Master Tianyang's expression changed upon hearing this and he stood up directly.

The sound of the drum came suddenly. Even though Zhou Xun was not from Fengyuan City, he guessed that something big had happened, so he quickly asked:

"What's wrong!"

"It is a common practice in Fengyuan City that if the drums are sounded for nine times, a powerful enemy will invade and the city is in danger of being overthrown. All the monks in the city will go to the city to fight against the enemy!"

Master Tianyang looked solemn, glanced at Zhou Xun, bowed his hands to the ground, and begged:

"The drums sounded nine times. The last time was three hundred years ago. When Fengyuan City was besieged by a tide of beasts, it was almost in danger of destroying the city."

"Brother Zhou, since you are a true elixir cultivator, please give me a helping hand in Fengyuan City. After we retreat from the enemy, the whole city will be grateful!"

After all, Zhou Xun is a foreign elixir builder and has no responsibility to defend them against foreign enemies. However, he is a true elixir cultivator.

If they can help, it will relieve a lot of pressure on Fengyuan City.

After Zhou Xun heard this, he nodded and said:

"Brother Dao, this is serious. In the country of the Fengxu brothers, since Zhou is here, he will naturally not stand idly by, but I will say some ugly things first,"

"It's not a problem for Zhou to take action. If something goes wrong and it's a life-and-death crisis, I can only choose to protect myself!"

Master Tianyang nodded without hesitation:

"Brother Zhou is able to take action. We in Fengyuan City are extremely grateful. There is no reason for you to risk your life."

"In that case, without further ado, let's go out and have a look!" Zhou Xun nodded.

Immediately, he and Master Tianyang walked out of the door of the training room.

They happened to meet Master Wen Yang who had come down, and immediately the three of them flew together towards the nearest city wall.

At the speed of the three of them, they quickly arrived near the city wall.

At this time, Fengyuan City has been completely closed, and the city defense formations have also been fully activated.

Looking at the light shield covering the entire Fengyuan City in front of him and sensing the spiritual pressure on it, Zhou Xun recognized it instantly.

"This is a third-level high-grade forbidden formation!"

The Forbidden Formation is more powerful than the ordinary third-level magic formation, and has the ability to move through the void.

At this time, the city wall was already filled with shadowy figures and monks.

Most of them are guarded by Fengyuan City. As for other monks, they need to wait for the official formation of Fengyuan City before they can organize to stop the enemy.

As soon as he arrived at the city wall, Zhou Xun saw clearly the situation outside the city:

Thousands of black shadows were seen surrounding Fengyuan City, overwhelming the sky and the earth, like the end of the world.

Seeing these dark shadows, Zhou Xun looked solemn.

This is somewhat similar to the strange creature in the strange black mist that he encountered outside Baiyun Fairy City.

"Could it be that there is such a place near here!"

Zhou Xun guessed.

At this moment, a surprising voice sounded:

"Fellow Taoist Tianyang, you are here too, that's great, and Master Wangchuan is here too!"

It was none other than the true elixir stationed in Fengyuan City, the ancestor of the Song family, Song Shiwen.

On weekdays, there is only one true elixir stationed in Fengyuan City.

At this critical moment, I didn’t expect that Zhou Xun and Master Tianyang were here. They were both True Alchemy cultivators.

Zhou Xun heard the words and looked over, following the voice.

I saw a fat old man wearing a Confucian robe, with a gentle temperament and slightly white hair, so he slightly raised his hand:

"Fellow Daoist Song, long time no see!"

Back then at Wangchuan Lake, the Song Patriarch came to apologize in person under pressure from Master Nanyue, so the two had a close relationship.

"We haven't seen him for decades. It's really gratifying that Master Zhou has advanced to the True Alchemy Realm!"

"Today our Fengyuan City was robbed, and Master Zhou came to our aid. Song will bear this in mind!"

As he spoke, he gave Zhou Xun a big gift, not feeling embarrassed at all about what happened back then.

"It's easy to say. Since I'm here, I naturally don't have the courtesy to watch. How about Fellow Daoist Song introduce the situation here!"

"It is better for Fellow Daoist Hu to introduce this matter. No one is more familiar with this matter than him!"

