Four hundred miles east of Hongyefang, two figures were walking quickly.

It was Shan Xionghai and Zhou Xun who were going to hunt the Golden Spirit Rat.

That day, after Zhou Xun made up his mind, he found Shan Xionghai and agreed to the matter the next day.

The two of them agreed that all the harvest from this trip would be divided into three parts. The two of them would get one share each if they worked together. Shan Xionghai, as the discoverer of the Golden Spirit Rat, could get another share.

"The golden spirit rat is wary by nature and extremely sensitive. It will run away at the slightest sign of trouble. You need to buy the intoxicating fruit, use it as bait, and add a trap to get twice the result with half the effort!" Shan Xionghai said.

The Intoxicating Heart Fruit is a low-level spiritual fruit that is often used to brew spiritual wine. The price is not expensive, and you can buy one for one spiritual essence.

"Leave this matter to me!" Zhou Xun accepted the matter.

As for the rest of the items, such as spiritual tools to store demon blood and demon flesh, traps for hunting golden rats, etc., they were all left to Shan Xionghai.

As a monster-hunting monk, his family had already prepared these utensils. When Zhou Xun came back with the Drunk Heart Fruit, Shan Xionghai had already packed the utensils and was waiting.

Early the next morning, they set off.

Each of them carried a huge burden. If they weren't both immortal cultivators, they would have collapsed from exhaustion.

"It would be great if there was a storage bag!" Zhou Xun sighed.

But even the lowest-end storage bag costs at least 10 spirit stones. If it were replaced by spirit stones, it would cost more than a thousand. This is a wealth that Zhou Xun has never seen in his life.

"My uncle has one of these, but it's a pity that he treasures it very much and never lends it to me to play with." Shan Xionghai said with a longing look.

The two chatted while walking.

It took five days to reach the destination.

This is a deserted valley surrounded by mountains.

The two of them were lying on a hillside, looking towards the bottom of the valley.

Lush and lush trees grow straight without any human footprints. A mountain stream several feet wide divides the entire valley into two halves.

"This place is so remote, how did you find it?" Zhou Xun asked curiously.

"Because I didn't have my uncle to accompany me, I took a detour from the main road this time and walked in uninhabited places. Although it was a bit harder, it was safer."

"That day when I was resting here, I heard the sound of roaring tigers suddenly coming from the forest to the west, and there were faint spiritual fluctuations, so I sneaked over!"

"I saw a tiger and a rat fighting together in the field."

"Although the tiger is just a mortal beast, its movements are fast and fierce, its body is strong, and its strength cannot be underestimated. The rat is a golden spirit rat, a first-level low-grade monster."

"I saw a one-foot-long golden rat covered in golden fur fighting with an eight-foot-long tiger with colorful yellow and black fur!"

"The tiger was fierce and moved like the wind, constantly slapping at the golden rat. The golden rat moved sideways to dodge with ease, slicing the tiger's flesh with its claws from time to time, and actually gained the upper hand!"

"The tiger became so angry that it opened its mouth wide, shook its head and bit it. However, it used too much force and a flaw was exposed in its neck. The golden rat opened its mouth slightly, and a golden blade flew out and pulled across the tiger's neck."

"There was just a pop, and the tiger fell from the air. It twitched a few times and died!"

"Then, the golden rat dragged the tiger carcass weighing hundreds of kilograms and headed deeper into the forest."

"I followed him, over mountains and rivers, and walked for more than ten miles, and didn't stop until I reached this valley."

"The golden rat entered the valley and chirped a few times in the air. Then four golden rats, one large, three small and four, ran out of the valley and feasted around the tiger. I wrote down the details of the valley. Directions, return to Hongyefang."

After listening to Shan Xionghai's story, Zhou Xun couldn't help but marvel.

"I didn't expect that a low-level monster of only the first level would be able to fight bears and tigers and feed on them!"

"How to deal with such a vicious thing?"

Shan Xionghai smiled without saying a word, opened the big baggage he was carrying, took out a bunch of white things from it, shook it gently, and turned it into a big white net.

"The name of this net is 'Ju Ling'. It is woven from the silk of a human-faced spider of a first-order low-grade monster. Although it is not classified as a magical weapon, it is extremely tough. Ordinary low-grade monsters cannot break free at all. It is a must for us monster hunting monks. Prepare something!”

Then he took out three more throwing spears, which were three feet long, all black, and the spear tips exuded a cold glimmer.

"This is the most commonly used semi-magic weapon of our demon hunting monks, the 'demon hunting spear'. Infuse it with spiritual power and throw it out. Ordinary low-grade monsters cannot stop it. It is a first-class weapon!" One of them was handed to Zhou Xun.

