Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 91 Foundation Establishment Monk’s Storage Bag!


There was a loud bang.

The head of the middle-aged Zhu Ji exploded instantly like a watermelon.

Instant death!

Nothing is out of Zhou Xun's control.

When the foundation-building monk appeared just now, Zhou Xun decided to use wind-controlling boots and body refining techniques to attack him.

With the blessing of wind-controlling boots, the speed is astonishing.

Coupled with the body refining technique, which is comparable to the late stage of Qi training, even a foundation-building monk will feel resentful on the spot.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that the second elder of the Gao family is not a monk who is good at fighting.

After all, in the perception of most people, foundation-building monks are crushing against Qi-training monks.

In the words of Zhou Xun's previous life, it was a dimensionality reduction attack.

After killing the foundation-building monk, Zhou Xun killed the remaining four Qi-training monks of the Gao family one by one without stopping.

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Xun put away the storage bags of these Gao family monks, and then gathered all their bodies together.

He took out a fireball talisman and threw it towards the pile of corpses.

In a moment, it was burned to ashes.

After processing these, Zhou Xun began to count the harvest.

The first is the storage bag of the Qi Practitioners.

Adding all the treasures together, there are more than 1,200 pieces of spiritual stones, three low-grade magical instruments, and four medium-grade magical instruments.

And the cold-faced middle-aged high-grade magic weapon flying fork.

Unfortunately, it was slightly damaged during the duel with Zhou Xun's round wheel.

There are so few magic weapons, so naturally all the rest were destroyed by Zhou Xun's round wheel magic weapon in the previous battle.

The elixirs and talismans in their storage bags, taken together, are worth nearly eight hundred spirit stones.

The total value of these people's treasures is more than two thousand spiritual stones.

What's more, in the cold-faced middle-aged storage bag, Zhou Xun also found another set of first-order top-quality array disks, the specific effects and functions of which Zhou Xun had not checked yet.


At this moment, Zhou Xun discovered an unusual thing among the pile of storage bags - the spirit beast bag.

Zhou Xun took a look with his consciousness.

It turned out to be a big, fat white insect with two extremely long tentacles.

Sensing Zhou Xun's consciousness, this strange insect was extremely vigilant.

Zhou Xun was secretly surprised when he saw this.

To be raised so solemnly by that cold-faced middle-aged man, and to be stored in a separate spirit beast bag, this insect must not be simple.

It's just that Zhou Xun has not done any research on strange insect species, so he doesn't know the function of this thing.

Hanging the spirit beast bag on his waist, Zhou Xun looked at the storage bag of the middle-aged foundation builder.

This was his first time to kill a foundation-building monk.

A foundation-building monk can support a foundation-building family. Only the top group of Qi-training monks have the chance to achieve this.

Zhou Xun couldn't help but look forward to a storage bag for such a person.

The foundation-building monk's storage bag has been marked with divine consciousness. If its owner is still there, Zhou Xun will have to spend a lot of effort to open it.

Now it is easy to open it, and when I scan it inside, I can't help but take a breath:

"Big harvest. Big harvest!"

There are forty-nine medium-grade spiritual stones and more than 700 low-grade spiritual stones. In total, there are more than 5,000 spiritual stones.

With this number, even the best magic weapons can be purchased for three or four.

If used to purchase training resources, it would be enough for Zhou Xun to reach the peak of Qi training.

There are also a large number of various materials, including second-order low-grade elixirs, second-order and low-grade talismans,

There was even a talisman packed in a box with a faint flash of spiritual light. Zhou Xun guessed that it had reached the second level of high quality.

Its power is equivalent to a strike from a late-stage Foundation Establishment monk.

In the hands of an ordinary monk in the early stages of foundation building, it would be a treasure at the bottom of the box.

Unexpectedly, it fell into Zhou Xun's hands.

Zhou Xun happily put it into his storage bag.

As for the magic weapon, in addition to the top-quality fire attribute flying sword magic weapon, there is also a top-quality defensive magic weapon - a golden ring.

As for why the middle-aged foundation builder didn't sacrifice this treasure.

Zhou Xun guessed that it was the foundation-building monk who did not take Zhou Xun, the qi-training monk, seriously.

In addition, controlling two top-quality magic weapons at the same time is a bit difficult for ordinary foundation-building monks.

Generally speaking, there are many foundation-building monks who have just broken through and use high-grade magic weapons.

But these are not Zhou Xun's biggest gains.

What surprised Zhou Xun the most was a cyan jade slip.

It actually records the most core secret of the Gao family, the inheritance of the third-order formation!

This is the only third-level skill inheritance in Zhou Xun's hands.

Even if it is placed in the hands of a true elixir cultivator, it is still an extremely valuable thing.

In addition, there is a set of magic formations, but Zhou Xun cannot see the current level.

However, considering that it came from the storage bag of a foundation-building monk, at least it cannot be lower than the second-level low-grade.

"This person is really my lucky star. Not only did he send spiritual stones, magic weapons, and talismans, he also gave me a formation inheritance!"

"My current net worth is not bad among the foundation-building monks!"

"If this treasure house is added, I'm afraid."

As he spoke, Zhou Xun looked at the Luo family's treasure house in front of him!

It’s truly a rewarding day!

As soon as the cold-faced middle-aged man came here, he destroyed the stone barrier.

So Zhou Xun saw the Luo family's secret treasury behind the stone hall at a glance.

He looked at the half-collapsed portal in front of him.

Most of the restriction has been damaged, and it looks like it was caused by an earth dragon turning over.

Naturally, the secret vault of a foundation-building family cannot withstand this kind of power of nature.

Fortunately, the ban was not completely destroyed.

But for Zhou Xun, it makes no difference whether it is intact or damaged.

That treasure map has two sides.

The previous page records the location of this treasure house.

On the other side, the various restrictions on the existence of the treasure house are recorded, as well as the corresponding opening techniques.

Zhou Xun only needs to follow the forbidden techniques on the hidden sketch to be able to enter unimpeded.

There is no need to forcefully break the ban like a cold-faced middle-aged man.

Zhou Xun first activated several golden shield talismans, and several pale golden translucent light masks enveloped him.

Then take out the treasure map and find the prohibition of the corresponding portal.

Zhou Xun had already comprehended the above formula as early as Qingyuefang, and it was natural for him to put it into practice at this time.

I saw him mumbling words and condensing spiritual energy on his fingertips.


Point your finger towards the door in front of you.

A red spiritual light flew out and hit the remaining restrictions on the portal.

The portal's light circulated, and then the restriction was opened, and the portal automatically opened slowly inwards.

When it was opened, fragments of the stone door continued to fall.

Finally, the portal was halfway open and got stuck.

It seems that even if the portal ban is a strong attack, it will not last long.

Zhou Xun stepped forward and pushed hard, and the stone door collapsed.

A second portal inside was revealed.

If they attack by force, there will be a killing formation between the two portals. Even if the foundation-building monks come here, they will suffer heavy losses.

However, Zhou Xun has a way to activate it, so naturally it will not trigger the killing array.

After playing the magic formula, the second portal opened smoothly.

Next, Zhou Xun followed the same pattern, opening four such portals in succession, and finally entered a hall.

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