Speaking of this, Song Shiwen looked a little ugly.

I saw an old man wearing a red robe with a somewhat embarrassed face walking out and bowing his hands in greeting.

"I've met the real Wangchuan!"

"It turns out to be Master Hu Puppet. I have admired him for a long time. Please introduce me to him!" Zhou Xun returned the courtesy.

Back then, Zhou Xun had exchanged the quasi-third-level ape puppet from this person.

"Two years ago, I went to Fengyuan to hunt for treasures with Taoist fellow Taoist Yu Heng from the Song family and Taoist fellow Xuan Feizi from the Xuanyun Sect."

"When I was returning, I happened to encounter these ghosts heading towards our Fengyuan City,"

"In order to report the letter in advance, the three of us took turns driving the flying boat without daring to stop at all, and finally delivered the letter ahead of schedule!"

"This group of ghosts is extremely difficult to deal with, and many of them are ghosts like Shadow Sha, which are difficult to deal with. Fortunately, our "Purple Sky Tianluo Formation" in Fengyuan City has the power of thunder and lightning. It is this thing Nemesis!”

The red-robed monk slowly introduced the origin of the matter and the situation of these ghosts.

Of course, some of the facts are naturally hidden.

Fortunately, this incident was not his fault alone. Song Yuheng of the Song family and Xuan Feizi of the Xuanyun Sect were both involved.

There’s no need to worry about them settling the score later!

"I wonder what's so difficult about this Shadow Temple?" Zhou Xun continued to ask.

"The shadow brake has invisible special effects. Even if it is split open with a magic weapon, it can be re-condensed quickly, but the body will be slightly dissipated,"

"Unless you have thunder magic with you, you can only crush it to pieces again and again and grind it to death!"

The red-robed master explained.

At this moment, the besieging ghosts began to slowly attack Fengyuan City.

"They're coming!" someone shouted!

I saw ghosts starting to crash into the mountain guarding formation!



A violent crash was heard.

Countless ghosts spread out and stuck to the city protective mask, forming a huge black screen that blocked the sky and the sun!

They bit, clawed hard, and kept attacking the light shield.

The spiritual power of the mask was consumed rapidly, and soon it became much darker.

Seeing this, Song Shiwen took out a command flag with a solemn expression and waved it down gently.

The entire formation lit up, and then a huge purple light shot into the sky, and finally turned into streaks of lightning, falling from the sky.

"Zi la!"

Each bolt of lightning struck a ghost.

Thunder spell is indeed the nemesis of ghosts and spirits. No matter it is a shadow brake or a yaksha, as soon as it comes into contact with lightning, it will immediately turn into a burst of black smoke and disappear.

At this moment, a huge gap appeared in the black screen formed by the ghosts.

But soon, a new shadow filled the gap.

"No, if this continues, the formation will be broken sooner or later!"

Although Fengyuan City's formation is at the third-order high-grade level, the spiritual veins under the entire Fengyuan City are only at the third-order mid-grade level.

Although this year, after years of savings, a lot of spiritual energy has been stored.

However, the consumption of the third-level high-grade magic circle is extremely fast, and there are too many ghosts. If they are not cleared away in time, the city may eventually be destroyed.

"Let's take action quickly!"

As soon as Master Tianyang finished speaking, he commanded a golden sword and rushed out.

At the same time, all the monks on the city wall took out their magic weapons and killed them.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun couldn't stand to watch. He slapped his hand on the storage bag, and two spiritual lights flew out and turned into two magic weapons, hanging in front of him.

One shield, one blade!

The shield is naturally a low-grade magic weapon, the Xuanqing Shield.

A flash of spiritual light struck Zhou Xun, and the shield swelled in the wind, becoming more than ten feet in size and blocking his body.

The blade was naturally a sharp one, and Zhou Xun held it in his hand.

Follow the crowd and rush out of the formation!

The sharp blade is extremely sharp, and under the control of Zhou Xun, a true elixir monk, its power becomes even greater.

The figure flashed, and the sharp edge slit a Yaksha,


The black shadow split into two and died instantly.

Every time Zhou Xun attacks, a ghost spirit Yaksha falls.