"This one is"

Following Shan Xionghai's introduction, Zhou Xun felt envious.

People say that monster hunting monks are rich, but I didn’t expect them to be so rich.

These items of single male kelp alone are worth more than seven spirit stones.

"In this operation, I took one-third of the share, which is an advantage!" Zhou Xun thought to himself.

After introducing all the utensils, Shan Xionghai led Zhou Xun to start the arrangement.

After the arrangement was completed, the two hid in the tree.

He smeared a kind of powder to cover his breath on his body, and then used the breath-holding technique. He held the tree trunk with his left hand and the throwing spear with his right hand, staring closely at the direction of the valley.

Under the tree lay a fist-sized, green fruit that exuded this intoxicating aroma. It was the intoxicating fruit.

"When the spirit rat comes out and tastes the spirit fruit, you and I will take action at the same time!" Shan Xionghai lowered his voice and said softly.

Zhou Xun nodded and then said nothing.

The whole forest was silent, except for the rustling of the leaves in the wind, there was no other sound.

After staying for less than half a quarter of an hour, Zhou Xun's eyes suddenly focused.

There was a noise from the bushes that were more than thirty feet away, and then a one-foot-large squirrel emerged. This squirrel had a golden gradient all over its body, and it was undoubtedly the golden squirrel.

I saw it sticking its head out, its nose twitching, and its round eyes rolling.

Soon I found the nectar under the tree.

However, it did not go directly, but carefully circled around several times.

After testing it several times and finding no danger, he walked over to the fruit and started sniffing it intoxicatedly.

Zhou Xun and Shan Xionghai looked at each other, a cold light suddenly appeared in their eyes, and then slowly raised the throwing spear in their hands, infused with spiritual power, and were about to take action.

Suddenly, the golden spirit rat stopped, jumped back a few steps, and barked several times behind it.


Zhou Xun's heart tightened, thinking he had been discovered.

Immediately afterwards, the echo of "squeak--" came from the valley.

It turned out that the Golden Rat had discovered the Drunk Heart Fruit and had no intention of swallowing it for himself. Instead, he called out to his family.

Soon, there was another noise in the bushes, and out came four golden rats, one large, three small, and four small, all with golden gradient colors.

As soon as the four golden rats appeared, they were attracted by the nectar and quickly surrounded them. First they greedily took a sip of the aroma, and then devoured it.

Shan Xionghai's scalp felt numb when he saw the five golden rats appearing in the field.


The three small ones were fine, but the two adult golden rats were really difficult to deal with.

He had personally witnessed the scene of the golden rat hunting the tiger.

Originally, he planned to use the nectar to attract one and kill it first, and then deal with the one behind it. Now he had to let Zhou Xun entangle the other adult golden rat first.

After he kills this one, he will join forces with Zhou Xun to kill the other one.

As for the three little ones, I can't control them that much.

So Shan Xionghai looked at the other adult golden rat and winked at Zhou Xun.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun understood instantly and nodded slightly.

It was too late, but it was soon.

The two of them threw the spears that had been imbued with spiritual power fiercely downwards.

The Golden Spirit Rat is indeed a beast with sensitive spiritual senses. The moment the two men took action, he immediately noticed it and kicked off his legs to escape.

Seeing the movements of the Golden Spirit Rat, Shan Xionghai was startled and thought to himself that it was not good.

Sure enough, he missed!

The tip of the spear grazed the golden rat's hind leg, picking up a trace of flesh and blood, but it did not hit the vital point.

Fortunately, at the same time as he took action, a wave of "Ju Ling" on his waist swung downwards, just enough to cover the golden rat.

"so far so good!"

Then he pulled out another throwing spear from his back, jumped down from the tree, and stabbed the covered golden rat to death.

Only then did he have time to look in Zhou Xun's direction.

This sight made him stunned.

I saw another rat, which was pierced through the chest by a throwing spear and stabbed to the ground. At this time, Zhou Xun was pulling out the throwing spear.

"I am a demon-hunting monk trained in Baimang Mountain, but I can't compare to a fledgling novice!"

Shan Xionghai shook his head vigorously and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Zhou Xun.

"Those three little ones ran away, let's chase them quickly!"

Only then did Shan Xionghai come back to his senses. He felt ashamed that he, a high-ranking demon hunting monk, had made such a mistake and had to find a newbie to remind him.

So he added:

"I'll go after the two on the left, and I'll leave the one on the right to you!"

Zhou Xun had no objection, so the two of them didn't even bother to take care of the prey, so they chased after him with their spears.

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