In front of Shi Jingfeng's tomb.

Zhou Xun came to the tombstone and sat down with a spirit wine in one hand and a human head in the other.

He placed the head in front of Shi Jingfeng's tombstone, and then untied the cloth, revealing a pale head, which belonged to the cold-faced middle-aged man.

Then he took out two wine glasses, patted off the mud seal of the jar of spiritual wine, and opened the seal.

Fill both wine glasses.

One cup is poured into the mouth, and one cup is poured into the grave.

"Brother Shi, I have avenged you, please rest in peace!"

After a while, the spiritual wine was finished.

Zhou Xun stood up, burned the stove to ashes with a fireball, and then left.

Back in the cave, Zhou Xun began to count the harvest.

Zhou Xun first took out the pair of boots from his storage bag.

The boots are made of a strange material and feel warm to the touch.

It is engraved with the word Yufeng.

Zhou Xun used his spiritual consciousness to brand it, and it took him several hours to succeed.

This is actually a special magic weapon.

As we all know, special magic weapons are different from ordinary magic weapons and often have special functions and effects.

And it is difficult to refine it. If Zhou Xun's spiritual consciousness is not now beyond the ordinary peak Qi training monk, he may not be able to refine it.

Wear it on your feet and slowly inject mana.

With a flash of figure, Zhou Xun appeared several feet away.

The speed has increased by at least 50%.

"Looking at the middle-aged man doesn't seem to have such an effect!" Zhou Xun recalled the middle-aged man's actions.

But soon, he thought of the reason.

The cold-faced middle-aged man's spiritual consciousness was slightly weak and was not enough to refine the wind-controlling boots, so he could not fully demonstrate its power.

However, these wind-controlling boots combined with his own body-refining techniques will definitely surprise his enemies.

Zhou Xun continued to look down.

"Round wheel magic weapon!"

The round wheel used by the cold-faced middle-aged man was similar to Zhou Xun's. It was also smooth on one side and had regular grooves on the other side.

"It seems that there is one more critical component to assemble this combined magic weapon!" Zhou Xun said secretly.

Zhou Xun used the tracking technique again and roughly figured out the location of the other component.

"It seems to be the direction of Tiantai Ridge!"

Zhou Xun recalled the first time he encountered Jie Xiu after coming out of Tiantai Ridge.

"It seems that the hiding place of Jie Xiu is in Tiantai Ridge!"

"What will happen if I go there at this time?" Zhou Xun then measured the good and bad fortune and found that it was a sign of great misfortune.

He immediately gave up the idea.

Start counting down.

"A low-grade flying boat!"

This low-grade flying boat is a large flying magic weapon that can be used by many people. Even if it is low-grade, it is worth thousands of spiritual stones.

It's just that this kind of treasure is generally only available to large-scale immortal cultivating families, but it is difficult to get rid of it.

There are more than 2,300 pieces of spiritual stones, two medium-grade magical instruments, and other materials of various sizes, worth hundreds of spiritual stones.

There were no other high-quality magic weapons. It was probably damaged during a fight with the law enforcement team.

But even so, this storage bag alone doubled Zhou Xun's net worth.

Zhou Xun opened another storage bag for the cold noodle middle-aged man.

"Is this the Earth Spirit Grass?" Zhou Xun couldn't help but be overjoyed as he took out a half-foot-tall elixir that was green with a hint of blue.

He had seen a brief introduction to the Foundation Establishment Pill in the alchemy inheritance left to him by Master Yunku.

In addition to the main ingredients for refining the Foundation Building Pill, the three most important auxiliary elixirs are Earth Spirit Grass, Dragon Heart Fruit and Mingqian Flower.

And here, he encountered one of them, the Earth Spirit Grass.

Originally, Zhou Xun planned to break through to the late stage of Qi training and then collect the materials to refine the Foundation Building Pill.

Now, it's an unexpected surprise.

There are two methods of refining the Foundation Establishment Pill. One is to use the second-level mid-grade elixir Ganoderma lucidum as the main ingredient, and the second is to use the second-level demon pill as the main ingredient.

But three auxiliary drugs are indispensable.

Yun Ganoderma and the three major auxiliary medicines have long been listed as strategic materials by the Yunguang Sect and will not be leaked easily.

Even for those foundation-building families, it is extremely difficult to obtain it.

At this time, Zhou Xun was in trouble.

Earth Spirit Grass is a second-order low-grade elixir. For Zhou Xun, it can increase the sensitivity of his spiritual roots!

