Behind the city gate is a street more than ten feet wide, which is the main road of Fengyuan City and has a huge flow of people.

Along the street, Zhou Xun walked slowly towards the north. Both sides were covered with various buildings, row upon row, with high eaves and teeth, majestic.

Zhou Xun looked over and said,

"Tianxing Pavilion!"

"Lingbao Tower!"

"Leng Yuexuan!"


All are familiar names.

There is no difference from when Zhou Xun came here decades ago.

After a little thought, you can understand the reason.

Fengyuan City is the largest fairy city in Feng Kingdom, and every inch of it can be said to be valuable.

And the shops on both sides of the main road with the largest flow of people are the core of it.

Without a certain net worth and background, it is absolutely impossible to rent a shop here.

For such characters, most of them have a stable status and their stores will naturally last a long time.

The purpose of Zhou Xun's trip was Baiyue Tower.

This building is one of the best comprehensive shops in the entire Fengyuan City, and the owner behind it is Wenyang Zhenren, a veteran fake elixir monk in Fengguo.

This person has many friends and is very popular in Feng Country.

Zhou Xun came here to ask him about the residence of the old man named Hu.

Although they had a transaction with the puppet master, due to unfamiliarity, the two of them did it in an inn.

Now that decades have passed, the only way to find him is through other middlemen.

After walking forward for about a stick of incense, Zhou Xun came to a majestic building that covered an area of ​​100 feet and was as high as five floors.

I saw only the eaves of the building, with carved beams and paintings, and a plaque hanging in the middle with the three characters "Baiyue Tower" written on it.

It was Zhou Xun's destination.

Then he walked in with his hands behind his back.

The first floor covers an area of ​​several hundred feet, and is filled with magical instruments, talismans, elixirs, etc. used by Qi-training monks.

At this time, there were dozens of monks carefully selecting, and there were several young men in green robes explaining.

Seeing Zhou Xun come in, a young man in green robe with a delicate face came up to him and bowed respectfully.

"Little Jin San, I have met this senior. I wonder what treasures you want to buy?"

"I don't want to buy anything. I am here to visit your host, Master Wenyang!"


Hearing this, the boy couldn't help but exclaimed,

This attracted the attention of other monks on the first floor.

Seeing this, the boy's face changed drastically and he stammered:

"Excuse me, senior!"

The master of their building, Wenyang Zhenren, is an alchemy monk. What kind of person should be able to visit him?

"It doesn't matter!" Zhou Xun waved his hand, naturally not arguing with a boy.

At this moment, a middle-aged man dressed as a shopkeeper seemed to notice something unusual here. He straightened his clothes and walked over quickly.

"I've seen this... Hey, you... you are Master Wangchuan!"

As soon as the middle-aged man approached, he raised his hands and saluted. Halfway through the gesture, he saw Zhou Xun's face clearly. His face immediately showed a look of surprise, and he froze in his gesture of saluting.

It took him a while to react, and he quickly bowed his arms to the ground.

"You recognize me?"

Zhou Xun said in surprise,

Although he had been here before, he had changed his clothes and looked like Li Feiyu.

And this face of his appeared for the first time in Fengyuan City. How could anyone recognize it?

Seeing Zhou Xun's kind face and gentle tone, the middle-aged shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly explained:

"So that real people may know,"

"You are the only high-grade true elixir cultivator in Fengxu Kingdom for thousands of years. We have admired you for a long time. Your face and portrait will naturally be remembered by the younger generation!"

Zhou Xun nodded after hearing this.

This statement is true.

As a famous new true elixir from neighboring countries, which big power would not collect his facial portrait.

After all, such high-level monks often like to travel around the world. If any of the disciples are short-sighted and collide with their seniors, wouldn't they be asking for death?

Ordinary forces are like this, let alone large shops like Baiyue Building where they are welcomed.

Seeing that Zhou Xun showed no sign of impatience, the shopkeeper hurriedly said:

"It's really an honor for me, Baiyue Tower, for the real person to come here. If the real person doesn't dislike it, why not go to the elegant room and sit there!"

"That's fine!"

Zhou Xun nodded.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper hurriedly winked at the boy beside him.

Then he led Zhou Xun upstairs.

Go up to the fourth floor and enter a simple elegant room.

"This is my treasure from Baiyue Tower, Qingfeng Tea!"

The middle-aged shopkeeper said as he took out a tea set and a box of exquisite tea leaves.

"Drinking it is like the breeze blowing on your face, it has a unique flavor!"

After a while, the spiritual tea was brewed.

"Real person, please!"

The middle-aged shopkeeper held the spiritual tea in front of Zhou Xun with both hands.

Zhou Xun took it and opened the lid of the cup. A faint fragrance came out, which made him feel refreshed.

Then he took a sip.

After entering the tea soup, a coolness rushed straight to the back of the head, making Zhou Xun feel calm.

"Not bad, good tea!" Zhou Xun praised slightly.

Seeing this, the middle-aged shopkeeper felt relieved.

After all, the person in front of him is a true elixir cultivator, a being at a higher level than their building owner.

"Please wait here, real person. I have informed the host that he will be here shortly!"

"No problem!" Zhou Xun waved his hand.

After about a cup of tea, a middle-aged man with a thin face and a green shirt walked in.

As soon as he saw Zhou Xun, the middle-aged man bowed slightly and gave Zhou Xun a gift as a junior:

"Wenyang has met Master Wangchuan!"

