Hearing this, Zhou Xun looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, with a square face and a wide mouth, and a majestic look on his face, looking at Zhou Xun with surprise.

"Senior Brother Zuo, it's you. I didn't expect to meet you here!"

This person is Zuo Qifan, the seventeenth disciple of Zhenren Baiyun and Zhou Xun's senior brother.

When Zhou Xun became a disciple of Master Baiyun, he was already at the peak of foundation building. Now, decades later, he is still stuck in the foundation building stage!

Sensing the aura of magic power in Zhou Xun's body, Zuo Qifan's originally smiling face suddenly froze, his face became a little complicated, and his voice became stammered.

"Junior brother, you...you really formed a pill!"

The junior brother who was in the middle stage of foundation building back then had already formed the elixir, but he still couldn't find a way to be promoted!

"It's just a lucky break. I see that senior brother is full of magic power, and I think the day of breakthrough is not far away!" Zhou Xun smiled faintly.

"Junior brother, I'm grateful. I wonder who this senior is,"

Zuo Qifan said, looking at Xuan Yunzi next to him.

"Oh, I haven't introduced you yet, but this is the great elder of Fengguo Xuanyun Sect, Xuanyunzi, who is also here to attend the Tianhan Festival!"

"It turns out that it's senior Xuan Yunzi, junior Zuo Qifan, and the seventeen disciples of Master Baiyun. Pay homage to seniors!" Zuo Qifan bowed his hands in greeting.

"My little friend, there is no need to be polite. The two countries of Fengxu and Fengxu live next to each other. You and I can be considered fellow villagers even though we are in Tianhan City!"

Xuan Yuanzi laughed and said cheerfully.

"Junior Brother Zhou, and Senior Xuanyun, it's rare to meet again, so why not go to my cave to talk about it. Senior brother now lives in Uncle Nanyue's dojo!"

"Not only me, but also Senior Brother Lu and Junior Brother Ding live there!"

"And Master Nanyue would be very happy if he knew that Junior Brother Zhou was here."

Zuo Qifan invited.

"Is it a little abrupt?" said Xuan Yunzi on the side.

"It's okay. To be honest with fellow Taoist Xuanyun, I went to Tianhan City this time, firstly, to attend the Tianhan Grand Meeting, and secondly, I came to attend the meeting at the invitation of Master Nanyue,"

"I was going to pay a visit. Since I can't rent a house in this city, haha, I have no choice but to go to Master Nanyue's place to enjoy the autumn breeze."

Zhou Xun said with a smile.

Master Nanyue has a very good relationship with him and has a half-teacher friendship.

"So good!"

Zuo Qifan nodded, and immediately led Zhou Xun and others to Nanyue Zhenren's dojo.

Tianhan City is different from ordinary fairy cities. It is built along the Tianhan Mountain, one floor after another, with a total of thirty-six floors!

Master Nanyue’s dojo is on the thirty-third floor!

Following the main road, about half an hour later, Zhou Xun and others finally arrived at the Nanyue Zhenren Dojo.

Nanyue Zhenren's dojo is huge, occupying almost half of the thirty-third floor.

"Junior Brother Zhou, this is Uncle Nanyue's dojo."

Zuo Qifan pointed at a group of towering buildings and said.

Zhou Xun looked around and saw palaces built against the mountain, with five steps to the first floor and ten steps to the pavilion!

"What a magnificent dojo!" Zhou Xun praised, then followed Zuo Qifan and walked in.

Then under his leadership, we went to visit Master Nanyue!

Upon hearing that Zhou Xun had arrived, Master Nanyue immediately put down the formation book in his hand and went to add it.

"Zhou Xun pays homage to Master Nanyue!"

Looking at the familiar old man in front of him, Zhou Xun stepped forward, bowed and saluted,

Perhaps his strength at this time was no worse than the old man in front of him, but Zhou Xun still respected him very much.

The reason why Zhou Xun was able to defend his dojo under the pressure of Yunguang Sect back then.

The Tiangang Five Elements Formation arranged by Master Nanyue played a very big role.

Zhou Xun has always been grateful for this.

In addition, Master Nanyue taught Zhou Xun a lot of formation knowledge during his time at Wangchuan Lake.

He gave everything he had without reservation, which was why Zhou Xun was able to be promoted to a quasi-third-level formation mage so quickly.

"Zhou Xun!"

Master Nanyue looked at the handsome young man in front of him, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

For him, Zhou Xun is not only a good friend, but also a direct disciple of Master Baiyun, and can also be regarded as his successor.

All his formation skills have been handed over to him without reservation.

What he didn't expect was that Zhou Xun could become an alchemy monk so quickly.

This is an unexpected surprise! Seeing that Zhou Xun was still as respectful to him as before, Master Nanyue felt that he had not misjudged the person.

It's a pity that he has already become a disciple, and the person he worships is his old friend Baiyun Zhenren, otherwise he would have to accept him as his disciple.

"I haven't seen you for many years, but my uncle's style remains the same. I'm very happy for this junior!"

"Hahaha, you are even more surprising. In just over twenty years, not only you have been promoted to the Danjie stage, but you also killed the Tianyumen elder in the late Danjie stage in one fell swoop!"

"Brother Baiyun, I'm afraid he would be pleased if he knew that you have achieved what you have achieved today!"

Master Nanyue was so relieved that he couldn't help stroking his beard with his right hand.

"Zhou Xun can be where he is today thanks to the Tiangang Five Elements Formation that Master Uncle left back then. Without this formation, Zhou Xun would have fallen into the Tianyu Sect's sneak attack that year!"

Zhou Xun said seriously.

"My nephew is serious!"

Master Nanyue changed the subject and continued:

"I'm very happy that you can come this time!"

After all, Zhou Xun's current strength is not inferior to him at all. Even if he ignores him, there is nothing he can do!

"Uncle Master summoned me, how could Zhou Xun not come? It's just a brief description in the letter, but I don't know if it has any advice?"

Zhou Xun asked following the words of Master Nanyue!

"It's a long story. Let's talk about it in detail after you and I meet the real person Tianci!"

Master Nanyue did not directly state the purpose of his letter.

"Speaking of it, this is your first time coming to our Tianhan City. Why don't you go out for a walk first, get to know the customs and customs of our Tianhan City, and have a taste of our delicious food! You will definitely not be disappointed!"

"As for the letter, I will personally take you to see the real person Tianci tomorrow. At that time, he will explain to you the ins and outs of this matter one by one!"

"That's fine!"

Zhou Xun didn’t persist,

Then, he discussed the formation method with Master Nanyue. With his current level 3 formation skills, he could talk about it with Master Nanyue.

Master Nanyue was amazed.

"Has your formation skills now reached the quasi-third level?"

"Uncle Master's eyesight is really accurate!" Zhou Xun complimented.

"Even back then, I didn't come into the country like you. It seems that I, Donghuang, will have a high-ranking third-level formation master with a high probability!"

The two chatted for a long time until late at night, before Zhou Xun took his leave.

Then, under the instruction of Master Nanyue, Zhou Xun moved into one of the few third-level high-grade caves in the dojo.

Early the next morning, as soon as Zhou Xun had breakfast, he saw a blaze of fire coming from outside the door, hanging above the cave's restrictions.

When Zhou Xun saw this, a spiritual light struck the talisman.

Then, an old and powerful voice came in.

"Master Nephew, God-sent Taoist Brother is here to visit in person!"

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