At this moment, three black shadows came towards him. The appearance of these black shadows was different from those seen before.

Although it also looks humanoid, it does not have the two horns of Yaksha.

Moreover, its eyes are on its forehead, its fingers are extremely long and slender, and there are sharp claws at the tips, exuding a cold light!

What's even more strange is that their figures are translucent and seem to have no entity!

"Could it be that this is the shadow brake that Master Hu Puppet was talking about!"

Zhou Xun's heart moved, and his figure moved again.

I saw a flash of light!

Without any obstruction, the three black shadows were all split in half.

However, what is extremely strange is that the three black shadows did not die like Yaksha, but after a surge, they gathered together again.

Just a little darker!

"It's true as Hu Puppet Master said, this Shadow Sha can only kill him over and over again!"

But I am Lei Xiu!

Zhou Xun's eyes narrowed, and mana surged from his fingertips.

Three slender arcs of lightning surged out instantly, hitting the shadow in front of him.


Three sharp screams sounded, and Yingsha died instantly!

"Sure enough, this world of immortality also has the principle of mutual growth and mutual restraint. Others find the ghost shadow brake difficult to deal with, but it is difficult for me to catch even one of my blows!"

Immediately, Zhou Xun opened his mouth slightly.

Thirty-six thunder seeds flew out, occupying several hundred feet of the sky.

He made a secret with his hands, and a burst of spiritual light shot out.

The entire area instantly turned into a thunder and lightning field, and hundreds of thumb-sized thunder and lightning fell from the sky!


A series of unpleasant and sharp screams sounded, hundreds of ghosts died, and the surrounding area was emptied.

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of others.

"This is Master Wangchuan!"


"Follow the real person and kill the enemy!"

Everyone's morale was greatly boosted. With such a monk taking the lead, no one was afraid of these ghosts.

On the other side, Song Shiwen stood on the city wall, controlling the power of the magic circle.

Wherever a shadow brake appears, thunder and lightning are summoned to strike it.

However, there were too many shadow brakes. After killing one group, another group came. Just as they were waiting around, they happened to see Zhou Xun's feat.


He hurriedly sent a message:

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, the ghosts are difficult to deal with and there are many. Only by killing their leader can we break the siege. And your thunder method is its nemesis, please help!"

"I wonder where the leader is?"

"If there is a triangle in the head and a one-eyed person in the face, he is the leader!" Song Shiwen replied.

"Watch me kill the enemy!"

Zhou Xun smiled softly, walked through the air, and rushed into the depths of the ghost shadow.

Just like taking a walk in a garden, dozens of ghosts perish every time you wave your hand.

Among the many dark shadows, he managed to carve out a passage.

Thousands of feet forward, a three-foot-sized, triangular, one-eyed ghost appeared within the scope of his consciousness.

"Got you!"

Zhou Xun's eyes narrowed, and the magic formula in his hand changed.

Thirty-six thunder seeds seemed to teleport, occupying more than a thousand feet of sky in an instant.

Just enough to include the leader.

The leader of the ghost spirits screamed immediately after experiencing this drastic change.

Suddenly, ghosts from dozens of miles away surged towards Zhou Xun's direction like a tide.

Zhou Xun, who was dressed in white, looked so small under such overwhelming black shadows.

Zhou Xun was not afraid of this.

The method in his hand changed again.

Thirty-six thunder seeds instantly turned into thunder shields, blocking out all the black shadows.

At the same time, thousands of purple sky thunders condensed in this thousand-foot space, and then fell.

"Zi la!"

Each ghost spirit instantly turned into gas.

Only the ghost leader is still lingering!

At this moment, Zhou Xun's body shape changed, and he suddenly appeared in front of the ghost leader like teleporting.

Wrapped in thunder and lightning, use your palm as a sword!

A flash of purple sword light flashed, and the ghost leader was split into two halves before disappearing.

Only a thumb-sized, black bead was left hanging in the air.

With a wave of his sleeve, he put it into the storage bag.

Then Zhou Xun's magic formula changed again, and thirty-six thunder shields shrank around his body, protecting him.

Then, under the gaze of tens of thousands of monks in Fengyuan City, he returned in the air!

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