After successfully expelling the Tianyumen monks, everyone held a grand celebration banquet in Golden Ape Valley.

It lasted for three days and then stopped.

In the end, three Yunguang Sect fake elixirs and more than a thousand Qi-training and foundation-building monks were left to garrison.

Zhou Xun went straight back to Wangchuan Lake.

Xuan Yunzi led the remaining Fengguo monks back to Fengguo.

Master Jin Hong also led less than half of the Yunguang Sect monks back to the sect to repair.

Two of the four flying boats of the Tianyu Sect elder were too close to Master Yun Yi, so there was no possibility of repairing them.

The other two were far enough apart and were not seriously damaged, so Zhou Xun sent people to drag them back to Wangchuan Lake.

This is a large-scale flying boat of the third level. It is a high-end product that can activate a third-level high-grade shield. Even the Tianyu Sect does not have much in its hands.

After repairs, it can still be used. Two of them are available at once, which can be regarded as enhancing the heritage of Wangchuan Lake.

The island in the middle of the lake, the training room.

Zhou Xun closed the door of the cave and began to take stock of the gains and losses this time!

First comes the loss!

With a slap on the storage bag, the set of Tiangang Talismans fell on the ground in front of him.

Only thirty-six treasure talismans were seen, most of which were damaged. A black hole the size of a thumb penetrated the center of the treasure talisman, destroying it!

It was exactly what the great elder of the Tianyu Sect, Yu Chai, did that day with his bronze Changge!

Thinking of that day's battle, Zhou Xun couldn't help but feel scared!

Unexpectedly, this person actually has a high-grade magic weapon!

You know, since the accident more than 6,000 years ago, no Nascent Soul monk has appeared in the Eastern Wasteland.

Naturally, there is no high-grade magic weapon!

Dan-forming monks cannot cultivate magic weapons of this level!

"This treasure was either passed down from ancestors, or it was discovered in the ruins!"

"It seems that these large sects that have been passed down for a long time still have some background. When you meet them in the future, you should be more cautious!"

As his fingers rubbed the dozens of completely damaged talismans, Zhou Xun couldn't help but feel a flash of physical pain.

He spent a lot of effort to create this set of talismans, but he didn't expect that the first time he used it, he suffered a devastating blow!

But it also plays a vital role!

Although the talisman array did not block Chang Ge that day, it also slowed down its speed a bit.

If not, Zhou Xun might have been penetrated by Chang Ge instead of teleporting out in time just before it stabbed him.

"The treasure talisman still needs to be refined, and the talisman array needs to be repaired!"

Zhou Xun made a decision and put it back into the storage bag.

Then start counting the harvest!

What he looked forward to most was naturally the bronze Changge.

Tap the storage bag, and the long weapon falls into your hands!

Chang Ge is about one foot long, and is made of bronze. There are two inscriptions "Jun Mang" engraved on it. Holding it in your hand, a sense of solidity is conveyed to the bottom of your heart.

This is the confidence brought by the top-grade magic weapon!

It's a pity that Zhou Xun is only in the early stage of pill formation and cannot activate it for the time being.

But he believes that when he reaches the later stage of pill formation, he will be able to control this treasure. By then, he doesn't believe how many people in Donghuang can be his opponents!

In addition, there is the golden bell, the natal magic weapon of the great elder of Tianyu Sect!

This is a good magic weapon that combines offense and defense, and its level is as high as mid-level!

Previously, the old man relied on this treasure to suppress the cooperation between Zhenren Yun Yi and Xuan Feizi.

In terms of value, it ranks among the top three in his hands, even Chi Yansuo cannot compare with it.

"It's a pity that this treasure is metallic and does not match my wood attribute!"

In addition, it takes a lot of mana to activate a middle-grade magic weapon. Therefore, although this treasure is rare, it will most likely be shelved.

"It would be good if it were auctioned or exchanged!"

Then, Zhou Xun took out the storage bag of the Tianyumen elder.

He had great expectations for this.

