Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 341 The Great Migration to the Eastern Wilderness!

The journey was very smooth.

What makes Zhou Xun strange is that none of the ghosts he saw when he came here is gone.

It was as if those ghosts suddenly disappeared.

But that’s fine, it saves you a lot of effort.

A month later, Zhou Xun returned to his dojo again, Lake Wangchuan!

In the training room at the bottom of the lake, the body and the incarnation sit opposite each other.

Zhou Xun began to take stock of the gains from this trip.

First of all, the purpose of this trip, the third-level talisman pen was successfully obtained.

Moreover, this talisman pen is still a high-quality third-level talisman. According to Zhou Xun's estimation, there will be a certain bonus when refining a lower-level third-level talisman.

As the saying goes, if you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools!

With this third-level fine talisman pen, it will greatly promote his refining of treasure talismans.

Sometimes, although it only affects a slight probability, it will also bring completely different results.

For example, the second-level top-quality talisman pen he used before did not have such a great impact on his mana. Therefore, when refining a quasi-third-level talisman, he could succeed, and the success rate was even high.

But when it comes to the extremely demanding treasure talisman, it always fails, and that's the only thing missing.

In addition, what satisfied Zhou Xun was the "Tiangang True Flame Lotus".

This is a real fourth-level middle-grade elixir, and it is very useful even for Nascent Soul stage monks.

For him, even more so.

His spiritual root sensitivity at this time was sixty-five points.

In his hands, he still had ten third-level middle-grade elixirs and two third-order high-grade elixirs.

According to previous experience, it is enough to push his spiritual roots to the limit of his spiritual roots.

At that time, he will strengthen this "Tiangang True Flame Lotus" to the fourth level, and then extract its essence and integrate it into himself.

Then, his spiritual root can reach at least eighty points, which is the legendary heavenly spiritual root!

Even if we look at the entire Eastern Wasteland, there may not be one example of a Tianlinggen cultivator in hundreds of years.

Such talent is truly outstanding!

The third harvest is also the biggest.

It was the middle-aged man he met in Fengyuan Land that day.

Recalling the scene where the middle-aged man disappeared out of thin air that day, Zhou Xun couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise!

After coming back, he checked the classics and found some fragments of words in an extremely ancient book.

It is said that after reaching the stage of spiritual transformation, a monk can master the power of the void, even if it is thousands of miles away, he can reach it in an instant.

The middle-aged man's method seems to be the teleportation technique after mastering the power of the void!

Of course, the Nascent Soul in the Nascent Soul stage also has the ability to teleport after leaving the body, but the range of movement is very small, only a few dozen feet.

And what he saw that day was obviously a living person, and it couldn't be the Nascent Soul that a certain monk had left his body.

Zhou Xun guessed that the person he encountered that day was most likely the God-Transforming Heavenly Lord!

Zhou Xun could not but take seriously what such a powerful monk said personally.

"Donghuang cannot condense the real immortal golden elixir, nor can it break through the Nascent Soul!"

"This is most likely true!"

"It can be inferred from the senior's words that this world is not just a place in the Eastern Wasteland, but there are other realms of cultivation!"

"If I want to condense the golden elixir in the future, I'm afraid I have to find a way to other cultivation worlds!"

"I don't know if anyone has been out in Donghuang!"

"It would be troublesome if there is nothing!"

Zhou Xun frowned slightly.

With such a magical method as the "Ning Chun Sutra", Zhou Xun didn't want to stop before Yuanying, and finally run out of life and die!

"Fortunately, I am only seventy-five years old now, and I still have more than four hundred years to live!"

Zhou Xun's incarnation is in the true elixir stage, and his longevity essence is naturally in the elixir formation stage, with a lifespan of five hundred years!

He has plenty of time to search!

After taking inventory, Zhou Xun took out the remaining portion of the third-level tranquilizing incense from last time and inserted it in front of him.

With a slight flick of his finger, a force of energy brushed across the incense head, instantly igniting it.

A scent of sandalwood slowly rises and lingers on the tip of the nose.

As the faint smell of sandalwood enters the nose, a sense of peace rises and goes straight to the back of the head.

In an instant, the originally chaotic thoughts disappeared, and the whole person became peaceful.

In this state, Zhou Xun's six senses were raised to the most sensitive state.

At the same time, Zhou Yuan's energy and energy quickly climbed to the peak.

"Now, success or failure depends on this!"

Slowly opening his eyes, there was no wave in his eyes.

This is his second time refining a treasure talisman, and he has a strong hunch that he can succeed.

Wiping his hands to the storage bag on his waist, several rays of light flew out and landed on the desk in front of him.

An exquisite wooden box with a quasi-third-level spirit-sealing talisman affixed to it.

From this, it can be seen that the treasure inside must be extremely precious. It is the talisman paper refined before going to Feng Country.

All are made from the skin of the third-level monster beast.

It originally contained forty-one cards, but two were used, and now there are thirty-nine left!

His Tiangang Talisman Formation technique requires at least thirty-six treasure talismans.

This means that Zhou Xun only has three chances to fail!

A small ball of spiritual ink. From the faint spiritual light it emits, you can know that this object is extraordinary. It was specially made for refining the treasure talisman and the materials used are extremely precious.

A talisman pen with a multi-colored barrel and two inscriptions "Golden Zhu" engraved on it. It is made of third-grade top-grade Wuling bamboo, which is extremely rare.

This talisman pen is also the guarantee for Zhou Xun's success this time!

With a flick of his finger, a spiritual light fell on the wooden box, and the spiritual sealing talisman on the box fell off automatically.

