A monster the size of a calf, covered in white, and resembling an elephant appeared in front of Zhou Xun!

Judging from his aura, he is probably at the second-level mid-level!

"Senior, spare your life!"

At this moment, a girl's voice came out, but it came from the white elephant.

Generally speaking, only great demons of level three or above can achieve the wisdom of ordinary people and speak human words!

The white elephant in front of me is obviously only the second-level mid-grade, which is strange!

Of course, the world of immortality is vast and rich, and even the most magical things can happen.

"You are only a second-level middle-ranker, how can you speak human words?" Zhou Xun was a little surprised.

"We, the 'Baiyu' clan, tend to be wise early. Even at the second level, we can be like a third-level demon, uttering human words!"

Bai Xiang replied respectfully.

"It's quite strange. What special abilities do you have? I don't care for idlers here!"

"If you are just an ordinary monster, you can only kill the monster to get the pill!"

Zhou Xun said calmly, but what he said made Bai Xiang terrified.

"Little Elephant, Little Elephant is very good at tracking. As long as I smell his scent, it will not escape my nose within a thousand miles!"

"Senior was caught up before, and it was Little Elephant Zhu who followed him!"

Bai Xiang said hurriedly.

"Is that all?" Zhou Xun was a little disappointed. After all, when it came to tracking skills, he had never seen anyone more powerful than his own divination skills!

Bai Xiang was shocked when he heard this and hurriedly explained:

"The ability of the little elephant can be continuously advanced. If...if it can reach the third level one day, it can be tracked within thousands of miles!"

Zhou Xun was still a little dissatisfied after hearing this, and then asked:

"Then what level is your bloodline?"

"Dipin, I am of Dipin bloodline. I have a high probability of entering the third level in the future. Moreover, our 'Bai Yu' clan has extremely long life and long luck, so I am the best choice to guard the dojo!"

Bai Xiang promoted himself crazily, fearing that Zhou Xun would really kill the demon and get the elixir!

"The quality of the land is not bad. I'll spare your life. Just follow me and I'll find you a master in the future!"

Even if an earth-level monster is not good at fighting, if it can reach the third level, it can still be considered a good combat power.

Song Yiqing is now majoring in animal control, so this white elephant is just right for her!

"Thank you master, thank you master!"

The white elephant is overjoyed!

He was immediately put into the spirit beast bracelet by Zhou Xun and the Earth Beast.

Without waiting much, Zhou Xun made a circle and flew straight to Tianhan City!

Return to the cave again.

Song Yiqing came forward with a smile,

"Husband, you are back, it seems that you have gained a lot!"

Based on her understanding of Zhou Xun, usually after receiving great benefits, her mood will be the same as now!

"Hahaha, yes, it is indeed a big gain!"

"On this trip, I found two spiritual beasts for you!"

With that said, Zhou Xun slapped his hand on his waist, and two spiritual lights flew out and landed on the ground.

One is Qingyan Luan, who is imprisoned by Zhou Xun and cannot move at all, and the other is a white elephant!

As soon as Qing Yanluan appeared, she immediately attracted Song Yiqing's attention!

"Husband, this seems to be a monster of Qingluan bloodline!"

"Yes, the bloodline of this Qingyan Luan seems to have reached the ultimate level. If your Red Flame Luan can refine it, it will be greatly improved!"

"As for how high it can be, I don't know!"

Zhou Xun smiled slightly.

"Husband, you are so kind!" Song Yiqing's eyes were full of joy.

Originally, she had a low-grade spiritual root, so she was lucky to be able to build a foundation. Now, she has found the "Spirit Controlling Manual", a technique that ignores spiritual root qualifications.

He also tried to find ways to improve the blood quality of her natal spirit beast, which was really good enough for her!

And she is just a concubine!

Her grandma was a real Taoist monk named Jinhong Jinhong, and she was not treated like her!

I will never regret meeting such a wonderful person in this life!

"I don't know how to refine its bloodline," Zhou Xun asked.

"According to the "Yu Ling Zhen Jing", each time the heart essence and blood are extracted and divided into 7749 times, the bloodline can be gradually improved!"

Song Yiqing thought for a while and then answered.

"Forty-nine times, it's not too much. When we return to Wangchuan Lake, you can start refining it!"

"By the way, there is also a second-level mid-level earth-blood monster here. It seems to be from the 'Baiyu' clan. You should subdue it too!"

With that said, Zhou Xun patted the white elephant on the head.

Bai Xiang Ru Meng was pardoned and hurriedly walked to Song Yiqing's side, rubbed her affectionately, and said:

"I've met the master!"

Seeing her speak, Song Yiqing was surprised!

"This beast is somewhat special. At the second level, its intelligence is no less than that of ordinary humans, and it can even speak human words!"

Zhou Xun explained.

"You should refine it quickly. With me here, it won't dare to make mistakes!"

With that said, he took out the beast's natal spiritual tablet and handed it to Song Yiqing.

Song Yiqing then made a secret with her hands, spread her consciousness, wrapped the spirit tablet inside, and began to refine it.

Not long after, the spirit tablet flashed and the refining was successful.

Early the next morning, Zhou Xun went to the thirty-sixth floor to pay a visit to the God-given Master!

Going up to the thirty-first floor is the official area of ​​Tianhan City, which is extremely heavily guarded.

However, since Zhou Xun possesses the Elder Token of the Guest Minister of Tianhan City, he can travel unimpeded!

Soon, Zhou Xun arrived at the thirty-sixth floor. The concentration of spiritual energy here was even higher, and he had reached the third-level high-grade level before he even entered.

Arriving in front of a huge archway more than ten feet high, with the word Tianhan mentioned above, there were two guards from the foundation building stage at the door.

"Senior, stop!"

Zhou Xun then took out his token and threw it to the two guards!

The guard took it and took a closer look. His expression immediately became respectful. It turned out to be "Elder Zhou".

"The Great Elder has already given instructions. If you come, you can go in directly."

Zhou Xun took the token, nodded, and then strode inside!

The thirty-sixth floor is not only the location of Tianci Zhenren’s cave, but also the location of important buildings in Tianhan City.

Including Tianhan City secret treasury, library and other institutions!

When Zhou Xun came to the door of Tianci Zhenren's cave, he saw an old man with a fair face, gray hair, and dressed as a Confucian scholar already standing in front of the door.

Look at him with a smile!

Tianci Zhenren actually came out to greet him in advance, presumably because of the information provided by the guards.

"I have met the Taoist brother who was given by God, and he personally greeted me. I feel so ashamed!" Zhou Xun bowed his hands in greeting!

"Hahaha, Brother Zhou is one of our own, so he naturally wants to come out to pick you up. Please come in!"

Immediately, the two of them walked into the cave together.

Tianci Immortal Cave Mansion is not as prosperous as imagined, but is extremely simple, with only a few tables and chairs in the living room.

"Brother Zhou, please sit down!"

Master Tianci took out a tea set and brewed two pots of spiritual tea according to the technique taught by Zhou Xun that day.

"Brother Zhou, give it a try, my technique is pretty good!" Master Tianci laughed.

Zhou Xun took the spirit tea and took a sip. The fragrance lingered on his lips and teeth, and he calmed down and concentrated!

"Good tea. Brother Dao has acquired this technique in a very short time, and he is already as good as me!"

Zhou Xun admired and immediately talked about his purpose.

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