But he is also the three auxiliary medicines of the Foundation Establishment Pill, which is extremely difficult to obtain.

After weighing it up, Zhou Xun decided to keep this earth spirit grass.

After all, for him now, it is easy to obtain second-level low-grade elixirs, but it is extremely difficult to obtain another Earth Spirit Grass.

After making the decision, Zhou Xun continued to count.

This storage bag contains the basic materials for refining the Foundation Building Pill. Although it is not as rare as the three major auxiliary medicines, it is not an elixir that is easy to obtain.

Now, Zhou Xun only needs to find two more medicinal plants and the main ingredients to start refining the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Then Zhou Xun opened the storage bag of the square-faced man.

There are no good treasures, and the total value is only five or six hundred spirit stones.

But for a sixth-level qi-training monk, it is already a relatively rich net worth.

This time, Zhou Xun gained a huge harvest. Excluding the earth spirit grass, the total value exceeded three thousand spirit stones.

Even a foundation-building monk would be tempted by this kind of wealth.

However, this also gave Zhou Xun a clearer understanding of Jie Xiu's wealth.

Time flies, and another month has passed.

Zhou Xun arrived at Danhai Pavilion early today.

He has an important thing to do today, which is to recruit a disciple.

In the hall, Zhou Xun sat at the top.

Shi Jingfeng's widow took her daughter's hand and came to Zhou Xun.

The head of the law enforcement hall, the captains of the major law enforcement teams, Song Zhishu and others witnessed the incident.

This time Zhou Xun specially prepared a simple apprenticeship ceremony, largely to comfort Shi Jingfeng.

Otherwise, given Zhou Xun's temperament, he could simply offer tea as Zhou Jinsong did that day and that would be enough.

Shi Wanying's face was cold and she was no longer as lively as before.

It seems that losing her father at a young age was a big blow to her.

"Disciple Shi Wanying, pay homage to Master!" Under the guidance of her mother, Shi Wanying knelt down.

He kowtowed three times to Zhou Xun.

Then he took a cup of spiritual tea from the tray in Shopkeeper Huang's hand and presented it to Zhou Xun respectfully.

"Master, please have tea!"

Zhou Xun took the spirit tea, took a sip, and then put it down.

After a few words of instruction, he took out an alchemy classic and handed it to Shi Wanying, with the intention of teaching her skills.

"Thank you Master!"

Shi Wanying took the book with both hands and thanked her again. The apprenticeship ceremony was completed.

After becoming a disciple, Shi Wanying will stay in Danhai Pavilion, and Zhou Xun arranges for his eldest disciple Zhou Jinsong to be responsible for teaching.

Every five days, Shi Wanying can return to her cave.

Shi Jingfeng's cave is now used by the Song family as a pension for Shi Jingfeng, and is placed under the names of Shi Wanying and Gao Yue.

At the same time, there are five acres of spiritual land next to Qingyue Lake, which is enough for Gao Yue and his daughter to have enough food and clothing.

After accepting a disciple, Zhou Xun's life became peaceful again.

In a flash, two years passed, and Zhou Xun was already twenty-eight years old.

In the past two years, he and Lin Xueying and Wang Erniu corresponded again.

Wang Erniu has now broken through to the seventh level of Qi training, and Lin Xueying has reached the eighth level.

Now, the two high-grade spiritual roots are gradually showing their advantages in cultivation.

Leaving Zhou Xun behind.

Fortunately, in the past two years, Zhou Xun once again exchanged a second-level low-grade elixir from the Song family's treasure house to increase his spiritual root sensitivity to 28 points.

At the same time, his Body Refining Technique progressed normally.

The way of formation has reached the level of first-level low-grade.

He has been able to take advantage of the terrain and use the formation flags to lay out some simple low-level magic formations.

Although the low-grade magic circle has no effect on him now, it can make him more comfortable in controlling the Nine-Nine Heavenly Yuan Array.

More importantly, he is now halfway through the sixth level of cultivation.

In a few years, we will advance to the later stages of Qi training.

At that time, he will definitely explore the treasures of the Wei family and find a way to build the foundation.

By then, his knowledge of formations will definitely come in handy.

You must know that the secret vaults of ordinary cultivating families are full of formations and traps. If you are not careful, you will lose your life.

Another month passed, and Zhou Xun was teaching his two disciples.

Suddenly shopkeeper Huang walked in and handed an invitation.

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