Then with the movement of his finger, the wooden box opened automatically, and a piece of spiritual talisman paper flew out from it and was spread flat in front of him.

"Jin Zhu, Jin Zhu, whether you can succeed today or not depends on you!"

Then he picked up the talisman pen, dipped it lightly in spiritual ink, and wrote on the talisman paper.

Zhou Xun, who has many experiences in refining quasi-third-level talismans, has a very steady hand without any fluctuations.

The pen moves like a dragon and a snake, and everything is done in one go.

The spiritual circuits are instantly connected!

Then, Zhou Xun set his sights on the semi-finished treasure talisman that he had just drawn, fearing that something would go wrong with it.

Because there was a problem at this step last time, the spiritual power was impure, there was a conflict, and then it spontaneously ignited and destroyed.

After waiting for several breaths, there was no change in the treasure talisman.

Zhou Xun felt happy.

He knew that this time, he succeeded!

Of course, it's not done yet!

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Xun made a secret with both hands according to the method recorded on the jade slip of the treasure talisman's inheritance, and a stream of spiritual light hit the semi-finished treasure talisman.

Under the influence of these magic formulas, the treasure talisman instantly fell silent and became ordinary.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Xun switched to the weird magic formula of Yun Fu and hit it on the treasure talisman.

At this point, this third-level low-grade treasure talisman has finally been refined.

The next step is to incorporate it into the Dantian and use your own magic power to nourish it.

Wait a few years and you can use it!

After refining the treasure talisman, Zhou Xun sat down to adjust his breathing.

After all, making talismans is not an easy task, not to mention that it is still at the third-level low-grade level, which consumes more mana and energy!

Half a day later, following the same process, Zhou Xun took out a piece of talisman paper again and started refining the second one.

As time went by, Zhou Xun became more and more skilled in refining.

The number of treasure talismans is also constantly increasing!

One month later,

All thirty-nine pieces of talisman paper were used up, and the final product was thirty-eight treasure talismans.

Zhou Xun took all these treasure talismans into his body and began to cultivate them with magic power.

A few years later, I will add another late-stage method!

In the Jingxin Pavilion, Zhou Xun lay lazily on the lounge chair.

He held a volume of classics in his hand and looked at it.

That day, after he came back, he found Wei Qiuxin and told him to search for the classics about the Eastern Wilderness thousands of years ago.

I hope to find out what happened in Donghuang back then.

Why did the originally prosperous Eastern Wilderness cultivation world seem to have suddenly declined!

So much so that now even a Nascent Soul cultivator can’t be found!

Even wanting to achieve a breakthrough is a luxury!

At the same time, he also hopes to find a way to get out of here!

For a monk with his talent, Donghuang is like a prison, trapping them here!

"Great Migration to the Eastern Wasteland!"

Zhou Xun muttered these words.

The jade slip in his hand tells the story of a great migration that took place in the Eastern Wasteland thousands of years ago.

Counting one by one, as long as they were slightly larger sects, they all left the realm of Donghuang, leaving only some monks who lacked qualifications and whose longevity was approaching.

"That means that the sects in the Eastern Wasteland that have been inherited for more than 6,000 years are all left behind after the migration!"

"There should be records about that migration in their family!"

"It seems that if I have another chance in the future, I will have to visit those sects!"

Then, Zhou Xun picked up another jade slip and continued to look at it.

Suddenly, a wave of mana came from not far away, alarming Zhou Xun.

Zhou Xun’s mind swept away and everything was clear to him!

It turns out that the Black-armored Armadillo is about to break through. Decades have passed and it is finally reaching the second level of high-grade!

Zhou Xun simply put down the jade slip in his hand and reached the animal pen in a flash!

Song Yiqing has been here early!

"Husband, it seems that Xiao Jia is about to break through to the second level of high quality!"

I saw a black-armored armadillo about seven to eight feet in size curled up into a ball, with its entire body wrapped together by its carapace.

"Haha, it seems that I was stimulated by Xiao Jin!"

Three years ago, the Green Gold Dragon Carp advanced again, reaching the second-level mid-level, and that Black Armor Armadillo was also in this realm.

Perhaps because of this, the Black Armored Armadillo felt pressured.

After all, it was the boss of several monster beasts before!

Naturally, one would not be happy to be overtaken by a later beast.

So I started practicing hard!

After a while, a strong suction force seemed to be generated on the black-armored armadillo, and a large amount of spiritual energy quickly gathered towards it.

And there is an intensifying trend.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun naturally knew that the Black-armored Armadillo had reached a critical stage for promotion.

So without hesitation, he patted the storage bag and took out the formation flag that controlled the Forgotten Lake Formation.

After injecting mana, he swung down hard.

In an instant, the situation changed.

The spiritual energy within a few hundred miles of Wangchuan Lake seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, and they all gathered towards Zhou Xun.

At the same time, the spiritual energy outside the formation also began to move towards Lake Wangchuan.

As a result, visible to the naked eye, the concentration of spiritual energy around the black armored armadillo increased rapidly.

Second level low quality, second level middle quality, second level high quality

With Zhou Xun's help, the spiritual energy formed a vortex more than ten feet in size and poured towards the mysterious armadillo.

At the same time, the aura of the black-armored armadillo continued to rise, and its demonic power also increased rapidly.

Until a certain critical point, stop.

But the spiritual energy was still pouring into it.

This is the last hurdle for the mysterious armadillo to break through.

Like a dam, blocking the front.

This spiritual energy is like running water, constantly pouring in and accumulating, waiting for the final outpouring.

Finally, at a certain moment, the level can no longer block it, and everything suddenly becomes clear!

The aura of the black-armored armadillo suddenly rose.

"Second level top grade, breakthrough!"

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