After all, his master is the great elder of one of the three major sects in the Yan Kingdom.

Generally speaking, as the top talker in charge of a sect, most of the sect's rarest treasures are on him.

Just like Master Baiyun back then.

He only controls a fairy city, and has experienced the ravages of the beast tide, but his net worth is still extremely rich.

The real person Zhou Xun later killed Maple Moon was more than one level behind him.

This is the wealth of the leader of a party.

Pick up the storage bag, gently inject mana, and look inside with your spiritual consciousness.

The storage bag has a huge space, several times larger than the one in Zhou Xun's hand.

"Hey, this is..."

As soon as Zhou Xun entered, he was attracted by something.

So he took it out.

This object is green in color and is only about the size of a palm. It is small at both ends and large in the middle. It is spindle-shaped and has a groove in the middle.

"Could this be the legendary flying magic weapon?"

Zhou Xun looked happy!

Regardless of whether it is a magic weapon or a magic weapon, flying is extremely rare.

The main reason is that the materials for refining flying treasures are too scarce.

You know, for Zhou Xun who is so powerful, his flying treasure is still the green light shuttle from back then.

Of course, Zhou Xun later found Fang Tianlun to refine it again, and now it is a top-quality magic weapon.

As for the flying magic weapon, only Master Yun Yi has one in the entire Xu Kingdom, and it is a low-grade magic weapon. The one in Zhou Xun's hand is a mid-grade magic weapon!

He took the flying boat in his hand and rubbed it, feeling a warm feeling coming from it.

Zhou Xun couldn't put it down and started refining it without taking stock.

Two hours later, Zhou Xun initially refined it.

With a move of his hand, the flying boat became one foot in size and hung in front of him.

"Hahaha, I will call you Qingguang Shuttle from now on!" It actually directly adopted the name of the original flying magic weapon.

This treasure is also green, which is suitable.

Zhou Xun continued to check, and found that a medium-grade defensive magic weapon, the Golden Cloud Plate, was still metallic and inconsistent with Zhou Xun's.

There are more than 30 kinds of rare materials, all of which are third-level mid-grade or above. Every time you take them out, they will attract the pill-forming monks to grab them!

Produced by Great Elder, they are all top quality products!

At this moment, one of the purple stones caught Zhou Xun's attention.

As soon as he took it out and held it in his hand, a lightning arc flew out from the inside of the stone.

"Lei Yuan Jingjing!"

Zhou Xun is overjoyed!

This is one of the treasures most desired by thunder attribute monks.

It is said that this object was formed by the condensed thunder from the sky when the great demon transformed into a thunder tribulation.

It is filled with a large amount of thunder energy, and it is also extremely pure sky thunder.

After obtaining Lei Xiu, he can improve his own strength in a short time. For Zhou Xun, this is the best thing to strengthen the Lei Chi!

The reason why the great elder of Tianyu Sect collected this treasure was probably because it was prepared for his disciple Feng Wuji.

Now I feel better.

In addition to these materials, there is also a strange jade talisman, which is contained in a wooden box made of third-level spiritual wood.

Zhou Xun studied for a long time but could not find out his role.

No matter whether it is injected with mana, immersed in spiritual consciousness, or even dripped with essence and blood, this jade talisman has not changed at all.

However, to be so solemnly collected, the origin is certainly not trivial, and will be explored in the future.

In addition, there are six third-level middle-grade talismans.

As for the elixirs and elixir bottles, I didn't see any of them. There were quite a few spiritual stones, more than a hundred, all of which were top grade!

The rest were some fragmentary personal belongings, which Zhou Xun burned to ashes with a burst of fire.

There are three storage bags left, one from the bald man, one from Wu Zongdao, and one from a certain unlucky Tianyu Sect fake elixir.

In total, there are four magic weapons, one of medium quality and three of low quality, all of average quality.

The remaining materials, spiritual stones and various treasures are worth more than two million spiritual stones in total.

This time, Zhou Xun's net worth at least tripled.

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