restoration Pill!

He has refined the Qi Restoration Pill countless times from the low-grade first grade to the high-grade second grade. He is extremely skilled and knows every process by heart.

As for this quasi-third-level Qi Restoration Pill, although it was his first time to try it.

However, it is of the same origin as the low-level Qi Restoration Pill, but there are some differences in the refining techniques and main materials.

Therefore, for Zhou Xun today, the difficulty of refining this elixir is relatively low, and it is suitable for breakthrough.

Take out a piece of top-grade Dragon Spirit charcoal and place it under the alchemy furnace.

Immediately, a spell was fired, and the Longling charcoal was instantly ignited, and a bright yellow flame ignited, covering most of the alchemy furnace.

At this time, Zhou Xun was not in a hurry to refine the elixir. This step was to warm the furnace.

Sensing the state of the alchemy furnace, after a while, Zhou Xun thought, and the flame instantly became much smaller.

So with the movement of his hand, the lid of the furnace opened automatically. At the same time, the more than twenty elixir plants in front of him all rose into the air, one after another, trying not to fall into the furnace.

This is also the power of the magic pill furnace, which can refine many different elixirs at the same time.

Unlike before, it was necessary to take out multiple pill furnaces and refine them separately.

Of course, this is also inseparable from Zhou Xun's spiritual consciousness that is beyond ordinary true elixir monks.

A few years ago, he broke through the ninth level of foundation building, and his consciousness once again increased by 500 feet!

It reached a height of 3,500 feet!

Therefore, he seemed to be able to control this magical elixir furnace with ease.

He was already very familiar with the refining method of the Qi Recovery Pill, and he had simulated it countless times in his mind before refining it.

So soon, all the elixirs were processed and successfully turned into liquid medicine.

Next comes the integration.

This step is extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, the liquid medicine is damaged, and all the materials are destroyed in one go, which is a loss of thousands of spiritual stones!

Zhou Xun formed seals with his hands and hit the magic formula on the alchemy furnace.

This is a newly learned technique that can increase the stability of the liquid medicine when it is fused.

Sure enough, under the influence of the magic formula, more than a dozen different medicinal liquids merged together without any ripples.

A faint medicinal fragrance began to emit.

Seeing the changes in Zhou Xunfa's formula,

A strange force split the liquid into three parts, and then under the influence of the spiritual fire, it slowly solidified into the prototype of the elixir.

I do not know how long it has been.

An astonishing medicinal fragrance emanated from the alchemy furnace and filled the entire practice room.

The aroma of the medicine invaded the nasal cavity, making Zhou Xun feel shocked.

Because all the mana consumed in refining the elixir seemed to have been restored.

It is indeed a quasi-third-level Qi-restoring pill.

At this point, there is basically no problem with refining.

However, Zhou Xun did not relax at all, and fired the last pill-condensing technique.

The elixir was successfully formed.

Zhou Xun smiled slightly!

"Refining successful!"

With a wave of his sleeve, the stove lid opened automatically, and then three white pills flew out and landed in Zhou Xun's hand.

Arrange in font style.



Two soft sounds,

A thin crack opened in the middle of one pill, and the color dimmed a bit instantly.

The other one even split into two halves!

Seeing this, Zhou Xun sighed,

"Two Chengdans, one good and one bad!"

"However, it can be considered a success in refining!"

According to the rules of alchemists, as long as one genuine elixir is produced, it can be considered as a successful advancement.

This Bai Yingying's quasi-third-level Qi Restoration Pill witnessed the birth of a quasi-third-level alchemist!

Zhou Xun put away the elixir without stopping.

Take out another batch of Qi Restoring Pill materials and continue refining.

He will use this feeling to practice many times until he masters it and can stably produce three genuine elixirs in each furnace.

In this way, for half a month, Zhou Xun kept refining elixirs until he was interrupted by a piece of news.

[Master personally informed me that the disciples will hold a clan founding ceremony on the 13th of this month at Jimin Mountain. Master, if you have time, please take the time to come! Disciples Zhou Jinsong and Shi Wanrong pay their respects! 】

"Clan Founding Ceremony!"

Zhou Xun muttered these four words with approval on his face.

It seems that Zhou Jinsong has thought clearly and decided to inherit his father Zhou Jimin's last wish and create a family of immortal cultivators.

Regarding this matter, Zhou Xun was naturally happy to see it come to fruition.

With the qualifications and determination of Zhou Jinsong and his wife, even with their own support, it is not that easy to take further steps in cultivation.

It would also be a good choice if they turned their energy to creating a clan of immortal cultivators.

Maybe, because of today's actions, a behemoth will be created in the future, and as the founders, their names will naturally be passed down to the world.

After all, among the classics Zhou Xun had read, there was such a thing as the Nascent Soul Clan.

Occupying the land of several countries, it has been passed down for thousands of years!

"If Zhou Jimin were still alive, he would probably be proud too!"

Zhou Xun couldn't help but think of the wise old man who knelt down and begged him to save his life when he was in Qingyuefang.

It can be said that Zhou Jinsong's current situation is inevitably related to his plan back then.

"The thirteenth of this month!"

Looking at this day, Zhou Xun smiled and realized it!

"Isn't it today? Well, let's go and have a look!"

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