Chapter 98


Seeing that beautifully dressed female fairy walked towards him step by step, Ye Liang couldn’t help being stunned.

Isn’t it what you think it is?

This, rooftop…

I think I have thought about it, but in practice, it is still a bit embarrassing.

He thought so, but he still closed the roof door and locked it by the way.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome if someone comes.

“Come on, you want to make me unforgettable for you.”

He opened his arms to the girl in front of him:

“Just come, don’t pity me because I’m too attractive–!!!”

【vomit–! ! 】

Ye Liang: Xiuxian voice pack, I vomit your sister, you are also vomiting yourself.

“as you wish–!!!”

The girl clenched her fists and slammed into Ye Liang’s stomach with a heavy punch.

If this punch is really on an ordinary person, it might hurt him on the spot.

Snapped–! ! !

Lu Yaoer’s fist hit Ye Liang’s palm directly, and she fell full of arms.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Ye Liang couldn’t help but sighed in disappointment.

“Hey, I know there is no such good thing in this world.”

And watching Ye Liang accept his attack, the girl’s expression couldn’t help but change.

“I didn’t expect you to have two more things. Yes, I am very happy. In this way, we can have fun.”

She slowly increased her strength, until finally, reaching a level that is difficult for an ordinary person to reach, and then retracted her fist.

She looked at Ye Liang with some surprise:

“Unexpectedly, you look ordinary, but you are hidden, very good, look at the trick.”

If she was a little restrained in her attack just now, she didn’t want to kill anyone.

Now, her attack was completely merciless.

According to her estimation, Ye Liang has no problem blocking her attack.

And the facts are indeed as she expected, Ye Liang is not simple.

Her attack became more and more Lingli, and Ye Liang’s defense was equally astonishing.

No matter how she attacks, Ye Liang can be pushed aside from the offensive. At the same time, Ye Liang, the bastard, can actually bully herself and oppose her to make some attacks.

Wing Chun boxing is about close-to-hand combat, which can hit the most damage from the shortest distance.

If you can, it’s okay to hold the enemy and fight.

And Lu Yaoer’s moves are not bad. After dozens of rounds of fighting between you and me, each of them retreated.

Ye Liang didn’t take advantage, and Lu Yaoer didn’t hit Ye Liang either.

The two looked at each other.

“The attack speed just now is your limit, right?”

Ye Liang said, “But my history hasn’t been revealed yet.”

“Laughing to death.”

Lu Yaoer put on a posture:

“My speed is still far behind.”

At this moment, her heart was secretly puzzled.

It is really strange that human strength and speed cannot be used to such an extent.

The human body has a protective mechanism, and it is difficult for a person without spiritual power to break through the limits of human beings and achieve this level of battle.

If the strength of the two people fighting just now leaks out a little, I’m afraid they will be able to make a small hole on the rooftop.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

“Could it be that he is a cultivator–!”

Could it be him who killed Li Zhe?

“Could it be that she is a cultivator?”

Ye Liang is also frowning.

The Purple Star Immortal, as expected, could send people over, and Li Zhe didn’t lie to the second person.


Both are staring at each other.

Weigh the pros and cons.

If you increase your strength, you will not be in the realm of a mortal.

Ye Liang secretly said that if the opponent is from the Purple Pole Immortal Star, then he may not be the opponent’s opponent.

However, if you don’t work hard, the earth is really dangerous.

Although he is a traverser, what he traverses is similar to a parallel world.

His feelings for this world have not changed a little.

Left and right are dead, he doesn’t mind being a hero.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t kill Li Zhe directly before.

But Lu Yaoer was a little undecided.

Do you want to fight with Ye Liang?

Her task is only to make Zhao Ziyan awaken as soon as possible…

Fighting Ye Liang for no reason, there is no need.

If you want Ye Liang to pay more attention to himself than the empress, there is not necessarily no way.

You don’t have to beat him up.

Thinking of this, she smiled, and sure enough, it was better to beat him up.

Challenge, Ye Liang——!

At this moment, in the ethereal, a voice came into his mind.

“Zhao Ziyan’s attention.”

Under this rule, all the cultivators’ mana are restricted.

For example, if you want to climb a mountain, you can’t hurt anyone by climbing this mountain.

Once you hurt someone, you will be punished by the world’s rules of heaven and earth, and you will die, even your body and spirit will be destroyed.

Can you turn up a mountain without hurting people?

Even if I could, I wouldn’t dare to turn it around.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Similarly, under the second rule, he has now lost to Ye Liang.

He couldn’t attack Ye Liang.

If you forcibly attack him, the consequence is that you die first.

“Why, don’t you know the rules?”

She asked Ye Liang.

“What rules?”

Ye Liang curiously said.

“It means that the cultivator cannot use a wide range of spells at will, so as not to accidentally hurt others.”

