The training room at the bottom of the lake.

Zhou Xun sat cross-legged, with half a stick of quasi-third-level soothing incense burning in front of him.

This is the one he used to advance to the quasi-third-level alchemist last time, and now there is still half of it left.

If it weren't for this critical moment of technological breakthrough, he wouldn't be willing to use it.

With a slight flick of his finger, a force of energy brushed the incense head and ignited it.

A scent of sandalwood rose slowly, lingering on the tip of Zhou Xun's nose.

As the faint smell of sandalwood enters the nose, a sense of peace rises and goes straight to the back of the head.

In an instant, the originally chaotic thoughts disappeared, and the whole person became peaceful.

In this state, Zhou Xun's six senses were raised to the most sensitive state.

At the same time, Zhou Yuan's energy and energy quickly climbed to the peak.

The whole person is like a forest after rain, clear and bright.

"it's time!"

Slowly opening his eyes, there were no waves in his eyes, like a calm lake.

He patted the storage bag on his waist, and several rays of light flew out and landed on the desk in front of him.

A small stack of third-level talisman paper.

They are all made from the skin of the third-order monster beast. The faint spiritual pressure emitted at this time makes it clear at a glance that it is of great value.

A ball of third-level spiritual ink is made from the blood of a third-level demon.

At this time, you can still feel the faint coercion that belongs to the great demon, which shows that its original owner is extraordinary.

A talisman pen of the highest level of magic weapon.

Compared with talisman paper and spiritual ink, it may be inferior, but if it is used to refine quasi-third-level talismans, it is barely enough.

Besides, he couldn't find a third-level weapon refiner for the time being who could refine a third-level talisman pen.

I recall every refining process of the "Thousand Vine Talisman" in my mind.

Zhou Xun's natal skill is the true spirit wood technique, which has a certain bonus when refining wood attribute talismans.

It is enough to offset the shortcomings caused by the talisman pen.

Coupled with his spiritual consciousness and magic power that is beyond ordinary true elixir monks,

Zhou Xun has a lot of confidence in this refining.

Zhou Xun knew every detail and trick of refining the "Thousand Vine Talisman" by heart, and Zhou Xun started refining it immediately without any hesitation.

He gently twisted up a piece of talisman paper and spread it on the table.

Then he picked up the talisman pen with his right hand and dipped it lightly in the spiritual ink.

The light golden spiritual ink stained the tip of the pen, emitting a faint spiritual pressure.

Without any hesitation, he started writing on the talisman paper.

At the same time, mana surged from his fingertips.

The mana in the Dantian is mobilized with the mind, along the meridians of the arm to the fingertips, through the talisman pen, and then integrated into the spiritual ink.

Concentrate your concentration and write as fast as you can.

The spiritual ink danced along the tip of the pen, drawing strange lines on the talisman paper.

Done in one go!

After Zhou Xun finished the last stroke, like the finishing touch of a dragon, the spiritual circuits on the entire talisman paper were instantly connected, and with a faint green light flowing, a faint spiritual pressure came at the same time.

The drawing of the quasi-third-level "Thousand Vine Talisman" is completed.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Xun formed seals with his hands, and streams of spiritual light continued to hit the newly drawn talisman.

As the last spiritual light fell, the talisman instantly fell silent.

No longer the aura it had before.

Just like ordinary paper, without any ripples.

Waiting for the moment of inspiration to bloom!

At this point, the refinement of the quasi-third-level talisman "Thousand Vine Talisman" is completed.

Looking at the ordinary talisman in his hand, Zhou Xun smiled easily.

"Finally a success!"

From this moment on, it marked that Zhou Xun's talisman-making skills had reached a quasi-third level.

In the following time, Zhou Xun continued to refine the "Thousand Vine Talisman".

Until the refining method of this talisman is completely mastered.

Soon, half a month passed, and Zhou Xun had stabilized his skills at a quasi-third level.

The next step is to refine the treasure talisman.

As an important cornerstone of the talisman formation, Zhou Xun is very jealous.

After all, this is a way to quickly improve his strength.

It allows him to have the ability to deal with the monks in the later stage of the pill formation before he has formed the pill.

The refining of treasure talismans is somewhat different from ordinary talismans.

The first is the processing of the carrying materials. Only by following the processing methods in the inheritance can the treasure talisman paper be refined.

Patting his hand on the storage bag, a flash of light flashed and landed on the ground in front of him.

It was a huge animal skin.

The faint evil aura and the heart-stopping coercion that came from it all showed that the owner of this animal skin was extraordinary.

It is the animal skin of the third-level demon King Huyu.

More than half of this animal hide has been used up.

Most of them were refined into the blood demon bag on Zhou Xun's waist.

The remaining ones were refined into third-level talisman papers by him.

Being able to break through so smoothly this time is a quasi-third-level talisman master. These talismans played a big role.

He took out the magic sharp edge and injected it with magic power. The blade glowed slightly with golden light.

Immediately, he cut off the animal skin of the Huyu Demon King in front of him.

It went very smoothly, not as difficult as cutting this hide before.

The sharp blade is indeed the ultimate sharp weapon, and it is extremely useful for cutting animal hides.

Because the treasure talisman carries higher power, the strength of its talisman paper is much better than that of ordinary talismans.

Soon, Zhou Xun divided the animal skin into pieces and obtained the raw material of the animal skin that could be used to refine forty-four talismans.

Zhou Xun sat cross-legged.

