"Come and see!"

Looking at Wei Qiuxin's expression, Zhou Xun's heart moved.

"Island Master, my subordinates have been cultivating Red Spirit Arowana over the years. Not long ago, they successfully cultivated a second-level Red Spirit Arowana!"

Zhou Xun couldn't help but look sideways after hearing this!

It turned out to be a second-level Red Spirit Arowana, which was already at the foundation-building stage.

At this level, even the flesh and blood of monster beasts that have not been cultivated are rich in spiritual energy.

It is equivalent to a high-quality elixir, and is easier to absorb. It has no side effects such as erysipelas. It is a top-quality pill to assist in cultivation!

And this is especially true for this spiritual fish specially bred for food!

Not only does fish contain more spiritual energy, but it also has more powerful effects.

It is said that the red spirit arowana of the second level and above has the effect of improving physical fitness, increasing cultivation efficiency, and reducing cultivation bottlenecks. It is a treasure among treasures!

The price of each tail is as high as tens of thousands of spirit stones!

Even if he has reached the ninth level of foundation building, this dragon fish meat will still be of great benefit to him.

The second-level red spirit dragon fish glue on his body is a holy nourishing product. Even if it is taken by monks in the elixir formation stage, it can also have a beauty-preserving effect!

Ancestor Wei Qiuxin used this red spirit dragon fish breeding skill to be a guest of the Danjie monk!

"Qiu Xin, you have made a great contribution!"

"The island owner deserves the award, these are all Qiu Xin's duties!" Wei Qiuxin said with cupped hands.

Looking at Wei Qiuxin, who had a hint of capable temperament in front of him, Zhou Xun nodded slightly.

"When I appointed her as the manager of Wangchuan Lake, I finally got the right person!"

A successful manager can not only make the dojo run smoothly, but also improve its development and bring him generous rewards.

Just like Zhou Buqi back then, Baiyun Immortal City was thriving under his management!

Master Baiyun's ability to accumulate so many resources has something to do with Zhou Buqi.

“It is my custom to reward meritorious deeds!”

Zhou Xun lowered his head and thought for a moment, then patted his hand on the storage bag. With a flash of inspiration, it turned into a pill bottle and landed in Zhou Xun's hand!

With a wave of his finger, the pill bottle floated towards Wei Qiuxin.

"There is a 'Bi Ling Dan' here, which will be your reward for cultivating the second-level Red Spirit Arowana!"

Bi Ling Dan, a second-level mid-level level-breaking elixir, has the effect of assisting the initial breakthrough of foundation building.

It is the treasure that monks in the early stages of foundation building dream of, and is worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

"Thank you, island owner!" Wei Qiuxin was overjoyed when she heard this. She passed the elixir bottle directly and put it into the storage bag.

She is now a monk in the early stage of foundation building. In ten or twenty years, she will definitely reach the peak of early stage of foundation building.

At that time, you can take this Bi Ling Dan and achieve a breakthrough in one fell swoop!

"You did a good job, I'm very satisfied!"

"You still need to deal with the matter of Wangchuan Lake, but don't forget to practice. If you can practice to the peak of foundation building in the future, I will allow you to obtain a pill-forming spiritual object!"

"It would be a pity if such a useful manager like you can only be used for two hundred years!"

Zhou Xun laughed and said.

"Qiu Xin will do her best!"

Wei Qiuxin cupped her hands and said with a flash of excitement in her eyes.

The choice I made back then feels even more correct now.

Unexpectedly, Fairy Bai Ling, who was once the top star of Junyue Pavilion and entertained people with her smile, would one day become a pill-forming monk in the future.

"Hahaha!" Zhou Xun laughed.

"By the way, since we have cultivated this second-level red spirit arowana, we might as well hold an arowana tasting conference so that Jinsong and the others can taste the taste of this second-level arowana!"

Red Spirit Arowana is extremely delicious and is a representative of gourmet food in the world.

