Chapter 325 The Awakening of Hua Yurou

Human nature always likes to be bored with people who are good to them, and to please those who are not good to themselves.

In Zhang Xin’s opinion, even if Gai Yurou was angry with her now, she would not feel that she was wrong.

But the more I thought about it, the more I felt that painting Yurou was wrong.

But, she’s not an idiot either-!!!

At this moment, the kind of moon-blue light that bloomed from Huang Yurou’s body was not something ordinary people should have.

If she offends Gai Yurou like she did before, then maybe Lei Yurou will kill her.

At this moment, in front of Huang Yurou, she didn’t feel that she was wrong at all.

Everything is Huang Yurou’s fault, but…

Huang Yurou is not something she can afford to offend now.

So, seeing the moon-blue light on Huang Yurou’s body like a flame, she panicked.

… Yurou… I don’t know, it turns out, that’s how you see me…

She reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said:

“I really, have always regarded you as my best friend, I don’t know why you misunderstood me, but if hurting me makes you happy, I… won’t blame you.

If you think this is not enough, then you can kill me, as long as it can calm you down, whatever you want will do. ”


When everyone present heard Zhang Xin’s words, their shocked gazes shifted from Huang Yurou to her.

What the hell? 18

She too dared to say it.

Huang Yurou is now a cultivator——!!!

Let Huang Yurou kill her, what if Hua Yurou really kills her?

Is what Zhang Xin said true or false?

Saying she is acting is too bold.

Now that she said this, if Gai Yurou believed it, she might forgive her for what she had done before.

But if Huang Yurou didn’t believe it, she might actually kill her in a fit of rage.

The previous battle between Ye Liang and the immortal cultivator in the universe had nothing to do with the people of the earth.

However, according to speculation, at least tens of thousands of people died in Ye Liang’s sword qi.

This is still published data.

But Ye Liang is now coming to school like a normal person.

Cultivators and humans are not the same race.

Are you too daring to gamble your life in front of a cultivator?!!

Zhang Xin naturally knew where the shock of those around her came from, but Zhang Xin couldn’t help sneering at their reactions.

Ah, no one knows better than me what kind of person Gai Yurou is.

As long as I bow my head and admit my mistake, she will definitely not do anything to me.

As long as I pretend to reconcile with her first, and find an opportunity to approach Ye Liang later, I will make her regret her current behavior.

I was so kind to her at the beginning, but now she is courting Ye Liang, is that how she treats me?!!


Huang Yurou’s eyes gradually became cold and handsome, “This is what you said by yourself-!!!”

Around Huang Yurou’s body, those moon-blue spiritual flames turned around in an instant, like a vortex of spiritual power, and then swept over Zhang Xin.

There were bursts of chilling sounds in the air, as if pieces of moon-blue sharp blades split the air into two halves.

However, the speed of the vortex is not so fast.

Just slowly, at a speed that the human eye can see, Zhang Xin swallowed it.


At this moment, Zhang Sheng was shocked.

Even an ordinary person can feel that the powerful force in that vortex, that piece of moonlight, seems to suck people into it and twist it into pieces.

She never imagined that such a scene would happen.

Huang Yurou really wanted to kill her—!!!

It’s not what she imagined.

“No, help, help—!!!!

Zhang Xin wanted to get up and run away, but just after she was hit, she was already injured internally.

Although it looks like nothing on the surface, in fact, she doesn’t lie down for ten days and half a moon to think about it.

Now seeing this deadly vortex hit, she has no other way to police except calling for help.


Hearing this, Huang Yurou couldn’t help but sneer:

“Didn’t you say it’s okay even if I kill you?!”

The voice fell, and the vortex that hit Zhang Xin was a little faster.

Everyone present was stunned.

Huang Yurou is really angry with Zhang Xin, do you want to kill her?!!

This is the power of the immortal cultivator. Ordinary people offend the immortal cultivator, and life and death are just between her thoughts.

“No, no, I was wrong, Yurou, I’m just kidding, don’t kill me—!!!

Zhang Xin was so scared that her soul flew away.

She desperately wanted to crawl, but no matter how slow the whirlpool was, it was still faster than her crawl.

Just when she stumbled and wanted to escape from here, the whirlpool was almost in front of her.


She could feel that a moon blade cut across her skin, causing her face to be cut open.

Intense pain struck in an instant.

Huang Yurou really wanted to kill her.

At this moment, Zhang Xin really regretted it.

Why, why is this happening, Huang Yurou is not like this.

Am I really wrong?!!

Otherwise, why does she hate me so much?


I’m not wrong, it’s her fault, why does she hate me?

I am also for her good, how am I sorry for her one by one!!!

I am right–!!!

Her mouth said that I was wrong, but Zhang Xin’s heart was crying frantically that she was right.

At the moment of her death, she had only resentment towards Gai Yurou.

But it’s just because he found a boyfriend of an immortal cultivator, what’s so great?!!

When I get a chance…

No chance.


That vortex had already swallowed her up.

The students in Huang Yurou’s class watched this scene helplessly, and some girls closed their eyes in fright.

Zhang Xin is helpless, Huang Yurou actually wants to kill her?

But, right now.

A figure suddenly lay in front of Zhang Xin, and immediately waved to break up the moon-blue vortex formed by Huang Yurou’s spiritual energy.


The sudden appearance of a figure made everyone present widen their eyes.

“Ye… 997… Ye Liang?!!

“How could it be him?!!!”

“Ye Liang actually rescued Zhang Xin from Gai Yurou’s hands?

No one would have thought that Ye Liang would jump in the shrew at this time and save Zhang Xin.

Zhang Xin herself didn’t expect it, she was stunned when she saw the figure suddenly hooked in front of her.

How could Ye Liang come to save himself?

“Ye Liang, what are you doing?!”

Seeing that Ye Liang blocked her ultimate move, Huang Yurou frowned and asked her.


Looking at Gai Yurou’s expression, Ye Liang frowned instead.

Because Gai Yu Yurou would never do such a thing.

Although Zhang Xin really couldn’t help Huang Yurou’s former friendship, but Huang Yurou’s character, if there was no deep hatred, just a lack of pure feelings, would not let her kill Zhang Xin.

Moreover, Gai Yurou’s heart is just an ordinary girl.

How could she kill a former friend so casually?

What’s more, her expression towards herself now doesn’t look like Huang Yurou should have.

Under the eyes of Ye Liang’s spiritual power, Huang Yurou’s whole body’s spiritual aura was all observed by him.

In Huang Yurou’s body, in addition to the aura of yin and yang in the beginning, there seems to be another aura vaguely mixed with it.

The next moment, Ye Liang’s expression couldn’t help changing.

This breath is the breath of Immortal Venerable Lingbo.

Because Gai Yurou began to cultivate immortals, the Lingbo Immortal Venerable in her body began to awaken.

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