Time flies, and three months fly by.

Zhou Ping went to Tianhe Mountain to marry Xu Qingxiao's youngest daughter, Xu Shaoping.

In order to protect his safety and not to lose the prestige of Wangchuan Lake, Zhou Xun specially arranged for the mysterious armadillo to go with him.

The monster that was more than ten feet across the sky aroused the astonishment of all the cultivators.

When they arrived at Tianhe Mountain, the Xu family monks were all surprised.

Second-level high-grade spiritual beasts are rare even in top sects like Yunguang Sect.

It went very smoothly. Zhou Ping took his wife on the Black Armored Armadillo and returned to Jimin Mountain again.

The difference is that Xu Qingxiao was also among the Xu family's send-off team.

His trip had two purposes.

One was to participate in the Taoist couple's marriage ceremony for his young daughter, and the other was to meet Zhou Xun and discuss their decision to move to Lake Wangchuan from Tianhe Mountain.

The contract-formation ceremony was extremely lively, with elders of nearby major families and high-ranking officials of major forces personally sending their congratulations.

Those who couldn't come had someone send them generous gifts.

This celebration alone allowed Zhou Ping to earn enough resources to practice to the foundation-building stage.

After the celebration, Xu Qingxiao didn't stay long and flew straight to Lake Wangchuan.

In the waters of Lake Wangchuan, a red flying boat galloped from a distance.

At the head of the boat, a middle-aged man wearing a feather robe stood with his hands behind his back.

This is the second time Xu Qingxiao has come to the land of Wangchuan Lake. The last time he came, he participated in Zhou Xun's elixir formation ceremony.

It's a pity that at that time, he was only at the peak of foundation building.

Among the people who participated in the celebration, there were more than ten monks who were monks. Xu Qingxiao was naturally not among the people.

So I just glanced at Zhou Xun from a distance and did not talk to him personally.

It was when he was at Jimin Mountain that he received some compliments from Zhou Xun, which made him want to get closer to Zhou Xun.

Only those who have personally broken through the pill formation can know how amazing Zhou Xun's vision of the pill formation was.

Top quality elixir!

What a talent!

Thinking about him, Xu Qingxiao has a fire spiritual root sensitivity of fifty-three points, which is among the best among the entire Xu family.

He has been fully trained by the Xu family since he was a child.

Coupled with the spiritual objects supported by the Yunguang Sect, a lucky breakthrough was achieved and a fake elixir was condensed.

Even this fake elixir has a lot of luck involved.

At least if Xu Qingxiao is allowed to break through again, he has no confidence that he can succeed again.

"It's harder to form an elixir than to reach the sky!"

However, this level is like drinking water and eating for Zhou Xun.

At the age of less than seventy years old, he successfully formed the elixir. What he condensed is a high-grade true elixir. His future is certain to be in the later stage of elixir formation!

Looking at the past thousands of years of Xu State, we can't find another figure like this.

Their Xu country has such a talented person, if he doesn't choose to move closer to Zhou Xun, who else can he turn to?

Looking at the beautiful scenery of Wangchuan Lake, Xu Qingxiao couldn't help but feel a little intoxicated.

"Only Zhenren Zhou is worthy of such beautiful scenery!"

While he was intoxicated, he flew in front of a thick fog.

He slapped his hand on the storage bag on his waist, and a transmission talisman appeared in his hand.

After whispering a few words softly, he shot it into the fog. The telegraph turned into a ray of fire and flew in, disappearing.

About a cup of tea passed.

The thick fog in front of him suddenly rolled up, and then parted to both sides, revealing a passage one foot wide.

At the same time, a gentle male voice sounded in my ears:

"Fellow Daoist Xu, just come in along the passage!"

"Yes!" Xu Qingxiao cupped her hands towards the void, and then walked towards the passage.

After walking for dozens of miles, the passage disappeared.

An exquisite leisure pavilion several feet in size appeared in front of me. There was a plaque hanging above it, with the three characters "Jingxin Pavilion" written in ancient seal script.

