Chapter 68

“Yurou, listen to me, I really don’t like men.”

“Da Zhuang, listen to me, I really don’t like you, I’m awkward——!!!”

At this time, in Jiang Yurou’s class, Li Xiaofeng was desperately trying to explain to everyone that he was not the man he liked.

However, whether it was the card or his own behavior before, it proved one thing to everyone.

That is, he really likes men, and he especially likes muscular men.

Moreover, he still arrogantly shouted that whoever dared to say that he had done something wrong, he would let those who were in youth can’t get along.

What kind of lofty ambition is this?

He has such a determination, shouldn’t everyone support him?

At this moment, the eyes of the boys in the class looked at him, it was a fear, for fear of being stared at him.

The girls looked at him with encouragement and dislike.

Seeing the strange gaze of the classmates at him, Li Xiaofeng was stupid.

At this moment, he still didn’t understand what evil law he had fallen into.

Although I don’t know what happened, I must have been controlled by some means, and I couldn’t help it.

And that person is… Ye Liang——! ! !

Who is Ye Liang and how does he do it?

After realizing this, Li Xiaofeng began to panic.

Ye Liang just fooled him casually just now, and he almost couldn’t get along in the class.

If he wants to let him die–!

No one knows that he did it.

This is a horrible figure who can kill invisible at any time. How did he pretend to be in front of him just now?

Oh my God! ! !

Fortunately, he didn’t want to kill himself…

At this moment, Li Xiaofeng could not explain to others.

He just wants to know how he is going to deal with today’s affairs.

It was the first time in his life that he faced such a thing, and it was beyond the scope of money to solve it.

He is just arrogant, not stupid.

A person who can control him at any time, if he dares to provoke him, it can only show that he is sick.

After much deliberation, he felt that he had better not provoke Ye Liang.

You don’t need to apologize specifically, but you definitely can’t show up in front of him again.

“Ye Liang, may I ask, where are you from?”

At this time, a girl was next to Ye Liang, asking him questions.

And beside her, there are still many girls.

With new classmates in the class and a handsome guy who seems to be rich, these girls will naturally come around curiously.

“My home is in Baihai County.”

Ye Liang said casually.

“Uh… Baihai County, where is it?”

“I know, it seems to be a small county…”

“Small county town?”

“What does your family do?”

Another girl asked.

“My family has only one mother, just an ordinary office worker.”

Ye Liang replied.

“I don’t believe it, you see that you dress so well, you can get tens of thousands of people in this outfit, right?”

A girl with a double ponytail asked Ye Liang.

“I didn’t get this money from home, I earned it myself.”

Ye Liang smiled.

Although, my life is hanging up, saying that the money I made is a bit pretending, but I can’t say that it is given by my own system, right?

“Do you earn it yourself? How do you earn it?”

“This is inconvenient to say, and you won’t believe it if you say it.”

Ye Liang said.


The girls looked at each other, then winked at each other, and walked away from him.

These girls are not ordinary working families in their families. They are either executives or high-level executives.

They followed the family and became human beings.

In a few simple words, they have probably distinguished Ye Liang’s situation.

There is only a single mother in the family, who has no money, and Ye Liang, although he does not know where he comes from.

But there is no doubt that it is not the proper way…

This is not so rich and handsome, but just a dick in the clothes of rich and handsome.

Moreover, Ye Liang’s own grades are not good.

Undoubtedly, this was just an ordinary person who didn’t know why he got into their class.

In the last moment, there were still many girls around, and the next moment, these girls all left.

For them, Ye Liang has lost the value of communication.

However, there is another girl who never abandons him.

Has been by his side and didn’t leave.

It was his deskmate, a girl named Zhao Ziyan.

Seeing that the girls were still huddling here the moment before and leaving the next moment, she couldn’t help showing a disdainful smile.

She said to Ye Liang:

“You are still single right now.”


Ye Liang looked at the girl next to him.

I saw this girl wearing a pair of oversized glasses, and her hair was tied into two huge braids.

Her face didn’t look very pale, and she still had many freckles on it.

This is a girl who looks rustic and doesn’t look good.

However, after Ye Liang glanced at her, he couldn’t help but secretly said a pity.