This reaches the second level, even more so!

"I wonder who the island owner wants to invite?"

Upon hearing that Zhou Xun was holding a feast, Wei Qiuxin, the chief steward, immediately stepped into the role.

"There aren't many second-order arowanas. It's enough to invite a few friends and the people from our Wangchuan Lake."

Zhou Xun thought for a while and continued:

"As the master of Yunguang Sect, Master Yun'an naturally wants to invite him,"

"There is also Master Feng Yu. I heard that his granddaughter has a good relationship with Jing'er, so I just happen to come over this time to talk about their marriage!"

"The Song family of Qingyuefang also sent an invitation, and the Lin family of Hongyefang."

"Is that right? There are also Xuanyunzi from Fengguo, Master Tianyang, the ancestor of the Song family, and Master Wenyang."

"Master Hu Puppet will also take a portion!"

Master Hu Puppet and the puppet had extraordinary attainments. Zhou Xun happened to be interested in developing this way, so he invited him over to ask for advice.

In addition, Zhou Xun also wants to order a few puppets in the foundation-building stage to supplement the combat power of these people under his command.

After all, as a core-building force, he still has a few foundation-building monks under his command.

Of course, if Zhou Xunfang spreads his word, a large number of people will be willing to join.

After all, Zhou Xun is a future late-stage pill-forming monk.

Joining Wangchuan Lake means having Zhou Xun as a backer, and they are naturally willing to do so.

But it is precisely because of this that Zhou Xun does not want to recruit outsiders.

This kind of people who come and go as soon as they are called, once a real war comes, they will be the fastest ones!

"Yes, I will do it immediately!" Wei Qiuxin nodded and immediately left.

Time flies so fast, two months have passed by in a flash.

In the past two months, another spiritual plant was cultivated to the third level. With the help of the essence of this spiritual medicine, Zhou Xun's spiritual root sensitivity suddenly reached 65 points.

This year, Zhou Xun was seventy-five years old.

This time the spirit fish banquet was a private banquet, so Zhou Xun held it on the island in the middle of the lake.

On this day, Xuanyunzi, Tianyang Zhenren, Hupiao Zhenren and Wenyang Zhenren from Fengguo walked together and rushed towards Wangchuan Lake.

Song Shiwen, the ancestor of the Song family, did not come because he wanted to take charge of Fengyuan City.

But it would probably be embarrassing for him to come.

After all, he had bad memories when he was here!

After more than ten days of running around, the four finally arrived at the boundary of Wangchuan Lake.

"Is that Zhenren Zhou's dojo!"

Looking at the mountains in the distance, Wangchuan Lake is embedded in it like a pearl.

"It is indeed a good place!" Xuan Feizi couldn't help but praise.

"Yes, the mountains and rivers are so beautiful!"

The four of them came looking for traces, and not long after, they came to Wangchuan Lake.

Looking at the lake shrouded in clouds and mist, based on their knowledge, they naturally knew that this was the effect of the third-order magic circle.

"What a huge formation, it almost covers most of Lake Wangchuan!"

Tianyang Zhenren sighed!

"This is the magic circle set up by Master Nanyue back then. It is said that several fake alchemy monks from Tianyu Sect fell under this magic circle!"

"This level of power is probably not even comparable to the Song family's clan-protecting formation!"

The Song family's array was also set up by Master Nanyue, and it was at the third-level mid-level level!

Although Zhou Xun's building is only a third-level low-grade one, it possesses the transformation of the true spirit and has an additional initial battle power of forming a core.

Therefore, it is not much worse than the ordinary third-level mid-level magic circle.

What's more, Zhou Xun is a high-grade true elixir, and he will definitely be a late-stage elixir-forming monk in the future. For such a person, the level of the future dojo array will naturally not be low.

The defensive formation was so tight that the four of them naturally did not dare to venture into it.

Xuan Yunzi waved his sleeves, and a spiritual talisman flew out and disappeared into the formation.

