At the same time, millions of miles away from here, deep in the abyss, there is a strange valley.

The valley is hundreds of miles in diameter, barren of grass, and without any sign of life. There is even a faint gray-black color on the exposed ground, giving people a dead feeling.

There are seven huge peaks standing around, arranged in the shape of seven stars, reaching into the sky, thousands of feet high.

On this day, ripples suddenly appeared in the space above the valley, and then a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a Confucian robe and a square face, suddenly appeared.

Looking at the valley below him, the middle-aged man frowned slightly:

"Did it break out fifty years early?"

Immediately, he waved his sleeves, and a large brass seal flew out, turning into a size of more than a thousand feet, emitting golden light.

Under the control of the middle-aged man, he made a seal toward the valley below!

A mysterious rune was instantly formed and suppressed towards the valley!

But the big seal suddenly dimmed a lot!

After a while, the fog in the valley seemed to be boiling, rolling continuously.

But under the suppression of the runes, it gradually dispersed, and finally revealed the true face of the valley.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man moved his hand towards the dim seal, and the brass seal quickly shrank and fell into his hand.

Then he dodged and disappeared over the valley.

Fengyuan, Zhou Xun turned into a blue spiritual light, quickly crossing the sky.

Everywhere he passed, lightning flashed!

At this time, there was a wilderness more than four thousand miles ahead of him.

Several foundation-building monks fled toward the front in embarrassment.

Behind them, more than ten first-born two-horned ghost spirits, Yaksha, were chasing them.

"Junior brothers and sisters... there is no way to escape like this. Their speed is not much slower than ours. This place is still tens of thousands of miles away from Fengyuan City. It is absolutely impossible for us to escape before our mana is exhausted!"

A middle-aged man wearing Qingyumen clothes said with a solemn face.

"Senior Brother Li, there are too many of these ghost spirits. Each one of them is comparable to a foundation-building monk. There are only four of us, so we are no match at all!"

The woman with a delicate face and about twenty years old said.

"Yes, once senior brother is surrounded, we will definitely die. Besides, we don't have many thunder talismans in our hands!" The other two people agreed.

These four people are all monks from the Qingyu Sect. They came here because they took on tasks within the sect, but they did not expect to encounter an outbreak of ghost mist.

Fortunately, a few people were clever and avoided several groups of passing ghosts.

But how can you walk by the river without getting your shoes wet!

After all, they were bumped into by more than a dozen wandering ghosts. After a fight, several people quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Fortunately, the monks who come to Fengyuan to hunt for treasures will basically bring a few thunder talismans with them.

With the help of these thunder talismans, several people killed several ghost yakshas, ​​quickly escaped, and have been escaping to this day.

The middle-aged man was not surprised by their words.

I saw him slapping his hand to his waist, and a flash of spiritual light fell into his palm and turned into a golden talisman.

"Is this a talisman?" The three of them are all foundation-building monks from a large sect, so they can naturally recognize this talisman.

"Not bad," the middle-aged man nodded, and then said:

"The talisman is powerful, but it takes a lot of time to activate it, so I need a few junior brothers and sisters to block these ghosts for me,"

"As long as the talisman is activated, there is still a good chance of killing these ghosts!"

The three of them looked at each other and showed a hint of ruthlessness:

"Since senior brothers have this treasure, we will fight with them!"

"Okay! Please, you three. This is the remaining thunder talisman in my hand!" As he said, the middle-aged man took out three bright blue talismans and handed them to the woman.

"There is a cliff ahead, so we will rely on the stone wall to gain time for our senior brother to activate the talisman!"


Immediately, the three of them turned around and fell towards the cliff below!

When these ghosts saw this, they also fell down one after another!

When they arrived at the cliff, the middle-aged man surnamed Li instantly sat down cross-legged, placed the talisman in his hand, and began to activate.

And his junior brothers and sisters sacrificed their magical weapons.

The young female cultivator took out a red orb and struck it outward. A red mist of more than ten feet in size instantly enveloped them.

At the same time, a red silk ribbon more than ten feet long was held out in front of him.

As for the other two male cultivators, one controls a shield and the other controls a flying knife. They also hold thunder talismans in their hands, ready to activate at any time.

Just when they took out the magic weapon, the ghost Yaksha also arrived.

However, under the influence of the red mist, their movements became sluggish!

Seeing this, the female cultivator used a red silk magic weapon to entangle him, while the other male cultivator did not hesitate to use a flying knife.


The flying knife struck Yaksha and cut off one of his arms.

Just when he was controlling the flying knife and wanted to finish the attack, five or six ghosts pounced on him at the same time.

Fortunately, a shield came forward and blocked their attacks, but the shield also lost its aura and became much dimmed.

In this way, the three of them fought to the death and refused to retreat. When it was really difficult to resist, they used the thunder talisman in their hands to force the group of ghosts and yakshas back.

Soon, the thunder talismans in the hands of the three people were used up.

The female cultivator was very worried!

At this time, her red silk magic weapon was already crumbling, and three or four ghost spirits and yakshas were tearing it apart. It would take at least ten breaths to break it!

And there is a cliff behind them, which means there is no way out!

"Senior Brother Li, are you okay yet?"

Just when the three of them were anxious, a heavy pressure came from behind them!

"Then I'll leave it to my brother, you guys can plunder the formation for me!"

I saw a golden light that was more than ten feet long flying out and hitting the ghost Yaksha outside!


The golden light penetrated the head of a Yaksha, killing him instantly.

Then there were deep penetrating sounds. With the cooperation of the four people, all eleven ghost spirits and yakshas who were chasing were killed!

"Senior Brother Li, we won!"

Everyone slumped on the ground without caring about their image, laughing loudly, their faces full of expressions of surviving the disaster.

