Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 37 Foundation-Building Dzogchen (please read it!!!)

Hongyefang and Wu family residence.

In a secret room, several people wearing red robes and robes were talking.

"Old Seven, tell the elders what you have discovered." A middle-aged man in red robe spoke and gave instructions to the young man on his left.

This man is the Wu family's full-time responsible for tracking secret visits. He practices the Spirit Concealment Art and is best at hiding and tracking.

"Yes, head of the family!" The man agreed with his hands raised.

Then he began to describe his findings:

"I followed the fifth elder of the Lin family on the order of the family leader, and found that this man was actually mixed up with the steward of Bailian Pavilion. The two were chatting and laughing and feasting together."

"The Lin family is mainly engaged in growing elixirs and refining elixirs, while Bailian Pavilion is mainly engaged in refining weapons. How could these two get along together?"

"Then I followed the fifth elder. After he left Baiyun Immortal City, he kept heading west and fled for a month."

"Finally we arrived at a large mountain 2,000 miles northwest of Hongyefang."

"I will send tracking rats to sneak in to check later, and there is actually a fire elemental stone mine there!"

"I think this is the reason why the Lin family has a close relationship with Bailian Pavilion!"

As he spoke, the man took out a goose egg-sized fiery red stone from his arms.

Several old men took it and examined it carefully.

"It is indeed the Fire Element Stone!"

"Hmph, the Lin family broke the rules and secretly hid mineral veins!"

When the four major families of Hongyefang were founded five hundred years ago, they made a covenant to help each other. The four surnames are one family. If a spiritual mine is discovered, the four families must share it.

"I asked you why they have developed so fast in recent years. In just a few decades, their strength has been close to that of our Wu family!" an old man with white hair and beard yelled angrily.

"We must inform the Sun and Li families about this matter, and ask the Lin family to hand over the mine!" The old man looked angry.

In fact, even if they obtained such a spiritual mine, they would not share it with the other three families.

But when it is you who is being concealed, you naturally can't bear it.

"I think we can take this opportunity to expel the Lin family!" the middle-aged man said calmly.

"Expulsion?" Everyone was shocked.

"Master, since the founding of Hongyefang, the four families of Wu, Lin, Sun, and Li have been together for five hundred years. Are they going to be destroyed from today on?" The oldest old man in the field shook his head and asked.

"The elders may not know that my eldest brother has now advanced to the realm of foundation building perfection, and there happened to be a Ningzhi grass cultivated in the secret medicine field of the Lin family,"

"This is the main medicine of the crystal condensation elixir that can increase the chance of forming an elixir by 30%. If you get this thing, with my elder brother's earth spirit root qualifications, the probability of achieving a low-grade true elixir is as high as 80%."

"Even the middle-grade true elixir is as high as 60%, and even the high-grade true elixir is as high as 40%."

"In this way, our Wu family also hopes to break the shackles of five hundred years and become a member of the Zhendan family!"

"Foundation building is complete? Seriously, Zongdao has reached such a state?" Several elders of the Wu family were overjoyed.

"If that's the case, it's not impossible to expel the Lin family!" The eldest man flashed a stern look.

Wu Zongdao, the biological brother of Wu Zongheng, the head of the Wu family, is extremely talented and has a metallic spiritual root.

After this person's earth spirit root was detected, he was hidden by the Wu family and announced to the outside world that he had died.

In fact, it is secretly cultivated outside. After all, the earth spirit root is a natural seed for forming pills, which makes people fearful.

Only the head of the Wu family and the elders of the foundation knew about this news.

Unexpectedly, in just a hundred years, this boy would reach the perfection of foundation building.

"I wonder how the head of the family plans to persuade the Sun and Li families?

"The main business of the Sun family is to control beasts and purchase monster materials. Now that a third-level monster has been born in Baimang Mountain, its power has spread outwards, and many monster hunting monks have returned."

"The Sun family's business has also been greatly affected. According to my observation, it has been less than 30% of previous years,"

"If we don't find a way to change, I'm afraid we will soon fall to the bottom of the four families. If we agree to destroy the Lin family and hand over the entire Lin family's elixir business to the Sun family, they will definitely be tempted."

"As for the Li family, they were originally ranked last among our four major families, and now they are in decline. Only Li Shanjiao, who is in the middle stage of foundation building, is struggling to support him. As you know, Li Shanjiao is already over 150 years old and his lifespan is not long. If we offer a second-level life-extending pill and a foundation-building pill as reward, they will definitely agree!"

"Is it worth investing such a big investment?" The eldest man was a little dissatisfied.

The second-level life extension pill can extend the life of monks by 30 years. It is of great value. Every time it appears, it is snapped up by foundation-building monks.

The family's second-level longevity pill was prepared just for him.

Given the Li family's current situation, they naturally couldn't refuse these two pills.

"If my eldest brother breaks through the real elixir, what does a mere life-extending elixir mean?" the head of the Wu family sneered.

"Okay, then let's do it like this!" The Wu family elder also figured it out, and the other two Wu family elders also agreed.

Danbao Pavilion, alchemy room.

Zhou Xun is refining the fire-preventing pill.

During this period of time, Zhou Xun's refining of the Fire-preventing Pill had reached the point of perfection.

The number of completed fire elixirs for each furnace is stable at around eleven.

However, externally, he still claimed ten coins.

Even so, his fire-preventing pill production rate is the highest except for the eldest lady of the Lin family.

Every five days, he would give the refined fire-preventing pill to Lin Xueying, the eldest daughter of the Lin family.

Lin Xueying also has a yard in Danbao Pavilion. It's not far from Zhou Xun's place.

Zhou Xun took the refined Bigu Pill and came outside the courtyard gate.

"Dong, dong——"

The knocker rang.

After a while, a maid in a green skirt and shoes came out. She had fair skin, long legs, and was pretty and charming.

Seeing that it was Zhou Xun, the girl bowed slightly and saluted:

"I've met Alchemist Zhou!"

"Is the eldest lady here?" Zhou Xun returned the courtesy with his hands in a gentle manner.

"Inside, Master Zhou, please come in!"

Then Zhou Xun stepped into the door.

The yard is full of spiritual flowers and herbs, emitting a faint medicinal fragrance, and a graceful figure stands among them, taking care of them carefully.

The eldest lady of the Lin family is not only highly accomplished in alchemy, she also has considerable skills in Lingzhi.

"I've met the eldest lady!" Zhou Xun slightly cupped his hands.

When the girl heard the voice, she raised her pretty face slightly, stood up and looked at Zhou Xun.

"Alchemist Zhou is here, but the fire-preventing pill has been refined, and you will definitely have the highest success rate this time!" The girl smiled brilliantly, making the flowers around her eclipse.

Zhou Xun calmly patted the storage bag, took out more than ten bottles of elixirs, and handed them over.

The girl put it in her storage bag without even looking at it.

"I have recorded the fifteen bottles of Chengdan. The spirit stones will be distributed together with the monthly salary. I have recorded the contribution in your name!"

Zhou Xun nodded when he heard this and was about to leave, but was stopped by the girl.

"Master Zhou, stay here and come to the pavilion to talk!" The girl pointed to the pavilion not far away.

Then he told the maid:

"Xiao'e, make a pot of spirit mist tea!"

Zhou Xun didn't understand what he meant, but he followed the girl to the pavilion and sat down.

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