Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1049 End of life, end of breath

"Biluo Sect will also reach the top of Shuiquanzhou because of Yier."

"Haha, come on!"

Dan Quan was not afraid. In this life, he did not have too many regrets. Instead, he was extremely fortunate that he could get such a talented disciple at the end of his life. What else could he be unwilling to accept?

The only regret was that he could not see Biluo Sect reach the top.

However, he believed that Lin Yi and his disciples could accomplish this feat.


"Just relying on that waste who is always trapped in the pseudo-Jindan period, as long as he dares to show up, he will be sent to hell to meet you."


Qingtian's momentum exploded to the extreme.

Although he was worried about Lin Yi, Qingtian knew that as long as Lin Yi could not break through the bottleneck of Jindan, he would never be a threat to Jiushamen.

He now looked forward to Lin Yi's appearance, so that he could completely eliminate this threat.

Qingtian, who was extremely explosive, poured down towards Dan Quan with overwhelming power.

Although Dan Quan was a fifth-grade alchemist, his cultivation was only in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and as an alchemist, he was not good at fighting.

In front of Qing Tian, ​​who was in the late stage of the Golden Core, it was obvious that he could not resist.


An extremely powerful attack went straight to Dan Quan.

At this time, Dan Quan had already consumed a lot of energy. Facing this attack, even if he was at his peak, he could not resist it.

He would be defeated soon.


Sure enough, even if Dan Quan did not give up and tried his best to resist this attack, the difference in cultivation strength was too great, and he was directly blown away.

This attack almost took Dan Quan's life.

"Dan Palace Master!"

Everyone was sad.

They wanted to go up to rescue him, hoping to save Dan Palace Master, but they were so powerless.

A feeling of despair and sadness emanated from them, covering the sky above the Biluo Sect.

"No, Dan Palace Master!"

The cultivators roared in despair. The next blow would be too much for Dan Palace Master to resist and he would surely fall in a pool of blood.

With just one blow, Dan Quan had already lost the capital to resist and was seriously injured.

But at this moment, a figure stood up, opened his eyes, and two golden rays shot out.


The extremely powerful pressure came overwhelmingly.

"Mo Lao!"

"Mo Lao!"


The earth-shaking sound resounded throughout the Biluo Sect.

Everyone actually saw Mo Lao bursting out with the aura of the peak of the Golden Core. The pressure was too strong.

At this moment, they were like seeing a ray of hope in the darkness.

Mo Lao was that light. As long as Mo Lao was still at the peak of the Golden Core, these villains would pay the price with blood.

Many cultivators could no longer control their excitement and cried with joy.

Finally, the dawn finally came.

Their Biluo Sect would not be destroyed.

Gui Qi and others' faces changed. Mo Cangsheng was fine.

Did he really want to lure them into the trap?

But why did he watch without any movement when Chu Xuanfeng was killed?

But at this time, they had no time to think about it. If Mo Cangsheng really had no problem, they would be in danger.

Should they retreat now or continue to attack?

The problem was placed in front of them.

Besides, if they wanted to retreat now, would they be able to retreat?

The Biluo Sect must have made sufficient responses just to wait for this moment.

Ding Batian was also excited. If he didn't know the truth, he might have thought that Mo Cangsheng had paralyzed everyone.

But he knew that Mo Cangsheng had really reached the last moment.

This moment was just a last gasp.

Mo Cangsheng looked at Qingtian with a cold face.



Mo Cangsheng burst out with all his strength and killed Qingtian.

Qingtian was in a state of panic. He felt the danger of death. If he could not block this attack, he would be killed by Mo Cangsheng.

At this moment, Qingtian burst his momentum to the limit. No matter what, he had to block Mo Cangsheng's attack.


The moment the two attacked, the others seemed to be forbidden. Everyone's attention was on them.

A figure was thrown into the air. Wherever he passed, blood splattered and filled the air.


It fell heavily to the ground.


Ding Batian seized this opportunity. His figure moved instantly. Without any reservation, he attacked with all his strength and bombarded the figure.


The figure had lost any ability to resist. Facing Ding Batian's attack, he could not react at all and bombarded him.

The breath was disappearing quickly.

This figure was Qingtian.

He did not resist Mo Cangsheng's attack, and the others were in a flash and had no time to stop Ding Batian.

Ding Batian's attack destroyed Qingtian's last chance of survival.

Qingtian showed despair. He didn't expect that the final outcome would not change at all.

He fell directly into the hands of Biluo Sect. At the moment before his death, Qingtian smiled miserably.

"Old Mo!"

The cultivators of Biluo Sect shouted hurriedly.

Mo Cangsheng showed a look of regret. At this moment, his breath was fading quickly.

He was about to leave the world soon, and he still didn't help Biluo Sect. I'm afraid that the final outcome of Biluo Sect would be...

Mo Cangsheng fell down.

His life span ended, and his breath was gone!

Qingtian saw this scene just before his death, and then he smiled miserably. He had a chance to win, but he became Mo Cangsheng's burial object.

He smiled miserably, which was also a kind of comfort. At the moment of death, he saw the ending and saw that the Biluo Sect would be destroyed.

Things changed too quickly, and many people did not react.

But soon, the light of hope that the Biluo Sect cultivators saw from the darkness disappeared without a trace, and once again fell into endless darkness.

The Gui Sect and other cultivators showed ecstasy at this time.

There was no surprise.

The Biluo Sect would be destroyed.

"Sect Master!"

A shrill sound resounded through the sky.

Fenggu absolutely could not accept that Qingtian was killed like this.

He was the only cultivator left from the Jiusha Sect who came to the Biluo Sect.

Even if the Biluo Sect was destroyed, what would happen?

The fate of the Jiusha Sect could not be changed because of him alone.

He was powerless to change anything. At this moment, he was the only cultivator in the late Jindan stage left in Jiushamen.

After the destruction of Biluo Sect, Ghost Sect and Tianfeng Sword Sect were also eyeing the opportunity.

They would not let Jiushamen go. In the end, Ghost Sect and Tianfeng Sword Sect would compete for supremacy.

Fenggu was filled with hatred at this moment.

Even if Jiushamen was finally destroyed, they would kill all the people in Biluo Sect first.

They were the ones who destroyed the future of Jiushamen.


Fenggu's murderous aura was soaring, and his killing intent was boiling.


He burst into an extreme explosion and rushed towards the cultivators of Biluo Sect.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Fenggu seemed to have lost his mind and was extremely crazy. There was only one obsession in his mind.

He wanted to kill everything, including the people of Biluo Sect.


Ding Batian was also filled with killing intent at this moment, and rushed towards Fenggu who was coming to kill him.

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