Lu Yaoer said.

She would not admit that she just wanted to challenge Ye Liang and she had already lost.

If Ye Liang were to know her situation, he would definitely attack her now.

Although she is not afraid, but she does not want to be a sandbag and be beaten in vain.


Ye Liang looked weird for a while.

There is still this rule?

I really didn’t know this happened. Wasn’t this what she was talking about?

“Hehe, you said you can’t use a wide range of spells, okay, since you are the nine-fold, then the nine-fold you must have the strength of the nine-fold, show it, let me convince me.”

Ye Liang said.

If the enemy’s strength is unknown, let’s first explore the reality of the opponent.

“That’s okay, you are optimistic——!!!”

Lu Yaoer was overjoyed when she saw Ye Liang let her show her strength.

Although he can’t attack the opponent, but he can let the opponent know that he is good?

As she said, she pinched the Fa Jue with her fingers, and a flash of light formed on her fingertips, turning into a sword mark, soaring into the sky, breaking through the sky.

The clouds in the sky were pierced with a hole by her sword.

A huge pattern of several kilometers appeared in the sky.

“You said, if this sword falls on you, what will you do?!”

She said to Ye Liang.

“Then why don’t you fall on me?”

Ye Liang sneered:

“You are actually just a blindfold? It doesn’t hurt people at all, you just want to scare me.”

He still doesn’t believe it. Just the strength of this woman’s first shot. If she has the ability to deal with herself, will she use this trick on herself?

So, this trick is a bluffing trick——!

“I’m f*ck, don’t you know the rules on earth?”

Lu Yaoer cursed.

“What are the rules on earth?”

Ye Liang said casually: “Why don’t I know.”

“You lied to the ghost——!!!”

Lu Yaoer said:

“You are an earth cultivator, you don’t know. As long as you want to use the power of a cultivator to take the initiative to deal with others, you will be bound by the earth’s rules of heaven and earth. You must defeat the opponent in a certain specialty. Otherwise, you will never be able to hit your attack on the opponent–!”

“Uh… there is still this rule on earth? I don’t believe it.”

Ye Liang said: “I never found out.”

“…It must be that you are too persuaded, and you never take the initiative to provoke others.”

Lu Yaoer said:

“If you really don’t believe me, you can try to attack me. If you can break my defense, I will directly recognize you as a father.”


Hearing that, Ye Liang was weird for a while.

“If you can’t break my defense, you are my son——!!!”

Lu Yaoer said again.

As she said, her heart moved, and a huge purple light curtain appeared around her.

The purple light curtain is naturally invisible to ordinary people, but in the eyes of Ye Liang, it is a very powerful wall of air.

“Although I don’t have many defensive spells, I can cast a defensive spell casually, and you will never be able to defeat it in your life.”

She raised her lips confidently:

“Because the difference between my level and yours is Tianyuan. I am the sky and you are the Yuan…”

But Ye Liang slowly came to the purple light curtain, raised his hand, and pierced the light curtain with a light finger.


At this moment, Lu Yaoer was stunned.

The original confident eyes suddenly turned into extremely unbelievable.

She didn’t believe that the defensive spells condensed by the nine layers of Qi refining would be pierced by the opponent with a light poke with her finger.

“What did you say?”

Ye Liang asked Lu Yaoer:

“What day, what Yuan?”

Your own time wheel is the best flying sword that can cut through time. Can’t it break the defense of your little Qi refining period?

Really think that the rewards given by my system are used to cheat me? ! ! !

He didn’t even move the time wheel just now, just used the sword aura of the time wheel.


At this moment, Lu Yaoer couldn’t help being stupid.

The self-righteous and self-confident expression that was supposed to be taken for granted at this moment turned into panic.

Legend has it that some people in the world of cultivating immortals do not follow their routines.

Obviously, his cultivation is extremely high and far beyond performance, but he always pretends to be weak.

Could it be that this guy in front of him is actually an innate strong, pretending to be a five-fold gas refining rookie to deceive himself? ! ! !

hiss–! ! !

Worse, he doesn’t even have the right to offense now. Facing an innate strong man who can gently pierce his defense with his fingers, I am afraid that he will be dead.

Thinking of this, she didn’t hesitate.

He opened his arms directly to Ye Liang.

Ye Liang was secretly wary. If there was any change in this woman, she immediately sacrificed the time wheel and beheaded her.

Just now, what rules of the earth she said…

It doesn’t seem to be a lie.

She didn’t attack herself, could it be because she had tried it?

If it weren’t for the fact that I still couldn’t figure out the details of this woman, I really wanted to cut it over with a single sword.

I was afraid that a sword would slash at her and let her find that she was better than her.

In this way, he has no cards at all.

I saw Lu Yaoer directly opened her arms and prayed to Ye Liang:


Ye Liang:…


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