Not long after, the fog parted, and a passage about ten feet in size appeared, from which walked out a man wearing a green robe with a gentle temperament. It was Zhou Xun.

Behind him were Song Yiqing and Wei Qiuxin.

"I've met Master Wangchuan (Brother Zhou)!"

Seeing this, Xuan Yunzi and the other three were the first to greet him!

"I've seen fellow Taoist Xuanyunzi, fellow Taoist Wenyang, fellow Taoist Hu Puppet, and brother Tianyang!"

Xuan Yunzi and the three of them saw that Zhou Xun addressed them all with Taoist names, but he only addressed them as brothers to Tianyang Zhenren.

Xuan Yunzi and the other three couldn't help but look sideways.

How come the relationship between the two of them has become so good!

I saw Tianyang Zhenren's face was full of color and he said:

"Brother Zhou came to our country, Feng, to look for a third-level talisman pen. We happened to have one hidden in our sect, so I gave it to Brother Zhou!"

"Yes, Brother Tianyang's talisman pen has been of great use to me!" Zhou Xun nodded.

Seeing this, Master Hu Puppet on the side shouted that it was a pity.

He had heard from Master Wenyang that Zhou Xun was initially planning to ask him to customize a third-level talisman pen!

He regretted missing such an opportunity to make good friends with Zhou Xun.

However, Zhou Xun invited him to this Dragon Fish Banquet, which showed that he also valued him very much.

"It seems that I still have a chance!"

Master Hu Puppet thought so.

Then, without further chatting, everyone flew directly to the island in the middle of the lake under the leadership of Zhou Xun.

This time it was a private banquet, and not many people came.

There are probably only three tables.

Zhou Xun sat at the same table with several monks in the alchemy stage, while Lin Xueying and Song Yiqing sat beside Zhou Xun.

Zhou Jinsong, Fang Tianlun, Wei Hong and other disciples of Zhou Xun sat at a table.

In addition, there were also old friends such as Xun Houqing and Song Zhishu, who sat together with the head of the Lin family and the head of the Song family in Qingyuefang.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Zhou Xun said:

"I am convening an arowana banquet. Thank you all for your honor and for coming here to enjoy the delicious food together!"

"The second-order Red Spirit Arowana is so rare. If fellow Daoist Zhou hadn't invited me, Li wouldn't have been able to taste this delicacy in the world!"

Xuan Yunzi laughed.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to a good meal today!"

"In that case, let's serve it!" He immediately looked at Wei Qiuxin who was aside.

Wei Qiuxin nodded upon seeing this.

After a while, the cooked Red Spirit Arowana was served.

In order to cook this second-level red spirit arowana, Zhou Xun specially invited Dongfang Xin, the most famous spiritual chef in the Xu Kingdom.

The second-level red spirit dragon fish weighs more than a thousand kilograms, which is enough for everyone in the field to eat.

In fact, less than half of the dragon fish was used in this banquet.

As soon as the arowana is served on the table, a faint fragrance comes out, which makes people's fingers twitch!

"Everyone, please!"

As he spoke, Zhou Xun took the lead in picking up a chopstick and put it into his mouth.

As soon as the fish meat enters the mouth, an extremely delicious flavor bursts out, just like being in a sea of ​​spring flowers, which is extremely pleasant!

“It’s truly a delicious meal!”

Zhou Xun exclaimed!

Seeing Zhou Xun moving his chopsticks, the others also took action.

"Arowana is delicious and well-deserved!" Xuan Yunzi closed his eyes, looking intoxicated!

"I am originally a wine addict, but it seems that today, I will add another name, called fish enthusiast!"

Master Hu Puppet sighed with emotion!

As for the other foundation-building monks, they were even more intoxicated.

At the same time, the rich spiritual energy contained in the spiritual fish is of great help to their practice.

Many people ran the exercises on the spot and refined them.

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