Although Zhenren Wenyang is also an elixir-forming monk, what he condenses is a fake elixir.

In the world of cultivating immortals, fake elixir monks have no room for improvement, and their magic power is only half of that of early-stage real elixir monks.

When the two meet, the fake alchemy monks often use the courtesy of a junior.

Zhou Xun raised his sleeves, and a force of lift resisted Wen Yang's bowing body.

At the same time, he bowed his hands and said:

"Fellow Taoist Wenyang, you don't have to be like this, you and I just need to be equal to our peers!"

Feeling this irresistible lifting force, Master Wenyang was horrified!

"Is this the top-grade true elixir? It actually gives me a vast and unstoppable feeling!"

His face immediately became more respectful, and he couldn't help but feel flattered by Zhou Xun's politeness.

"Don't dare, I'm too polite!"

Then, at Zhou Xun's greeting, he sat aside.

"It's really an honor for me, Wenyang, for you to come to my Baiyue Building. If you can be useful in any place, just give me your orders!"

As the saying goes, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do. Zhou Xun must have something important to do when he comes here.

Seeing Master Wenyang talking about it, Zhou Xun accepted it.

"Instructions are out of the question. I'm just here to inquire about a piece of news!"

"Master Wenyang, please tell me. Wenyang will tell you everything he knows!" Master Wenyang said.

"I am here to customize first- and third-level treasures. I wonder if Fellow Taoist Wenyang knows any third-level weapon refiners?" Zhou Xun directly stated his purpose.

The reason why I didn’t ask the old man named Hu directly?

It's because Zhou Xun is not sure whether the old man named Hu's weapon refining skills have really reached the third level.

Maybe Master Wenyang, who has a wide range of friends, knows other third-level weapon refiners.

After all, his goal is to be a weapon refiner. As for whether his surname is Hu, it doesn't matter.

"I actually know a third-level weapon refiner. His surname is Hu, and his name is 'Master Hu Puppet'" Master Wen Yang replied.

"But that fellow Taoist named Hu who has refined a quasi-third-level puppet that can rival the true elixir cultivators?"

Hearing this, Zhou Xun's heart moved and he asked immediately.

"It's this person." Master Wen Yang nodded.

"I wonder where this man's cave is?" Zhou Xun was delighted when he heard this and asked hurriedly.

"Fellow Daoist Hu and I are good friends. I can just take Master Wen Yang there directly. However," Master Wen Yang paused and continued:

"However, Fellow Daoist Hu is not in the city at this time, but is exploring Fengyuan with a few friends to find puppet materials!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xun frowned.

He naturally knows Fengyuan, its scope is huge, and he doesn’t know how many tens of millions of miles it is.

When one's cultivation reaches their level, it is extremely common to go out for several years at a time.

It would be unrealistic to ask him to wait here for several years.

After thinking for a while, he still asked:

"Do you know when Hu Kui will come back?"

"I really don't know the exact time, but Master Hu Puppet has been out for two years. According to his previous habits, he should be back within three months at the latest!"

Master Wenyang answered honestly.

"Three months, which is not long, so I'll just wait!"

When Master Wenyang heard this, his heart moved.

Wangchuan Zhenren is a top-grade true elixir, and he will most likely become a person in the later stage of elixir formation in the future. This person now appears in his shop and wants to stay in Fengyuan City.

Isn't this a good time to get closer to him?

"When the real person comes here for the first time, he may not have a place to stay. If you don't mind, I still have a small courtyard here!"

"It's extremely quiet behind my Baiyue Tower!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xun nodded:

"Then it's annoying!"

Soon, Zhou Xun settled in the backyard of Baiyue Building.

Early the next morning, the maid brought breakfast, which was stewed with second-grade and above-grade spiritual rice.

This level of spiritual rice is not common in their country.

So Zhou Xun ate a few more bowls.

After breakfast, Zhou Xun went out and planned to visit Fengyuan City. After all, it would take some time for Master Hu Puppet to come back.

What's more, walking at the bottom and experiencing all kinds of things in the world is also very helpful for experiencing the state of mind.

There used to be powerful monks who, in order to experience their state of mind, wandered around the market and refined their hearts in the world of mortals. In the end, their state of mind was perfect and they broke through to a higher realm.

Fengyuan City is a very tolerant fairy city.

There are top-notch shops on both sides of the main road that serve high-level monks, as well as places like the West Square that are suitable for lower-level monks to trade.

Zhou Xun's destination this time is here.

The last time he came here, Zhou Xun had no intention of hanging out because of time constraints.

The West Square is located to the west of Fengyuan City, only eight or nine miles away from Baiyue Tower where Zhou Xun is staying.

Zhou Xun walked away.

Along the way, monks wearing various costumes walked in a hurry, not like walking around, but like taking a leisurely stroll in a courtyard.

After stopping and stopping, it took about half an hour to reach the destination.

As soon as I entered the West Square, I was greeted by the smell of a stock market. There were countless stalls in front of my eyes, and the sounds of quarrels and quotations came one after another.

Zhou Xun smiled and looked over one by one.

"Fellow Taoist, take a look at my talismans. They are all freshly made and of high quality!"

At this moment, a somewhat familiar voice came into my ears.

Zhou Xun looked at the source of the sound,

I saw a woman in red, kneeling in front of the talisman stall, trying her best to attract customers.

"is her!"

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