At the same time, deep in Baimang Mountain.

In a deserted valley, a passage suddenly appeared on the stone wall, and then a young man wearing a yellow gown and a handsome face came out.

Hanging on his waist was a blue-black token engraved with the word "imperial" in ancient compilation.

As he walked out, the passage behind him closed instantly, as if it had never appeared before.

He looked around and smiled.

"Is this the legendary Spirit Beast Mountain Range? This time I will conquer a few high-grade bloodline monsters!"

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a spiritual light and rushed outside.

On the other side, Zhou Xun and others flew straight north after leaving Wangchuan Lake.

Their route this time left the Xu Kingdom from the front line of the Golden Ape Valley, and then passed through the Shiwan Swamp Land and entered the Yan Kingdom.

Finally, it passes straight through and reaches Tianhan City of Zhao State.

That was the route that Huai'an and others took back.

At this time, there is still nearly a year before the Tianhan City event, so Zhou Xun and the others are not in a hurry.

Go slowly.

Along the way, I deliberately visited the scenery of Xu State, which also had a unique flavor.

If you come across a place you like, it is very common to even stay for a few days.

Finally, a month later, Zhou Xun and others arrived at the Golden Ape Valley.

When Master Fengyun heard that Zhou Xun was here, he immediately warmly entertained him.

Although he did not return to the sect, he also knew that Zhou Xun served as the guest elder of their Yunguang Sect and was in charge of the Grand Elder Order.

"It is truly a great honor for me, the monks stationed in the Golden Ape Valley, to have Elder Zhou here!"

"Elder Fengyun is so polite!"

Unable to bear Elder Fengyun's enthusiasm, Zhou Xun stayed here for five days.

During this period, Zhou Xun and Master Fengyun chatted about information about the magic circle.

Both of them are quasi-third-level formation masters, and each has gained a lot from each other's skills.

Zhou Xun not only cultivated a lot, but his formation skills were no less than him, which really shocked and admired Master Fengyun.

When they finally parted, the two agreed to talk again next time.

Soon, Chi Yanluan carried Zhou Xun and Song Yiqing out of the Golden Ape Valley.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, I never thought that you are good at formations. I remember that you are not famous for your alchemy skills?"

"Hahaha, after forming the elixir, I have more free time, so I will study a few cultivation arts to pass the time!"

Zhou Xun said with a smile.

"Zhou Daoyou's talent is truly the only one I've seen in my life!"

Everyone chatted and soon entered the scope of Shiwan Swamp.

As soon as he stepped in, a subtle black air penetrated into the body.

Mana surged on the surface of the body, and a cyan mana light shield appeared instantly, wrapping the figures of Zhou Xun and Song Yiqing.

"I have long heard how terrifying the miasma of the Shiwan Swamp is. When I saw it today, it was indeed extraordinary!"

This is Zhou Xun's first time here, so he has such an experience.

Xuan Yunzi was once stationed in Golden Ape Valley and had been here several times!

"That's true, but the miasma at this time is much thinner than the last time I came here. I think in more than a hundred years, the miasma here will completely dissipate!"

"By then, this place will probably be a place of strife again!"

Zhou Xun nodded after hearing this.

One hundred thousand miles of swamp, the area is extremely wide, larger than the Feng Kingdom and the Xu Kingdom combined.

In such a large area, once the miasma dissipates, the benefits contained therein are unimaginable.

Spirit Vein, Spirit Mountain, Spirit Mine.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, why don't you and I join forces? Maybe we can get some benefits here!"

Xuan Yunzi suggested.

Shiwanshuang borders Yan State to the north, Xu State to the south, and Yue State to the east.

The day the miasma dissipates will definitely be the beginning of war.

By then, the three major sects of the Yan Kingdom might join forces!

There are more than ten true elixir monks, including two who are in the late stage of elixir formation. With such a force, even if Feng Xuyue and the Three Kingdoms join forces, they may not be able to match them.

