Chapter 55

“Sorry, I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

At this time, Ye Liang had already arrived in front of Xu Yingbing.

At this time, Xu Yingbing was standing in front of her Maserati, quietly waiting for Ye Liang’s arrival.

When Ye Liang arrived, a breeze hit his face.

The hair behind Xu Yingbing fluttered with the wind at this moment, looking very heroic.

She is the kind of girl who has a very refreshing appearance, a very beautiful, and a very top-notch figure.

Today, she doesn’t wear the same sportswear as before, but a looser short-sleeved shirt.

The clothes that were originally well-fitting were stretched by her, even revealing a snow-white waist. Coupled with the short jeans she was wearing, she looked even more slender.

Such a scene, if Ye Liang’s hand is fast enough, it can even be taken as a wallpaper.

“Where, Mr. Ye Liang, I took the liberty-it was right.”

Xu Yingbing spoke to Ye Liang very politely.

Seeing Ye Liang again, she also wanted to know if the voice she had heard from him before was true or if she was dreaming.

No sound…

Could it be that you really dreamed of yourself before?

At this time, Ye Liang is receiving reminders from the system.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, get an extra reward for cultivating immortals: eagle claw magic.”

He knew about Eagle Claw Art, but Ye Liang had never heard of Eagle Claw Art.

“Ding, the eagle claw magical skill is a magical skill that cultivates internal power with external strength. Compared with the ordinary eagle claw skill, it can condense the qi into claws. Not only does the cultivation not hurt the body, but it also helps the body’s qi and blood flow.”

“In other words, it’s still martial arts.”

Ye Liang thought for a while. Although he has started to cultivate the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth, he still has too few basic things.

The practicality of these martial arts to oneself is no less than basic data such as physical fitness.

Of course, cultivating immortals is a long process, and the foundation is the most important.

I can’t give up the spiritual energy of the world for the sake of temporary convenience.

When it’s time to work hard, still have to work hard.

He now knows how to communicate with heaven and earth, with great compassion.

Fingering has Jian Qi Jue.

There is Wing Chun in boxing.

Shenfa has a getaway.

Now there is another eagle claw magical skill.

This eagle claw magical skill will undoubtedly be the most powerful one among all martial arts.

After all, this is a technique with the word of God, which is naturally not comparable.

Turning his attention back to Xu Yingbing in front of him, he said:

“Then, Miss Xu, let’s go, don’t let the elderly wait for a long time.”

[After I get there, I’ll take a closer look at the situation before I talk.

With my current strength, it is enough to protect anyone from injury, but I cannot stabilize all situations.

Until the situation becomes clear, I cannot let anyone know my true strength. 】

Ye Liang:…

It started again?

What’s the drama this time?

Before, I remembered that Xu Yingbing’s voice in Xiuxian’s voice package didn’t say that she had a bone in her previous life and was picked away.

Don’t you become a fairy, just to wait for her return in the red dust?

How come it has become a situation now.

Sometimes, Ye Liang wants to know what kind of role the system arranges for him.

If these scenes can be written into novels, they must be particularly exciting.

Each book will become the originator of pretending novels.

Obviously, Xu Yingbing heard the voice of Xiuxian’s voice packet again this time.

The weird look on her face.

what? What?

What situation, what strength do you want to hide?

This guy, the inner drama is really enough.

At this time, Xu Yingbing only regarded her being able to hear Ye Liang’s inner drama as an interesting thing. Obviously, she hadn’t realized the seriousness of the situation.

If Jiang Yurou and Yan Qing knew about it, she might already be tempted to shout ‘Run, silly boy, run’ to her now.

At the invitation of Xu Yingbing, Ye Liang sat in Maserati’s co-driver’s cab and left the complex.

Yan Qing stood on the side watching the scene here, and raised the corners of her lips secretly.

“I Yan Qing, what I like to do most is challenging things, Ye Liang, you can continue to treat me like this now, but I believe that I have a hundred ways to make you love me uncontrollably. Humph–!”

She said that, but in fact, she was so angry at this moment.

With blue veins jumping on her head, she clenched her fists and stomped her feet fiercely.

Too irritating, MD—! ! !

I have never been so despised in my life.

If it weren’t for attracting his attention, would he make up like this?

I was afraid that his previous image was too high and cold, and he would feel inferior in front of him and dare not speak.

He even said that he was a vixen. What happened to the vixen? Isn’t the vixen attractive?

