Zhou Xun was shocked when he heard this and looked behind him.

They saw dozens of miles behind them in the air, a green light running towards them rapidly.

That kind of speed is simply not something that a Qi Practitioner can possess.

"Foundation-building monk!"

Who is this if he is not the eldest elder of the Wu family?

Several people looked ugly.

From Lin Xueying's mouth, Zhou Xun had already learned the true cultivation level of the great elder of the Wu family - the peak of the middle stage of foundation building.

This was something he couldn't resist no matter what.

But he is not the kind of person who gives up casually.

He did not hesitate to increase his mana output, and his meridians even ached a little because of it.

Suddenly, the speed of the green light shuttle under his feet increased, and it sped towards the northeast at twice the speed before.

There is a very high mountain there. If you rush in and rely on the mountain to block your sight for a short time, you may have a chance of survival.

There is also a high-level purchase of the Earth Escape Talisman in his storage bag.

Seeing Zhou Xun and others increasing their speed, Wu Guangxiao sneered and increased the mana delivery without hesitation.

Then, visible to the naked eye, two spiritual lights quickly approached.

As soon as Zhou Xun crossed the mountain peak, he saw the black mist as dark as ink.

Looking at the elder of the Wu family three or four miles behind him.

From such a distance, with Zhou Xun's eyesight, he could even see Wu Guangxiao's stern expression clearly.

Gritting his teeth, he immediately controlled the green light shuttle downwards and plunged into the dark mist.

The eldest elder of the Wu family just sneered in his heart when he saw Zhou Xuntun's light pointing downwards.

These little brats in the Qi training stage, no matter how much they jump around, can't escape from his grasp.

But when his flying boat crossed the mountain, he instantly saw the dark mist like ink.

There was a moment of hesitation.

Wu Guangxiao looked solemn as he heard ghosts crying and wolves howling from time to time.

"What's this!"

The young man next to him turned pale and asked nervously.

"It seems to be a ghost?" Wu Guangxiao once saw a few words in a classical book.

All I know is that this thing is the enemy of human monks.

His face struggled and changed several times, and finally he became cruel and drove his flying boat to land on a nearby mountain peak.

He drove all the Wu family disciples around him down, and then ordered:

"You guys wait here. If I don't come back in two hours, you rush back to Baiyun Fairy City and report the changes here!"

"Great Elder, you!"

"Don't say too much!" Wu Guangxiao's expression was serious.

He is now in his early 150s. If he doesn't give it a try, he will never be able to reach the true elixir realm in his life.

And he, Wu Guangxiao, is also a Taoist, and he is not willing to be trapped in foundation building in this life and die in depression.

That wasn't the ending he wanted.

He immediately activated the flying boat and dived into the black mist below.

As soon as he entered the black mist, Zhou Xun felt that his whole body was full of magic power. He immediately lost control of the green light shuttle and fell downwards.

Wang Erniu and his wife on the green light shuttle, as well as Lin Xueying, were also shocked.

Fortunately, Zhou Xun quickly adapted and stabilized the green light shuttle.

Then under his control, it landed steadily on the ground.

It turns out that this strange black mist has the ability to suppress mana.

Ninety-nine percent of Zhou Xun's magic power was suppressed, and only a trace could be used.

Relying on this trace of mana, Zhou Xun opened the storage bag, took out a dozen defensive talismans, and placed them in his arms.

At the same time, a golden shield talisman was activated to protect himself inside.

Fortunately, only a trace of mana is needed to maintain the Golden Shield Talisman.

Lin Xueying and others also imitated Zhou Xun and activated the defensive talismans.

Then, Zhou Xun raised his eyes and looked around, and found that he could only see clearly five feet in front of him.

Then he used his spiritual consciousness to sweep around.

The spiritual consciousness was suppressed even more severely, and it was even impossible to leave the body.

"What the hell is this place!" Wang Erniu couldn't help but muttered.

Although this place is extremely strange, it seems less of a threat than the Foundation Establishment monks chasing behind.

After all, when the two were closest to each other, they were less than three miles apart, and with the foundation-building monk's escape technique, it only took a dozen breaths of effort.

Now that this place suppresses spiritual consciousness and magic power so powerfully, it is expected to be equally effective against foundation-building monks.

In the short term, I feel safe.

"Miss, do you know the origin of this black mist?" Looking at the dark surroundings, Zhou Xun asked with a solemn expression.

As a direct descendant of the Ji Zhu family, Lin Xueying is well-informed and may know the origin of this mist.

"It seems to be the legendary ghost land!" Lin Xueying nodded after hearing this.

She really knew this.

When she was young, she liked to spend time in the family library. The incident in the ghost realm was recorded in a very old miscellaneous journal, but the description was not very detailed.

"The ghost realm appears irregularly and may appear anywhere. When he appears, it is like this, black mist."

"The trouble is, this mist has the ability to suppress the magic power of immortal cultivators. Only when your cultivation reaches a certain level can you be less affected by this strange mist."

"However, after this ghost realm appears, it will disappear soon!"

"As for the others, I don't know either!"

"It'll be good if it disappears!" Wang Erniu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"I see from above that this ghost domain is not very wide, only tens of miles in size. If we walk in one direction, we can get out very quickly!" Zhou Xun recalled when he was on the Qingguang Shuttle. The scene I saw.

"If we go out, what should we do if the eldest elder of the Wu family is waiting for us outside?" Wang Erniu asked worriedly.

"There is no need to panic at this time. When we landed, we seemed to see the elder of the Wu family chasing after us. Even if he came here, he would not be able to escape the fate of magical suppression!" Lin Xueying said with relief.

"In that case, let's go out!" Wang Erniu looked happy.

What he was most worried about was the elder of the Wu family.

Several people walked forward, and suddenly there was a surge of fog in front of them.

Zhou Xun and others were shocked and took a few steps back.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a crack two fingers wide, and it looked bottomless. There was a slight mist coming out.

Occasionally, there would be a surge, and a big drum of mist would spray out from inside.

"What is this? Is it connected to the source of the fog?" Wang Erniu guessed.

At this moment, there was a sudden "bang".

The light shield on Zhou Xun's body suddenly brightened and dimmed. It was obvious that he had suffered some kind of attack!

"Be careful, there's something!" Zhou Xun shouted urgently.

Then he took out a talisman and activated it.


Another sound.

Wang Erniu's mask was directly scratched.

Fortunately, Wang Erniu was not injured. He lost his soul and activated four talismans in a row, two to protect himself and two to protect his wife who was holding his daughter.

"Brother, what kind of monster is this!" Wang Erniu said in panic.

"It seems to be a shadow!" Zhou Xun said uncertainly.

Just now he saw a translucent claw, which looked like a human but not like a human.

It looks like a human because it also has five fingers, unlike its fingers which are extremely slender and long, and its nails are even sharper.

It's just that the claws don't look real, and have a slightly transparent feel, which is extremely weird.

At this moment, Zhou Xun felt a strange movement coming from the storage bag.

So I quickly checked.

I saw the strange little flag that was seized from the pair of robbery cultivators when I participated in the black market (see Chapter 33). The ghost boy on it was blinking and actually came to life.

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