"This matter is not urgent. We still have a hundred years to go. It won't be too late to talk about it then!" Zhou Xun said calmly.

Seeing this, Xuan Yunzi stopped talking about this topic.

Another month passed before they finally left the scope of the Shiwan Swamp.

Entered the country of Yan.

Tianyu Immortal City is the sphere of influence under Tianyu Sect.

Its largest restaurant is also the property of Tianyumen and is called "Tianyu Tower".

In a certain private room, Zhou Xun and three people were sitting opposite each other.

"Brother Xuanyun, the Du Kang Spiritual Wine of the Yan Kingdom is truly well-deserved!" Zhou Xun laughed, raised his neck, and poured a glass of spiritual wine into his stomach.

Dukang is the most famous spiritual wine in the Yan Kingdom. How could Zhou Xun not taste it when passing by.

Xuan Yunzi had a wry smile on his face.

The portraits of the two of them may have been deeply reflected in the minds of the senior monks of Tianyu Sect.

But Zhou Xun actually dared to arrogantly walk to the hinterland to taste the spiritual wine.

He really didn't know whether he should say Zhou Xunyi was brave.

"Don't worry, the Tianyu Sect invaded my Xu country and destroyed three major True Pill cultivators. Now they are just hanging on!"

"It's just a loser, why should I care about it!"

Zhou Xun now has the late-stage combat power of the three major pill formations, so he is naturally confident.

Five days later, Zhou Xun, who had enjoyed his time, set out on his journey again.

The Baimang Mountains are a large mountain range that spans several countries. The one in Xu State is just a branch of the Baimang Mountains.

Baimang Mountain near Tianhan City is the main vein of Baimang Mountain, stretching millions of miles from north to south!

Five months later, three figures fell down on a small mountain.

It was Zhou Xun, Song Yiqing and Xuan Yunzi.

After leaving Tianyu Fairy City that day, Zhou Xun did not delay any longer.

He went straight through the State of Yan and entered the territory of the State of Zhao.

Then he galloped towards the northwest, heading straight for Tianhan City.

It's also interesting to talk about, because Zhou Xun and Xuan Yunzi concealed their auras and rushed on their way with Chi Yanluan.

At the junction of Yan and Zhao countries, they unexpectedly encountered Jie Xiu.

The leader is even more of a fake alchemy practitioner!

This is the first time even Zhou Xun has seen a calamity cultivator in the fake elixir period.

Such a powerful person, who would not be a big shot in Xu country, actually came out to do calamity cultivation here.

So with a casual blow from Zhou Xun, he killed all these tribulation cultivators and tearfully accepted the wealth of nearly one million spiritual stones.

"After months of trekking, we finally arrived here!" Song Yiqing sighed with emotion.

According to the direction on the map, this place is only a few thousand miles away from Tianhan City.

Looking from here, you can occasionally see the monk's escaping light streaking across the sky in the distance.

Most of these people are foundation-building monks!

After a short rest, they took the Red Flame Luan and moved forward again.

Three hours later,

A huge mountain peak rises straight into the sky.

Viewed from here, it is thousands of feet high!

At the same time, a huge city was like an entrenched dragon, winding up from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

This is Tianhan City!

It is built according to the mountain, entrenched up, one layer after another.

It is said that the cave of Tianhan Master is at the top of this mountain range.

Tianhan City was now enveloped by a large formation, with a flash of spiritual light. It was said that this was a third-level top-grade forbidden formation with infinite power.

The closer we get to the Immortal City, more and more spiritual lights gather in all kinds of ways.

These escaping lights fell one after another more than a hundred miles away from the fairy city. This was caused by the air restrictions in the fairy city.

Zhou Xun and others followed the idea of ​​​​doing as the Romans do when they are in the country, so they also failed to control the Red Yan Luan.

At this moment, a young man wearing a yellow gown and a handsome face walked towards them.

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