"Brother Zhou, fortunately you have lived up to your fate!"

The elegant middle-aged Song Zhishu smiled and greeted him politely.

After getting along for a year, the two have become good friends.

"Sorry for bothering you, Brother Song!" Zhou Xun returned the favor. He had been waiting for this shop for several months.

Qingyuefang has a large flow of people, so the shops here are extremely popular.

If it weren't for Song Zhishu, the rental manager, this shop wouldn't be in his turn.

Soon, Song Zhishu took Zhou Xun to the center of Fang City to check out the store.

The shop is a two-story attic with a small area, covering an area of ​​about half an acre.

There is also a backyard at the back with several rooms built for Zhou Xun to rest.

Although it is a little simpler, it has a superior geographical location. It is on the main road of Fang City and has a large flow of people.

"How's it going? Brother Zhou is satisfied!" Song Zhishu asked with a smile.

Many people came to him for inquiries in this shop, including two sons of the Song family, but he rejected them all.

The reason is to make friends with this young and excessive middle-grade alchemist.

"It's very good here!" Zhou Xun nodded with satisfaction.

The first floor can be used as a sales area to sell elixirs. Of course, the talismans refined by Zhou Xun can also be sold here.

The second floor can be used as a private room. If there are more important guests, you can invite them to the private room for detailed discussions.

The backyard serves as a storage room and seating area.

"That's good. The annual rent here is fifty spiritual stones. How many years will Brother Zhou plan to rent it?"

"The lease term remains as usual, let's rent it for five years first!" Zhou Xun said without hesitation.

Then he paid 250 yuan in rent and rented the shop.

"By the way, I still need a shopkeeper here. Brother Song, do you have any recommendations?" Zhou Xun returned the favor.

"My wife's cousin turns out to be the shopkeeper of this shop, why don't you meet me, Brother Zhou!" Song Zhishu recommended with a smile after hearing this.

"Since it was recommended by Brother Song, I can naturally trust him and let him come on duty in three days!"

"Then I'll thank that cousin!" Song Zhishu smiled slightly, knowing in his heart that Brother Zhou is a good man.

Five days later, Zhou Xun's elixir shop opened and was named "Danhai Pavilion".

Brothers Shi Jingfeng, Song Zhishu, and some nearby shopkeepers whom Zhou Xunxin met all sent congratulatory gifts.

Zhou Xun and the newly hired shopkeeper were busy greeting each other.

The shopkeeper's surname is Huang. He has a thin face and a goatee on his chin. He looks to be in his fifties.

"Shopkeeper, business is so booming. It's unheard of that Huang has been in the business for many years." Looking at the crowd of people in front of him, shopkeeper Huang was full of amazement.

During this opening, Zhou Xun released all the elixirs he had accumulated for a year.

And he used the full discount sales technique from his previous life.

"Ten minus one"

“Buy four get one free”

For the first time, Blue Star's sales methods showed their power in the world of cultivation.

Immediately, the monks from Qingyuefang who got the news rushed over one after another, almost overwhelming Zhou Xun's shop.

The sales were so booming that the shopkeepers who came to congratulate them raised eyebrows and secretly remembered this method.

They will also use it after they return.

So soon, Zhou Xun's method quickly became popular throughout Qingyuefang.

Later, it spread to the entire Xu Kingdom and even the entire world of cultivation. Of course, this is a story later.

In less than half a day, Zhou Xun's elixirs were sold out and he had to close early.

"Brother Song is not only good at alchemy, but also very good at doing business. Today's grand event is the only one Song has ever seen in his life!"

The speaker was a young man wearing a brocade robe, with a tall and straight posture and a clear face.

This man is the second son of the head of the Song family, and arrived here after his brother Song Zhishu.

"Young Master Song is overly praised!" Zhou Xun said modestly.

"Haha, what I said about Chengyun is right. Brother Zhou is a genius. You young people should get closer and closer to each other!" Song Zhishu laughed.

