However, the refining of this high-grade talisman requires higher materials.

A high-grade talisman requires high-quality talisman paper, high-grade spiritual ink, and a medium-grade or above talisman pen to successfully refine it.

Of course, low-grade talisman pens are not impossible, but they require extremely high skills from the talisman master.

To be able to reach this step, one's own Talisman level is at least the second level.

Zhou Xun was naturally unable to catch up at this time.

He took out the Thousand Faces Mask and transformed into an old man with gray hair.

After turning around seven or eight streets, we came to Baibao Pavilion.

Treasures such as high-quality talisman paper and high-grade spiritual ink are only sold in Baibao Pavilion, and other stores do not carry such treasures.

Walking into Baibao Pavilion, a servant immediately greeted him.

"What treasures does this guest want to see?"

"Do you have high-quality talisman paper and high-grade spiritual ink?" Zhou Xun said concisely and directly stated the purpose of his visit.

Hearing the words "high-quality talisman paper", the boy's face instantly became more respectful.

"It turns out you are still Master Talisman. I am disrespectful. Please sit down in the elegant room for a moment. Our shopkeeper will personally come to entertain you!"

With that said, he took Zhou Xun to the elegant room.

It was the same room where Zhou Xun came here in his own guise.

After a while, shopkeeper Zheng walked in.

At this time, the gray old man transformed by Zhou Xun appeared in Baibao Pavilion for the first time, so Shopkeeper Zheng did not recognize him.

"My Excellency, Zheng Tiande, I am the manager of this place. Please keep my fellow Taoist waiting for a long time!"

"It's okay, you don't know what I want?" Zhou Xun pretended to be indifferent, not wanting to say too much to avoid being caught by this person.

After all, he had a lot of contacts with Shopkeeper Zheng, and they often drank tea together on weekdays, so they were very familiar with him.

"Oh, of course we have these treasures in the Baibao Pavilion. The high-quality talisman paper sells for three spiritual stones per piece, and the top-grade spiritual ink costs fifty spiritual stones per box. I wonder how many you want to buy?"

"The price is fair!" Zhou Xun nodded.

A box of spiritual ink can draw about fifty talismans, and with high-quality talisman paper, the cost of a high-quality talisman is about four spiritual stones.

The average first-level high-grade talisman sells for about 30-50 spirit stones. If it is a special talisman, such as a flying talisman, it can be sold for more than 60 or 70 spirit stones.

This means that as long as the success rate can reach 15%, you can maintain your capital or even make a small profit.

However, the talisman master needs to invest his energy and spirit in making talismans, so it consumes a lot of energy, and the number of refinings per day is limited.

If it is overloaded and refined too much, it will also affect the monk's life essence. At least it will be difficult to improve his cultivation level, and at worst, his life span will be damaged.

Therefore, ordinary Fu Dao monks often practice a secret health-preserving technique to replenish their essence.

Zhou Xun possesses the Spring Condensation Sutra, which can make up for the foundation, so there is no need to worry about this.

"Bring me a hundred talisman papers and two boxes of spiritual ink!" Zhou Xun thought for a while and said.

A hundred materials were enough for him to make a breakthrough.

"By the way, do you still have a mid-grade talisman pen?" Zhou Xun couldn't help but ask, remembering his low-grade talisman pen.

"Fellow Taoist, do you want a talisman pen?" Shopkeeper Zheng was delighted when he heard this.

"Of course there is one. One just arrived in our store last month. I'll get it for you fellow Taoist right away!" With that said, shopkeeper Zheng turned around and left the elegant room.

Zhou Xun naturally didn't believe this.

A mid-grade talisman pen can only be used by at least a middle-grade talisman master. How many middle-grade or above talisman masters are there in Qingyuefang, and how many people need to replace the talisman pens.

Zhou Xun guessed that it would be difficult to sell one of these talisman pens for several years.

After a while, shopkeeper Zheng returned, followed by a maid.

He held a tray in his hand, on which was placed the treasure Zhou Xun wanted to buy.

"This medium-grade talisman pen is made by the master. It is made from the tail tip of the Red Moon Spirit Fox. It sells for one hundred and fifty spirit stones!" Shopkeeper Zheng picked up the talisman pen and handed it to Zhou Xun for inspection.

