The reason why he exposed his true level of alchemy.

No one in Qingyuefang knew his origins or how long he had been learning the art of alchemy.

Secondly, when he is away from home, he also needs an identity. As the head of the Hundred Arts of Cultivation, Alchemist has a high status and is respected by everyone. The middle-grade level can allow him to quickly enter the upper circle of Qingyuefang.

After that, whether it is news or resources, it will be more convenient to obtain them.

Just talk about the current benefits.

You only need to pay half the price to rent a cave.

"There are six caves with alchemy rooms here. I don't know which one is my favorite?" After listening to Zhou Xun's request, the middle-aged man took out a one-foot-square magic weapon and tapped the magic formula lightly.

The miniatures of six mini caves appear in it.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xun was amazed, and then started to choose.

Finally, he selected a medium-sized cave with a hall, alchemy room, exercise room, and a spiritual kitchen.

"Ten spiritual stones a year, Taoist friend only needs five. I wonder how many years you plan to rent it?" The middle-aged man said after seeing Zhou Xun's choice.

"Five years!" Zhou Xun replied,

"By the way, my two junior brothers and sisters also need to choose a cave each!" Zhou Xun then pointed at Lin Xueying, Wang Erniu and said.

They had already discussed before that Zhou Xun, Lin Xueying, and Wang Erniu would pretend to be brothers and sisters, while Lin Xue'e and her daughter would also be Wang Erniu's wife and daughter.

Zhou Xun showed off his strength as a first-level mid-level alchemist, while Lin Xueying and Wang Erniu showed off his abilities as a first-level low-level alchemist.

After all, the appearance of two young first-level mid-level alchemists at the same time was too eye-catching.

"It turns out that the two of you are also alchemists, please forgive Song for his blindness!" Song Zhishu smiled even more.

"The shopkeeper is so polite!"

Later, Lin Xueying and Wang Erniu each chose a cave.

"Three first-level buildings, five years of lease, seventy-five spirit stones as a courtesy!" The middle-aged shopkeeper smiled slightly and reported a number.

"My junior brother and sister are only low-grade alchemists, how can I take advantage of this!" Zhou Xun declined.

You can get some benefits if you get them, but if you take advantage of things that don't belong to you, you will owe a favor, and it's not easy to repay favor debts.

"Fellow Taoist is a middle-grade alchemist at such a young age, so what does it mean to be in a mere cave!" The middle-aged shopkeeper complimented him politely, and then continued:

"To be honest with you, fellow Taoist, my brother is in charge of the elixir business in the clan. We are currently lacking in the supply of elixirs. If you can refine elixirs, please give my brother a chance!"

At this time, the middle-aged man finally expressed his intention.

Since it was a transaction and everyone got what they wanted, Zhou Xun naturally had no reason to refuse.

What's more, when he first came here, he could get in touch with the Song family's elixir manager, which would make it easier for him to take advantage of the elixir.

So I agreed immediately.

After that, he took out seventy-five spiritual stones and rented three caves.

Taking the token and led by the servant, he headed towards the cave.

Of the three caves, Wang Erniu's is a little further away, while Lin Xueying's is next to Zhou Xun.

Since coming out of Hongyefang, several people have been running for their lives, so they have been almost inseparable for nearly a year, which has made it difficult for Zhou Xun to count his loot.

The closest one is the bone jade belonging to the elder of the Wu family, and the slightly further one is the storage bag of the Wei brothers.

Now it's time to take stock.

The first thing to check was the bone jade belonging to the eldest elder of the Wu family.

It's a pity that he failed to obtain the storage bag from the elder of the Wu family. Otherwise, Zhou Xun would have had the resources to reach the peak of Qi training and even the foundation building stage.

You know, this is the great elder of a family, and he is much richer than ordinary foundation-building monks.

Zhou Xun took the bone jade in his hand, and it was delicate and had a greasy feel when he touched it gently.

Immediately after injecting mana, the bone jade showed no change.

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Xun probed into it with his spiritual consciousness.

Sure enough, it contains a divination technique that is extremely rare in the world of cultivation.

Divination is also one of the various arts of cultivation.

It's just that this kind of skill inheritance is so rare that most monks have never heard of it.

Even Zhou Xun, this was the first time I saw him.

According to what is said above, the art of divination has the ability to predict good and bad luck, avoid misfortunes, know life and death, judge yin and yang, determine cause and effect, and control luck.

It is a strange and unpredictable technique in the world.

Unfortunately, the threshold for this kind of thaumaturgy is extremely high. Even if you want to get started, you still need at least the foundation-building level.

The divination technique recorded in this bone jade was inherited by the ancient Nascent Soul monk Dzi Bead Old Man tens of thousands of years ago.

At that time, the old man Tianzhu, with his cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanying, was able to resist the great monks in the late stage of Yuanying several times, relying on this strange divination technique.

Seeing that the power of this thaumaturgy was so great, Zhou Xun was a little unwilling to accept it and forcefully checked the contents:

"Yang generates the energy of all things, and Yin hides the form of all things."

As soon as I read this sentence, I felt like the world was spinning and I couldn't control myself.

Knowing that immortal cultivators are immune to all diseases, Zhou Xun was so shocked that he immediately stopped reading.

"This technique is really evil. I'd better understand it after building the foundation!" After resting for a while, Zhou Xun returned to normal, so he put the bone jade away properly.

Then, they began to count the storage bags of the Wei brothers.

There are not many spiritual stones, only about four hundred pieces.

There were only a dozen middle-grade talismans, and the rest were probably used when capturing Lin Xueying.

However, one of them is extremely precious, which is the second-level Earth Escape Talisman.

This talisman can be kept until now because the activation of the second-level talisman must be guided by spiritual consciousness.

However, Wei Shangli was only in the middle stage of Qi training and had not yet awakened his spiritual consciousness, so he could not use it.

This second-level earth escape talisman was actually an advantage for Zhou Xun.

Otherwise, given the situation at that time, if he directly used the Earth Escape Talisman to escape, there would be nothing Zhou Xun could do.

There is also a low-grade defensive weapon, which belongs to Wei Shangren.

For some reason, it was not used that day.

In addition, there are a lot of talismans and classics, which surprised Zhou Xun.

From the basic to the advanced, from beginner to first-level mid-level, everything is available.

Except for the middle grade, the rest were obtained from Wei Shangren's storage bag. It seems that his brother Wei Shangli prepared them for him, hoping that he could become a first-level talisman master as soon as possible.

However, Wei Shangren was impetuous and domineering, so he could not bear to study the art of talismans.

Now everything is cheaper Zhou Xun.

Finally, there are two jade boxes, which look extraordinary at first glance, and have spirit-sealing restraining talismans affixed to them.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun couldn't help but look forward to it.

To be treated with such solemnity, the treasure inside must be of great importance.

Zhou Xun first took out the long jade box.

A magic formula was applied, and the spirit-sealing talisman floated down.

Open the box gently.

A green jade slip lay quietly inside.

Inject spiritual consciousness to view.

"The True Interpretation of Luo Family Talismans"


The Lingfu Luo family's talisman inheritance ranges from the first-level low-grade to the second-level low-grade.

"It is said that the Luo family has produced talisman masters who are close to the third level, but this inheritance can only be traced to the second level and the lower level. It seems that it is not the complete version!" Zhou Xun guessed.

But the second-level low-grade ones are enough.

Then he used the same technique to open the second jade box.

This sight made Zhou Xun's heart beat fast.

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