There is a stone table made of white marble in the pavilion, and behind it sits a handsome man in white with a gentle temperament.

She looked towards him with a smile.

This glance seemed to see through all his details, which made his heart tremble.

He immediately stepped forward, bowed his hands to the ground, and gave a big gift:

"Junior Tianheshan Xu Qingxiao, pays homage to Master Wangchuan!"

"Fellow Taoist Xu, there is no need to be polite, just sit down and talk!" Zhou Xun smiled slightly and raised his left hand slightly.

A lifting force gently lifted Xu Qingxiao up.

Feeling this power, he was unable to resist at all, and Xu Qingxiao couldn't help but feel shocked!

"Could this be the difference between fake elixirs and high-grade real elixirs?"

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the time when he first saw Zhou Xun before breaking through the pill formation.

Just like looking up at a towering tree, I only feel how small I am.

So he carefully sat down next to the stone bench.

Zhou Xun noticed Xu Qingxiao's restraint and said nothing.

Then he opened the tea set on the stone table, played a magic formula, and the water flow started by itself, washing all the tea sets.

Then he waved his hand to the side,

The fresh tea leaves from the Lingwu tea tree next to the Jingxin Pavilion automatically fell off and flew into the two teacups in front of you.

Then with a move of your hand, water flows in the cup!

Then he formed a seal with his hands and hit a magic formula on the teacup.

I saw that the cup began to boil, and a mist rose, sometimes as a dragon, sometimes as a phoenix, hovering above the cup, condensing and not dissipating.

As Zhou Xun's magic formula was played, the mist turned into fine ice sand and fell into the cup one after another.

Xu Qingxiao was stunned.

This method of drinking tea is really wonderful.

This set of tea-making techniques was also discovered by Zhou Xun from an ancient jade slip when he was consulting ancient books recently.

At this time Zhou Xun smiled slightly, pointed at the tea, and said:

"My Lingwu Tea has just been upgraded to the third level of low-grade tea recently. Fellow Taoist, please have a taste."

Xu Qingxiao nodded, picked up the tea, and drank it in one gulp.

When the tea enters the mouth, a sense of spirituality rises, and the whole person feels as if he is in the clouds.

The tea turned into several strands of spiritual energy in his stomach and blended into his meridians, and most of the originally consumed mana was immediately replenished.

If it hadn't been for the fake elixir he had condensed, his cultivation would have increased a bit.

“Good tea!”

Xu Qingxiao was full of praise.

"Since fellow Taoist likes it, just bring some with you later!" Zhou Xun said with a slight smile.

"Well, thank you so much, Master!"

Immediately, the two had a good chat, and they were very happy.

After a long time, Zhou Xun finally got down to business.

"I heard from Jinsong that you want to lead the entire Tianhe Mountain under the command of Wangchuan Lake!"

"The real person has great magical powers, but Xu Qingxiao is not talented, so I would like to have a tail!" Upon hearing this, Xu Qingxiao immediately clasped his fists and gave him the courtesy of a subordinate.

Seeing Xu Qingxiao being so determined, Zhou Xun was a little surprised!

After all, what Xu Qingxiao had condensed was a fake elixir, and there was no possibility of further breakthroughs in the future. Why did he, Xu Qingxiao, act like this?

Zhou Xun then asked:

"The Xu family has you as a new member of the core formation, which is enough to protect the family's glory for hundreds of years in the future. Why do you want to join Wo Wangchuan Lake?"

"The real person doesn't know something. The outside world thinks that the disciple has two sons and one daughter, but this is not the case!"

"When my wife gave birth to Shaoping, they were twins."

"Shaoping is not a young girl. She also has a younger sister whose spiritual root qualifications are extraordinary. She has a fire attribute spiritual root of 61 points."

"For my real little girl, Qingxiao can only choose this way. Only you, the senior who has condensed the high-grade true elixir, can tolerate her!"

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