Zhou Xun took the talisman pen, injected it with mana, picked it up, drew a few strokes in the air, and nodded.

"How about four hundred spirit stones together?" Zhou Xun tried to bargain.

"Why is it just under my lowest price?" Shopkeeper Zheng had a strange look on his face and glanced at the old man in front of him in surprise.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun was secretly amused.

Shopkeeper Zheng told him his business secrets while having tea with him, so he was able to bid accurately.

"Okay! But if fellow Taoist refines a high-grade talisman, please remember to sell it to me. We will also buy it!" Shopkeeper Zheng reluctantly agreed.

Ten days later, in the cave's quiet room.

Zhou Xun spread out the talisman paper and concentrated his mind.

What he wants to draw is a wooden attack talisman - the wooden knife talisman.

The power of the Wooden Knife Talisman is not outstanding among first-level high-grade attack spells.

But the advantage is that it is simple to draw, and it is the best practice for middle-level talisman masters to advance to high-level.

After successfully refining the wooden sword talisman, become familiar with it.

Then it will be much easier to refine the other high-grade talismans.

In the past ten days, Zhou Xun has refined more than forty high-grade talisman materials.

Now we are very close to successful drawing.

Lightly dipped in spiritual ink, the tip of the pen moves like clouds and flowing water.

The mana in the body passes through the talisman pen and is written on the talisman paper in one go.

The runes are connected smoothly and the spiritual power flows unimpeded.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun immediately cast a solidification technique, and the light flashed.

The wooden knife talisman was drawn successfully.

Zhou Xun was slightly happy. After spending more than ten days and wasting dozens of materials, he was finally promoted to a high-level Talisman Master.

With the insights from this refining, Zhou Xun took action again, refining it five times, and succeeded twice more.

Looking at the three wooden sword talismans in his hand, Zhou Xun was determined to test his power.

Even if it is a high-grade talisman, the power refined by different talisman masters will be different.

Coming to the hall and getting a piece of iron essence, Zhou Xun activated the wooden knife talisman.

In an instant, a dark green wooden sword that was ten feet long appeared and slashed hard at Tie Jing.

A gash that was an inch deep.

"The power is good, and it reaches the quality of genuine products!"

"It seems that although my success rate is still low now, the quality of the refined products is still good!"

The next day, Zhou Xun went to Danhai Pavilion.

In order to break through to the high-level Talisman Master, he has been staying in the cave these days.

As soon as I arrived at Danhai Pavilion, I learned a shocking news.

Song Zhiwu, the leader of the Song Family Law Enforcement Hall, successfully broke through in Qi training and was promoted to Foundation Establishment, becoming the Song Family's second Foundation Establishment monk.

"It seems that the Foundation Building Pill auctioned by the Song family last time was given to Song Zhiwu!"

Zhou Xun thought to himself.

He had had many interactions with Hall Master Song, but he never expected that he would become a foundation-building monk after not seeing him for a month.

It's just that the head of the Song family didn't take the Foundation Building Pill.

He remembered that the head of the Song family was also at the peak of qi training, so he should be given priority.

In fact, Zhou Xun didn't know that the head of the Song family was the first candidate of the Song family's generation to take the Foundation Building Pill, but it was a pity that the breakthrough failed.

And Song Zhiwu is already the third person in the Song family to take the Foundation Establishment Pill.

After all, the Song family is backed by Master Yunguang Sect, so they still have some ways to obtain foundation-building pills.

It just seems that I am not very lucky. The first four failed to build foundations.

Ten days later, the Song family held a foundation building ceremony. Zhou Xun was also invited and presented with a bottle of high-quality elixir as a congratulatory gift.

At the celebration, Zhou Xun met for the first time the ancestor of the Song family who was in the middle stage of foundation building and the real Taoist monk's brother, Song Qingheng.

Although this man has gray hair and looks like an old man, his personality is somewhat cynical and he has no trace of the ancestor of his family.

Zhou Xun was quite surprised.

In fact, as the youngest brother of Taoist monk Jin Hong, this ancestor of the Song family had been doted on since he was a child, so he developed such a temperament.

His current cultivation level was obtained with the full support of his sister and at the expense of countless precious resources.

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