With a wave of his finger, an animal skin flew up automatically and floated in front of Zhou Xun.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Xun began to perform the formula according to the formula recorded in the inheritance of the treasure talisman.

Mana surged from his fingertips, and immediately a spiritual light hit the animal skin material.

The animal skin ignited a dark blue flame.

What's strange is that as soon as this flame appeared, the temperature in the training room instantly dropped a few points.

This is a secret technique called "Leng Qingyan".

Its greatest use is to process materials, especially monster materials.

It can effectively expel the aura of monsters and even the remnant souls of blood on monster materials without damaging the spirituality of the leather.

If it is not cleaned thoroughly, it is very easy to cause unstable spiritual power when refining the treasure talisman, and ultimately the refining will fail.

After about an hour, the dark blue flames on the animal hide disappeared.

And the great demon aura on this animal skin completely disappeared, as if it was just an ordinary mortal beast skin.

The next step is to refine the talisman paper.

Zhou Xun's magic formula changed, and a bright yellow flame struck, sweeping across the animal skin in an instant.

Wrap it inside and keep calcining it.

After a few hours, the piece of animal skin turned into a ball.

Immediately, Zhou Xun changed the magic formula and hit it with a series of spiritual lights.

Visible to the naked eye, the mass of material began to expand, as if a pair of invisible hands were shaping it.

About half an hour later, a palm-sized piece of bright yellow talisman paper hung in the air, glowing slightly and full of spirituality.

Zhou Xun made a move with his hand, and the talisman paper floated over and landed in Zhou Xun's hand.

Looking down, Zhou Xun nodded with satisfaction.

"It's of high quality and can be used to refine treasure talismans!"

He immediately took out a wooden box, put the talisman paper in it, and stamped it with the sealing talisman.

After sitting for a while and adjusting his breath, Zhou Xun started refining the next piece of talisman paper.

Zhou Xun spent the next month refining the talisman paper.

From the last forty-four materials, a total of forty-one talisman papers were obtained, all packed in a box.

Store it carefully in the storage bag.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Xun started refining the spiritual ink again.

As a talisman with special effects, the spiritual ink used to draw the talisman is naturally different.

In addition to the most basic third-level demon spirit blood, a third-level low-grade elixir juice called Dragon Blood Vine and several kinds of spiritual minerals are also needed.

Fortunately, Zhou Xun happened to have the elixir of Dragon Blood Vine in his hands.

It was the trophy from when he killed the Tianyumen monk.

As for those kinds of spiritual minerals, he also has a collection in his hands, most of which were obtained from the storage bag during his trip to Huai'an.

Now it seems that receiving half of the inheritance from Master Baiyun has solved countless troubles for him.

The refining of the spiritual ink went very smoothly, and Zhou Xun obtained enough spiritual ink to refine 100 parts of the treasure talisman.

As the saying goes, everything is ready and all we need is the east wind.

Now, all the skills and materials are sufficient, all he needs to do is wait for him to take action.

It was better to choose the day than to hit it. Zhou Xun had no habit of procrastinating and immediately started refining the treasure talisman.

The training room at the bottom of the lake.

Zhou Xun sat cross-legged on the ground, with the remaining small piece of the third-order quasi-third-level soothing incense burning in front of him.

Concentrate carefully and adjust yourself to the best state.

After all, this was his first time refining, so Zhou Xun was extremely cautious.

With his energy and spirit at its peak, Zhou Xun opened his eyes and patted his waist with his hand.

Several rays of light fell on the table.

The wooden box containing the talisman paper contains forty-one talisman papers.

A ball of special spiritual ink that has just been refined not long ago. From the faint spiritual light it emits, you can know how extraordinary this thing is.

There is also a top-quality magic weapon Talisman pen that Zhou Xun has used for many years.

With a flick of his finger, a ray of spiritual light fell on the wooden box, and the spirit-sealing restriction on the box was automatically disconnected.

Then with the movement of his finger, the wooden box opened automatically, and a piece of spiritual talisman paper flew out from it and was spread flat in front of him.

Then he picked up the talisman pen, dipped it lightly in spiritual ink, and wrote on the talisman paper.

Zhou Xun, who has many experiences in refining quasi-third-level talismans, has a very steady hand without any fluctuations.

The pen moves like a dragon and a snake, and everything is done in one go.

The spiritual circuits are instantly connected!

However, the next moment, Zhou Xun's expression froze.

I saw the connected spiritual power circuit flickering, and at the same time, a faint spiritual pressure fluctuated.

And the fluctuations become larger and larger over time.


The talisman's spiritual power circuit was instantly broken, and the talisman paper spontaneously ignited.

"The first refining failed!"

However, Zhou Xun was not discouraged. After all, this was his first time refining, and failure was inevitable.

With a slight movement of his fingers, a piece of talisman paper flew out again and lay flat in front of him.

Zhou Xun took a deep breath, picked up the talisman pen again, and began to draw.

In one go, without any pause, Zhou Xun successfully drew all the spiritual circuits.

However, a strange scene happened again, and the talisman spontaneously ignited again.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun frowned.

He carefully recalled every detail of the refining, and there was no problem.

If the refining of ordinary quasi-third-level talismans has been successful at this time, why is the treasure talisman not successful?

With doubts, Zhou Xun took out a talisman again and started refining it.

But this time, Zhou Xun's incarnation also walked in, sat cross-legged in front of Zhou Xun, spread his consciousness, and carefully investigated which part of Zhou Xun had the problem.

The same process begins again.

Just when Zhou Xun started drawing, the avatar discovered a problem.

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