Would you like to give you a vixen? ! ! !

want? Want to be beautiful–! ! !

Xu Yingbing drove the car, carrying Ye Liang, all the way up the mountain.

Unexpectedly, her home is actually living on Xianxia Peak.

Xianxiafeng, Aunt Tang also introduced it before, it was a place where gods and magnates gathered.

Anyone who came out there was a figure with a face and a face in Jiangzhou.

It’s not like the big boss of a hotel, it’s not a real banquet.

Xu Yingbing drove very fast, and Ye Liang hadn’t come to see the scenery on the mountain long before she was taken to a big villa.

This villa is completely different from the small villa of Jiang Yurou’s house.

In addition to being larger and more luxurious, it is also equipped with independent security personnel.

When Xu Yingbing brought him in, these security personnel saluted here with a standard military posture.

“Mr. Ye, please.”

After parking the car, Xu Yingbing said to Ye Liang:

“My grandpa is already waiting for you.”


Ye Liang nodded and looked towards the door of the villa, only to see an old man with a cane in his hand and a smile on his face, looking at him.

This is Xu Yingbing’s grandfather, Xu is old now.

According to Xu Yingbing on the road, her grandfather is a martial arts senior who has retired.

As for what he did before retiring, she didn’t know.

At this time, Xu Jing was looking at Ye Liang.

Although he knew it was impossible, when he saw Ye Liang this moment, he instinctively felt it.

Ye Liang, it’s not easy.

This is not an ordinary young man.

Although he looks like an ordinary young man, he must not be simple.

Even if he is not the kind of super expert who can beat stones into powdery structures, his own martial arts is certainly not bad.

“Haha, brother Ye, old man Xu Jing, take the liberty to ask you to come, forgive me.”

Seeing Ye Liang coming, Xu Lao Yuan was already smiling and greeting him.

Ye Liang glanced at Old Xu’s hand, his expression changed slightly.

But still smiled and said:

“Where, I want to visit your old man, and I want to learn more from you, what is the real martial arts.”

“Have you eaten breakfast? I have ordered someone to prepare breakfast. Brother Ye, we have eaten, let’s talk about other things.”

After the basic polite set was over, Xu Lao did not rush to start a conversation with Ye Liang.

After all, if you invite people over early in the morning, you have to entertain a meal, right?

“This, isn’t it good?”

[Okay, the deity is already very hungry in his belly. 】

Ye Liang:…

Xiuxian voice pack, don’t make trouble, how hungry can you be?


At this time, Xu Yingbing smiled behind Ye Liang and said:

“Mr. Ye, you are welcome. My grandfather’s favorite thing is to make friends with martial arts. In this era, there are fewer and fewer people who can martial arts… Martial arts… will disappear sooner or later. It’s rare to see you like this. Those who know martial arts, grandpa is very happy.”

“In this case, I thanked Xu Lao. It just so happens that I want to ask Xu Lao some questions.”

Ye Liang said.

He basically didn’t know anything about this world.

At first he thought that this was just a parallel world, but after he raised his vision, he discovered that this world was different from what he had imagined.

I don’t know if it was his lack of vision before crossing, or this parallel world was different from the previous world, it just seemed parallel.

“You don’t have to be polite, little brother Ye, you are willing to take a look at the door, the old man is too happy, Yingbing, please come in and sit down, Yingbing.”

After speaking to Xu Yingbing, he turned and walked into the villa.

It’s like this kind of big house, it’s like an ancient noble house. It’s not a family, it can be said that it is a family of people.

Along the way, in addition to the necessary security, the cleaning staff who cleaned the sanitation, they were already dazzled by dozens of different faces.


Xu Yingbing took Ye Liang and followed her grandfather. Along the way, she was supporting her ears and wanted to hear what Ye Liang said.

Ye Liang’s voice is indeed exciting at this time.

[In my previous life, I also met you in this way. I was just an abandoned son of an ordinary family, but you are full of immortal bones and have a boundless future. 】

【You don’t look down on me like other people do, but you can’t look down on me either. 】

[In the end, it was God’s will to make people, we finally walked together…][Unfortunately, your fairy bone was stared at and removed abruptly. 】

[You who lost the bones of the fairy bones have no chance of longevity in the end. Now, after waiting for hundreds of millions of years in the red dust, you finally came back. 】

Ye Liang: Was the story like this last time?

I don’t remember how I feel a bit.