However, the next moment, their smiles stopped abruptly. ,

A few miles away, they saw more than a thousand black shadows coming towards their direction like a tide!

Everyone's faces turned pale, showing despair!

The battle just now consumed almost all of their mana. Facing so many ghosts, how could they still have the ability to resist?

at this time,


Overwhelming lightning and thunder suddenly appeared in the sky above those ghosts, turning them into a field of thunder!

Accompanied by bursts of thunder!

The ghosts that rushed over fell from the sky one after another like dumplings, and then disappeared into streaks of black smoke.

Thousands of ghosts and spirits all died in this short period of less than twenty breaths.

"This is this!"

Everyone was shocked!

What a scene it was. The four foundation-building monks faced eleven Yakshas and were in such a panic that they could only manage to kill them after using all their strength.

But just now, the ghosts that came forward were killed, so they were all killed, and they couldn't mow the grass so quickly!

Just when everyone was shocked,

A handsome man in white clothes slowly descended from the sky and landed in front of them.

At this time, how could they not know that the person in front of them saved their lives!

"I've met senior, junior Qingyu Sect Li Zhiheng, thank you senior for helping me!"

The four of them stood up with strong support, bowed to the ground, and gave a big gift!

"It's easy, no need to do this. Besides, your ancestor Tianyang Zhenren and I are also good friends!"

"Senior actually recognizes our ancestor!"

The four of them were overjoyed when they heard this. The senior in front of them had such strength, but they didn't expect that he was one of them.

The scene just now, even if their ancestors were here, would probably be difficult to do.

"I don't know the name of my senior, so we can report it to the sect after we go back, so we can thank our senior for saving his life!"

"I am Zhou Xun!" Zhou Xun naturally did not hide his intention.

"It turns out to be Master Wangchuan. This junior is disrespectful!" The four of them were shocked.

It turns out that this person is the master of Wangchuan who has condensed the high-grade true elixir. No wonder he has such strength, he is indeed well-deserved!

"Little thing, you seem to be coming from the east, tell me what's going on there," Zhou Xun asked.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man immediately told all the things he had seen about Gui Wu before.

"I didn't expect that the ghost mist would affect such a large area, and even the ghosts would disperse!" Zhou Xun muttered in his mind and nodded.

He took out a bottle of second-level mid-grade Qi Restoration Pill and threw it to them:

"After you have recovered your mana, hurry back to Fengyuan City!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he appeared high in the sky in a flash, glanced at the map a few times, and then flew towards the valley.

Along the way, Zhou Xun encountered many ghosts gathering together.

There are dozens of small ones, more than a thousand large ones, and more than ten thousand.

However, under Zhou Xun's thunder technique, they all turned into ashes.

After flying for more than twenty days, Zhou Xun was finally not far from the valley.

"All we have to do is climb over the mountain in front of us and fly twenty thousand miles away and we'll be there!"

Zhou Xun then simply stopped to meditate and adjust his breathing.

Fengyuan was too dangerous at this time. Even if Zhou Xun was extremely powerful, he would not dare to let his mana fall below 70%. In the extreme case, it could not fall below 50%.

So he took out a set of magical arrays and put them under the cloth. After taking the Qi Restoration Pill, he started meditating.

At this moment, roars suddenly came from not far away, awakening Zhou Xun who was meditating!

He dispersed his consciousness and looked outside, only to see a black line, surrounding him like a tide, from all directions!

"Ghost Mist!"

Zhou Xun said two words with a solemn expression!

Those roars just now were obviously the voices of ghosts.

The ghosts seemed to have discovered him and were now surrounding him.

It's too late to evacuate at this point!

"Forget it, since you are seeking death, you can't blame me!"

Zhou Xun's mouth opened slightly, and thirty-six thunder seeds flew out, hanging above Zhou Xun's head!

Then he made a secret with both hands, and a burst of spiritual light shot out, and hundreds of thunder lights condensed on Zhou Xun's head.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun smiled softly, walked through the air, and walked slowly towards the group of ghosts!

Within a range of more than a thousand feet of his body, lightning flashed,

Every time a bolt of lightning falls, a ghost dies!

In this dark ghost mist, a passage suddenly appeared.

After a cup of tea, my eyes suddenly became clear, and there was no trace of the black mist. He was actually killed by him!

At this moment, several screams came from the black fog.

This black mist surged up instantly and headed towards Zhou Xunbao again!

"I was hiding among the ghosts and found that you couldn't do it, but now I've brought it to my door by myself!"

Having had experience in Fengyuan City, Zhou Xun naturally knew that this was the cry of the ghost leader!

Then his figure flashed.

I saw lightning streaking through the black mist, arriving in front of a six-foot-tall ghost with a triangular head and a single-eyed face!

"I found you. It's much bigger than the one in Fengyuan City!"

Zhou Xun's eyes narrowed, and the magic formula in his hand changed.

Thirty-six thunder seeds seemed to teleport, instantly occupying more than a thousand feet of sky.

Just enough to include the leader.

Then the lightning exploded, and the entire area was instantly cleared.

The method in Zhou Xun's hand changed again.

At this moment, Zhou Xun's body shape changed, and he suddenly appeared in front of the ghost leader like teleporting.

Wrapped in thunder and lightning, use your palm as a sword!

A flash of purple sword light flashed, and the ghost leader was split into two halves before disappearing.

Only a thumb-sized, black bead was left hanging in the air.

With a wave of his sleeve, he put it into the storage bag.

The leader disappeared, the rest of the ghosts scattered, and the ghost fog gradually receded.

Not long after, this place was empty!

"Boy, your thunder skills are pretty good!"

At this moment, a hearty voice sounded in Zhou Xun's ears,

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