This girl is really good-looking, but she does not seem to be able to dress up. Not only is she dressed very rustic, but her complexion is also very ugly. This is no longer the level of no makeup, it does not cover the ugliness at all…

As soon as she spoke, she said that she was single, which also left Ye Liang speechless for a while.

“how do you know?”

He asked Zhao Ziyan.

“Just tell the truth about everything like you, no matter which girl you are, they will look down on you.”

She said:

“In such a place, no matter what, you should say that your home is richer. No one will check it anyway. What are you afraid of.”


Hearing that, Ye Liang couldn’t help but feel weird.

This TM is much more realistic than the world before he traveled.

Perhaps, before crossing, I didn’t have the memory of the two worlds superimposed, so I can’t feel it.

However, Ye Liang feels that the classmates in the previous world are still pretty good, and on the surface it is not so realistic.

“how about you?”

Ye Liang asked Zhao Ziyan:

“How are you? Do you look down on me, too.”

“Hehe, such a thing, even if I think in my heart, I can’t tell you the truth.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Ziyan laughed out loud:

“However, I can tell you that I don’t have any money in my family. I got in on the test. So, since I don’t have any money in my family, I will study hard in the future. Studying is also a way out.”

She said to Ye Liang.


Ye Liang looked at Zhao Ziyan, and the girl seemed to be smiling when she spoke.

However, Ye Liang seemed to be able to feel that there was a sense of inferiority in her tone.

It is understandable that people who have no money in the family will feel low self-esteem when they come to such a place to study.

Even if there is a scholarship from the academy, it can’t keep up with the standard of living in this academy.

[The sky is healthy, the gentleman strives for self-improvement, the terrain is great, and the gentleman carries things with virtue. 】

“Ding, congratulations to the host, you have received additional rewards for immortal cultivation, and all the knowledge for examinations in the advanced academy has been integrated.”

At this moment, the voice of the system rang in Ye Liang’s mind.

Then, a flood of knowledge poured into his mind.

With this knowledge, he, who was not very good at learning, suddenly seemed to have opened a shell. A lot of knowledge that had not been understood before entered his mind at this moment.

In addition, he has gained a lot of intelligence points. At this moment, he has completely obtained all the knowledge for the exam.

Now even if he is asked to take the college entrance examination, he is not at all empty, not to mention full marks, at most five points will be lost, not more.

“Just now, what sound was this?”

At this time, Zhao Ziyan was puzzled.

There seemed to be a voice in her heart.

This kind of voice seems strange, and it actually exists, but I don’t know where it comes from.

This makes her very puzzled…

[Zhao Ziyan, in this life, will you still go astray? 】

Ye Liang glanced at Zhao Ziyan with a guilty conscience.

My own Cultivation Voice Pack has started again.

Let’s see, this time, what kind of future the voice pack will arrange for Zhao Ziyan.


Zhao Ziyan was silent, quietly listening to the voice in his mind.

She secretly wondered why she heard this voice…

[You in your previous life were originally just an ordinary girl, but no one knows that you hold a fairy stone in your hand, and that fairy stone can connect you to the world of immortality. 】

[The cost of contacting the world of immortality is very huge, and the consequences can be borne by extraordinary people, but after you have suffered enough in the world, you feel that this world is too unfair, so you resolutely use the immortal stone. 】

[The army of immortal cultivators came, and the earth’s power collapsed almost instantly. Humans accepted the rule of immortal cultivators, but for immortal cultivators, human beings are just a group of slaves…][Zhao Ziyan, you who betrayed the entire human race, watching the fall of mankind, did you feel a little bit of pleasure in the end? The deity is quite curious. 】

Zhao Ziyan: “??!!!”

“Where did this voice come from? It’s really strange… Why can I hear this voice? What immortal stone, what immortal world?”

Zhao Ziyan looked suspicious.

The sudden voice in my heart, how do I feel, it resembles Ye Liang’s voice next to me?

It’s just that the voice has to look much more majestic, as if it is accompanied by wind and rain, and thunder and lightning, the sound shook into my heart.

She remained silent and wondered to herself whether this voice had anything to do with Ye Liang next to her.

Ye Liang is secretly speaking at this moment…

Use the fairy stone to contact the world of Xiuxian and betray the entire human race.

How is this possible, huh…

Soon, class time began.