The Song family has only been established for a hundred years and has been passed down for only five generations, so the blood relationship is relatively close.

Song Zhishu's father, Song Qingbai, is the elder brother of the current foundation-building ancestor of the Song family.

Therefore, he is also the cousin of the second son of the head of the Song family.

"Uncle Qi will never bully me!" Song Chengyun nodded in approval.

After chatting for a while, they knew that Zhou Xun must have important things to do since the shop was opening today, so everyone left one after another.

Only then did Zhou Xun take stock of today's income.

All the elixirs were sold out, and a total of five hundred and sixty-seven spiritual stones and forty spiritual essences were harvested.

After removing the cost, the net profit is more than 400 yuan.

Of course, the share for Lin Xueying and Wang Erniu will also be deducted from this.

After all, Zhou Xun's income was more than 150 yuan.

This was his harvest from the remaining elixirs in the past year, excluding refining elixirs for the Song family.

"It's better to earn more by selling it yourself!" Zhou Xun thought about it and came to this conclusion.

However, the Song family's refining still has to continue.

Not only for the benefits, but more importantly, to make friends with the Song family, a local snake.

With the background of the Song family, he must be at home in Qingyuefang.

After returning, Zhou Xun divided the spirit stones with Wang Erniu and Lin Xueying, and then started to make elixirs.

They have to work harder to refine new elixirs, otherwise there will be no elixirs to sell tomorrow.

However, what Zhou Xun did not expect was that due to the popularity of the opening day, his "Danhai Pavilion" would become famous throughout Qingyue Lake.

Everyone knows that a new elixir shop has opened in the center of Qingyuefang, and the prices are very affordable.

In addition, the elixirs he refined were of high quality.

Every day after that, the pills in Zhou Xun's shop were quickly sold out as soon as they were released.

It was not until a month later that the situation gradually eased and returned to normal.

"Finally I can rest for a while!" Wang Erniu was lying on the chair, looking exhausted.

"But if this happens every day, we'll give it away!" In the past month, not counting the income from the opening day, Wang Erniu's share of spiritual stones has exceeded fifty yuan.

This income has exceeded that of most mid-level alchemists.

"Alchemist Zhou is now considered very popular in the entire Qingyuefang." Lin Xueying looked at Zhou Xun's beautiful eyes, and her starry eyes were shining.

Now Zhou Xun is finally shining brightly. If the Lin family were still around, the two of them would be a perfect match.

"The eldest lady is too praised!" Zhou Xun avoided her gaze and answered simply.

Seeing this, Lin Xueying was speechless, but the resentment in her eyes lingered.

After that, Zhou Xun's life gradually returned to peace.

Alchemy, cultivation, talisman making, body refining, and spiritual planting.

This is a new cultivation technique he has recently started.

The reason why Zhou Xun studied Ling Zhi was not to become a Ling Zhi husband, but to cover up his Ning Chun Jing.

As an alchemist who also practices spiritual cultivation, consuming a large amount of his own spiritual herbs is very normal and will not attract attention.

According to the rules of Qingyuefang, the area within fifty feet of Zhou Xun's cave belongs to the cave. Zhou Xun specially opened this area as a medicine field.

What he planted were some low-level semi-spiritual grasses, so they did not have high requirements on soil and spiritual power.

Simply plow and plant.

Of course, this would not be possible without Lin Xueying’s help.

However, his spiritual cultivation technique is not owned by the Lin family, but a set of first-level low-grade spiritual cultivation inheritance that he purchased at Baibao Pavilion.

The Lin family's Ling Zhifu inheritance is a core secret of the family, and Zhou Xun will naturally not explore it.

Time flies quickly, and another year has passed.

In front of the door of Zhou Xun's cave, various semi-spiritual grasses grew.

Looking at the spiritual herbs in front of him, Zhou Xun felt satisfied.

"It's time to try to refine high-grade elixirs!"

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