Chapter 31

“Sister Yurou, you don’t have to apologize to me, and it’s not your fault. Today, I also came here to accompany you.”

Looking at Jiang Yurou in front of him, Ye Liang said with a smile.

Hey, he misunderstood. He thought it was just Jiang Yurou’s birthday with her little sisters. It turned out that there would be so many rich second-generation men and women coming over.

White happy.

I don’t know where I have offended these guys, so why do I have to watch my jokes?

However, since they provoke themselves again and again…

Today, if I don’t let these guys lose face in the ravine, I’m sorry to go through the setting of the Yedai system.

[The deity Ye Liangchen, who has no other interests, likes to shoot at those who think they are outstanding. 】

Ye Liang: Changed to Ye Liangchen?

Wasn’t it the Seven Profound Immortal Venerable before?

This style of painting has become a bit sudden.

Jiang Yurou:? ? ? ! ! !

Fuck! ! !

Originally, she was still waiting for Ye Liang’s voice to turn, and she began to scold her.

However, I didn’t expect that Ye Liang’s aspirations suddenly changed his style of painting at this moment.

Jiang Yurou, who heard Ye Liang’s heartfelt voice, couldn’t help but explode in her heart at this moment.

Wasn’t it the murderous Seven Profound Immortal Venerable before?

Why is it now that Ye Liangchen is more pressing?

Brother Ye Liang, your inner drama seems to be a bit full-!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was stunned.

Ye Liang doesn’t really do anything, right?

Don’t smash other people’s cars. When the time comes, he will be in trouble.

She whispered to Ye Liang:

“Brother Ye Liang, let’s go take a taxi.”

“No, Yurou, let’s walk. Although I don’t know where it is, I believe that we must walk faster than them.”

Ye Liang said confidently.

[These people’s behavior is really deceiving too much. Since they feel that they have the strength to play with the deity, the deity doesn’t mind playing with them to the end. 】


Jiang Yurou whispered to Ye Liang, “Brother Ye Liang, you can’t do anything, right? Don’t smash other people’s car. This car is not easy to accompany.”


Ye Liang couldn’t help being speechless when he heard Jiang Yurou’s words.

Do you look like such a ignorant person?

What do you do with blatantly smashing other people’s cars?

“Do not worry.”

He said to Jiang Yurou: “How could I do that kind of thing…”

[That kind of thing is not in line with my identity. How can mortals understand what I really want to do? Silly girl, wait for your dog’s eyes to explode. 】

Ye Liang:…

Jiang Yurou put out her tongue secretly.

It seems that Ye Liang’s anger has disappeared, right?

He started to scold me in his heart again.

This time, Jiang Yurou breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how Zhang Xin and the others acted, she still hasn’t turned her face with them yet.

Moreover, although Ye Liang’s martial arts is high, martial arts cannot solve everything in this society.

She was really afraid that Ye Liang would be out of anger because they were deliberately tricked by these people, and directly smashed their car.

This is not a sane act…

Ye Liang’s brother scolded himself more cruelly in his heart, and he seemed to be more calm when he started doing things.

Under the leadership of Ye Liang, the two slowly walked towards the front of the convoy.

The rich second generations in the car looked at this scene and couldn’t help feeling depressed.

“Fuck, this guy’s luck is also too good, I really don’t know where Colonel Jiang Yurou fell in love with him, so he didn’t even take the car, but also went to walk with him.”

“Yeah, what’s so good about Ye Liang? Except for the looks, I really don’t see anything amazing.”

“People are lucky, what can you do? Colonel Jiang Yurou might like this kind of honest looking person.”


Seeing Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang passing by his car, Yang Ting couldn’t help gritting his teeth secretly.

I originally wanted to lose the face of this guy, but now he puts on it again.

Did Jiang Yurou like him so much, and was rejected after chasing after him.

He asked Zhang Xin next to him:

“Zhang Xin, what exactly is the origin of Ye Liang, have you really figured it out?”

“Hey, what can come from, a small city.”

Zhang Xin said casually:

“No money, no family background, poor grades, not honest yet.”


Hearing this, Yang Ting couldn’t help spraying out a mouthful of old blood.

Good fellow, he called good fellow.

Can Jiang Yurou like such a person?

This is too ridiculous–! ! !


Anyone who chased Jiang Yurou in the academy, just pulled one out, is better than this Ye Liang, right?

If Jiang Yurou is so easy to chase, wouldn’t it be taken by others long ago?

“TMD, he actually planned to take Yurou to walk over, really annoying——!!!”

Looking at the two people passing by, Yang Ting couldn’t help cursing inwardly.

If it hadn’t been for knowing that he couldn’t chase Jiang Yurou, Yang Ting would not retreat to the next best friend, Zhang Xin, who was far away from her.

However, now, Jiang Yurou is following other boys in an upside-down manner. How can this make him stand?

Okay, you have to walk, show affection, right?

Laozi shows you a luxury car.

Thinking of this, he slammed the gas pedal onto his luxury car.

His car is much more important than the cars of everyone present.

There are millions of cars, and the parents of some people present may not drive this kind of car.

Om——! ! !

Stepping on the accelerator, the imaginary luxury car galloped up, leaping over the people in front, and the picture showing their faces did not appear…

Instead, with a croaking sound, his car trembled a few times, and then slowly moved forward.

? ? ? ! ! !

Of course, Yang Ting, who likes show cars the most, knows what his car looks like.

However, at this moment, when the accelerator is stepped on, this is the reaction of the car? ! ! !

Klang Klang?

Those who know, this is a luxury car, but those who don’t know think this is a TMD tractor——! ! !

Ye Liang, who was walking in front, turned around, looked at Yang Ting who was driving, and smiled.

After learning the Sword Qi Jue, his mastery of aura has risen to another level.

So, just now, he moved some hands and feet.

But it’s not only as simple as blocking the exhaust pipe.


On the luxury car, there was a tractor-like sound?

At this moment, Jiang Yurou felt as if she had hallucinations in her ears?

That’s millions of cars, no matter what, it’s impossible to make the squeaking tractor noise, right?

Is the car broken?


Yang Ting, who was sitting in the car about to pretend, was dumbfounded at this moment.

How did his car become like this?

Could it be that something went wrong?

Gan——! ! !

Nothing happens at other times, but accidents on such an important occasion are too much–! ! !

Klang Klang…

Accompanied by such a voice, Yang Ting’s car trembled step by step in the direction of Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou.

That speed is a little slower than that of human walking.

In this scene, I saw some passersby who were watching the excitement.

“Fuck? This luxury car… wouldn’t it be a luxury car covered with a tractor?”

“Hahaha…Don’t look down on the tractor. Even a fully loaded tractor doesn’t make such a sound.”

“I thought just now, what kind of rich second generation came out to pretend to be forced… I didn’t expect it to be this?!!!”

Passers-by made mocking sounds at Yang Ting’s car, showing disdain one by one.

These rich second-generation people dressed up look pretty twitchy.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a look.

Even if you rent a car, you can’t rent such a broken car, right?

Still bang bang bang…

Hahaha, laugh to death, can’t laugh at all.


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