After the head teacher came to the class, he cast his eyes on Ye Liang, nodded lightly at him, and didn’t let him go up and introduce himself or something.

With poor grades and no family background, there is no need to spend more time.

Although most people in the academy will go abroad after graduation, the academy, as a noble academy, naturally needs to use grades to speak.

The grades of college students will also affect the evaluation of these college teachers.

Ye Liang didn’t care much about the indifference of the new head teacher.

After all, people are located here, and he never thought that the world would turn for him.

I have such a dish, and I want to get the attention of others, and I think too much.

“Students, I believe that after a holiday, you have enough to play. I don’t know if you were at home during the holiday, or where you went to travel, or went abroad to buy and buy, but now, I’m sitting here. I hope you all take your heart back. For those who want to mix in the country in the future, a good grade is still necessary.”

He said to everyone in the class:

“Of course, those who want to inherit tens of millions of family assets after graduation can ignore my words, but they can’t affect my teaching and start classes now.”

After the head teacher began to give the lecture, everyone in the class also listened carefully.

Obviously, most people still want to stay in the country.

If you are mixing in the country, you must abide by the domestic rules, and you must pass the exam.

I have to say that the quality of the teaching is indeed good for the teachers who were hired at a high price.

This short lesson not only taught a lot of knowledge, but also was very interesting and vivid. In addition, everyone would play when they should play and learn when they should learn.

No one wants to lag behind. If you study in a place like this, as long as you are not a pig, your grades will not be bad.

Ye Liang praised secretly, it was not without reason that my mother desperately sent herself here.

Even my previous self, studying here, will definitely improve my grades.

“Okay, this is today’s homework, and we will finish it when we go back.”

After the end of a class, the chief teacher did not delay the class, and left after assigning homework.

“Do your homework…”

Looking at the homework in his textbook, Ye Liang was a little bit amused.

Even though he is dignified by the Seven Profound Immortal Venerable, he still has to do his homework? !

One day’s class time is over quickly. For Ye Liang now, the knowledge points mentioned by the teacher in the class are very simple, like 1+1=2, almost without reason.

You don’t even need to think…The result is that he was really boring in class.

Fortunately, he has always respected people, no matter how bored he is, he still has an attitude of listening carefully.

It is precisely because of this that at the end of each class, the teachers will look at the new transfer student in a different light and give approving glances.

Although the grades are a bit poor, but the learning attitude is commendable.

But they didn’t know that Ye Liang seemed to be studying seriously, but in fact, he was just running the Heaven and Earth Conquest·Yin-Yang Great Compassion Fu.

Ye Liang now has no formal way of cultivating immortals, he can only use martial arts to operate his spiritual power.

Although this practice speed is slow, it is much faster than him relying on his own groping and hard sucking.

As long as there is a corresponding spell, he can definitely exert a good power.

After school, Ye Liang received a call from Jiang Yurou. She asked Ye Liang to wait for her, and the two went back together.

“Ye Liang.”

What surprised Ye Liang was that when he saw Jiang Yurou, another girl followed Jiang Yurou.

A girl who has only met once, but is very familiar.

Yang Liu said.

“Senior Brother Ye Liang, meet again.”

Yang Liuyan came to Ye Liang and greeted him proactively.

Looking at this big beauty in front of him, Ye Liang was naturally very happy.

He greeted:

“Oh, Big Beauty Yang, I haven’t seen you in a few days, she’s beautiful again.”


Jiang Yurou on one side looked at the two of them saying hello, and then smiled:

“Ye Liang, let’s go out for a meal today. With our two beautiful women with you, won’t you refuse?”


Ye Liang smiled and said, “I can’t ask for it.”


Jiang Yurou was naturally very happy to hear that Ye Liang gave such a face.

But, she obviously forgot, and there is another voice…

[I only promised to have dinner with the big beauty Yang Liuyan, this ugly girl, who are you, be acquainted, numb, go back quickly, tonight, we should not have one more you by our side, you are redundant, be self-conscious. 】

Ye Liang:…

Jiang Yurou: I became superfluous? ! ! !

I’m so special, I beat you to death, stinky Ye Liang——! ! !

Obviously, Jiang Yurou who heard this voice overturned countless tables in her heart.

In her fantasy, Ye Liang, a wretched man, has been flattened by her into a pig’s head.


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