Xiuxian Voice Pack: If you pretend to be compelling, you don’t need to care about how you want to say it, the main reason is to experience the artistic conception.

Ye Liang: I got it.

·· ········· Ask for flowers············

Hearing the explanation of Xiuxian’s voice pack, Ye Liang felt that he had realized it at this time.

He began to imagine his situation in his mind, if he was an abandoned son of a family that was looked down upon by others, if there was a celestial lady who was in love with him.

Then, how happy do you have to be?

However, this kind of happiness was stared at by a group of Xiao Xiao who was staring at her own woman’s bones.

They took away the fairy bones of their own women, and they were powerless.

This…think of it really frustrated.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, get extra rewards for cultivating immortals, calligraphy +2.”


Ye Liang feels that his chances of brushing calligraphy are still quite high, and he doesn’t know what his current calligraphy level is.

I heard that a true immortal cultivator can instantly become holy by relying on calligraphy.

In case my calligraphy is so powerful, it would be awesome.

Listening to Ye Liang’s heart, Xu Yingbing couldn’t help but laugh secretly.

This little brother, day by day, doesn’t know what he is thinking.

Wouldn’t he, when he sees a beautiful girl, he will think about all these messy things, right?

His imagination is so rich, it is a pity not to write novels.

Soon, everyone came to Xu’s restaurant.

“Brother Ye, please sit down, I’ll let someone serve dinner right away.”

Ye Liang is also very curious about what the rich people eat for breakfast.

However, when he saw the breakfast served, he couldn’t help but laugh secretly.

It turned out that they were eating steamed buns, eggs and rice porridge.

It seems that the coercion of this rich man has not been shown.

…….. ….. …….

It’s not as good as Yang Ting’s willingness to spend money on banquets for his girlfriend.

He thought that if such a rich person eats breakfast or whatever, he wants to fill the Han’s banquet.

“Brother Ye, you just said that you have something to ask me about martial arts. I don’t know what you want to ask?”

Holding the porridge in his hand, after blowing it, he took a sip, and Mr. Xu asked Ye Liang.

“I was curious about what martial arts is like.”

Ye Liang said:

“What kind of masters in the martial arts, like they are not as powerful as on TV, they can hurt people with their swords and collapse the mountains with one palm.”


Hearing what Ye Liang said, Old Xu almost choked to death. He said:

“The show on TV is too fake. How can martial arts be so powerful?

But it’s not entirely fake.

Sword qi, palm qi and the like are indeed deceptive tricks.

However, I’ve seen real martial arts masters, and they are secretive. ”


Ye Liang asked, “It’s the skill of fighting cattle from the mountain, right?”


Old Xu said:

“A true dark power master can slap a person with a palm, but the power directly blasts behind the person through the appearance of the person, and even makes noise like sound waves, which is very terrifying.

Even more powerful, it can even slap a person on the body with one palm, cracking a person’s clothes…

This is An Jin. ”

Ye Liang nodded.

When you use Wing Chun by yourself, if you don’t have the aura of heaven and earth, the effect is just like that.

But if it comes with aura of heaven and earth, then, with one palm, the steel will be broken directly into pieces.

An Jin is indeed very powerful.

[A mere dark energy, I am embarrassed to be called a master, the force value of this world is really backward, so no one can make the deity look forward to it? 】

Ye Liang:…

Xu Yingbing asked him on the side at this time:

“Mr. Ye, although I heard you say that you can martial arts before, I don’t know how good you are. Or, let’s take a look at two tricks?”


Ye Liang nodded, then asked Old Xu:

“Apart from the dark masters, is there anything better in this world? For example, those who look like gods?”

“Ha ha ha ha.”

Hearing this, Mr. Xu laughed:

“If there are gods in this world, then where is there a place for me and other mortals to stand, since mortals can dominate everything in the world, isn’t it already proven that there are no gods? Little brother, you ask, could it be that you actually know gods? ?”

“Of course I don’t know about gods anymore.”

Ye Liang shook his head: “If I know, I don’t need to ask you anymore.”

He really didn’t know if there were such things as gods in this world.

[Old guy, you want to test me, I’m a fairy thing, will I tell you?

You can’t live for two years. If I let you know that there are immortals in this world, I’m afraid you will die. 】

Ye Liang:…

“Cough cough cough…”

Xu Yingbing, who was drinking soy milk, suddenly choked and coughed again.

She put away her flash of anger, and continued to drink soy milk in silence.

Hmph, we must teach this guy a good lesson later.


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