Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1110 Seven Star Hat

Lin Yi was very disappointed. He almost pinned his hopes on this, but it ended in failure.

Lin Yi continued to check other jade slips, but found nothing else. His sight returned to the bamboo hat.

It seems that he still has to start with it.

Lin Yi was thinking that the main reason why he couldn't cover everything was probably because the grade of the bamboo hat was too low. If he could improve its grade, would this problem be solved?

It was just a method of refining a magic weapon. It was extremely difficult to change it and improve its original grade.

In fact, it was equivalent to creating a treasure. Any change in any material would result in a completely different result, and the original shielding function of the bamboo hat would be lost.

For Lin Yi, the difficulty was extremely huge. So far, he had never had any experience in this regard. Creating any treasure or technique required extremely high talent and took a very long time.

However, the reality forced Lin Yi to proceed.

Lin Yi picked up the jade slip and carefully comprehended it, hoping to gain something.

In a flash, half a month passed.

Lin Yi took out a piece of Impermanence Mysterious Crystal, replaced one of the materials, and began to refine it.

However, the final result was that the effect was not only not improved, but lost.

Lin Yi did not give up and tried step by step.

At this time, Lin Yi seemed to have forgotten the troubles brought by the blood light, and all his thoughts were focused on creating a new treasure, enjoying it.

Time passed unknowingly.

Lin Yi looked at the bamboo hat in his hand. Although the bamboo hat at this time was still the same as before, only he knew that it was completely different and was a new treasure.

Lin Yi put it on his head and finally smiled.

This bamboo hat completely covered the blood light on the top of his head. If it were not for the self-emission and induction, I am afraid that even he would not be able to penetrate the bamboo hat and sense the blood light in it.

Lin Yi was extremely excited. He could finally leave the space bowl. More importantly, he created a treasure, which was his first creation.

Lin Yi was thinking, since this treasure belonged to his creation, it was naturally named by him, and fell into deep thought.

Looking at the bamboo hat, there are seven dark black spots in the gray and white, and these seven black spots are the key.

Seven-star hat!

When Lin Yi thought of this name, he recognized it at a glance and felt that this name was very suitable for this treasure.

A smile flowed from the corner of Lin Yi's mouth. Seven-star hat, seven-star hat, he finally has a treasure that belongs to his own creation.


At this moment, Lin Yi was stunned. He didn't know what happened. The blood light on his head suddenly disappeared.


Lin Yi thought something went wrong and waited for a while. The blood light did not appear again. He thought he had an illusion and had not been able to create successfully. He had a demon in his heart. At this moment, the demon in his heart affected him, and the blood light on his head dissipated in his mind.

Lin Yi was extremely nervous. So far, he has never had a demon in his heart. Even when he broke through his cultivation, he had never experienced a demon attack. Wouldn't he really be in a demon state?

Lin Yi pinched himself hard. It hurt.

At this moment, Lin Yi felt that he was not in the devil's heart, but what happened to the blood light? Could it be that it still had consciousness, until he created a treasure to suppress it, it would no longer work and would just retreat?

Or did the blood light also have a time limit, and it would automatically disappear when the time was up?

Lin Yi believed in the second possibility more. From the rise of the blood light to its disappearance at this moment, exactly one year had passed. It was not such a coincidence.

Lin Yi didn't know whether to be thankful or unfortunate. If he had known this earlier, why would he have spent so much effort and would not have worried about it. He would have just waited for a year in the space bowl.

But if he had known it earlier, he probably wouldn't have tried to create a treasure.

Overall, it was still quite lucky. If this kind of thing happened again in the future, with the Seven Star Hat, he wouldn't have to worry anymore.

Lin Yi continued to stay in the space bowl for a while, and only felt relieved when he saw that the blood light really completely dissipated.

After all, wearing the Seven Star Hat always felt weird.

Before leaving the space bowl, he took a look at the spirit boat. He didn't dare to move it out of the space bowl at this moment. Although he had repeatedly explored it many times and found no mystery, who could guarantee it?

Before, he had also explored it many times, and he had already successfully sacrificed it. Didn't he find anything?

Changing his body shape, his figure flashed and left the space bowl.

Lin Yi looked in one direction and went straight to that location.

When he appeared again, the temperature here was obviously much higher than other locations.

Lin Yi came to the location where the magma erupted. A year later, there were still many cultivators here.

However, the magma was still erupting, and this place had become a sea of ​​magma, rolling magma.

The Qianqin River Basin, because of the eruption of magma, formed a special environment.

"Daoyou, are you here to try your luck?"

A cultivator came to Lin Yi and asked.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I came here to get some opportunities, and so did I. It seems that all the opportunities have been taken away, so I am late now."

"Fellow Daoist, it can't be said that it is too late. The eruption of magma can still bring out Fiery Crystals or other treasures from time to time, but compared to the beginning, they are much rarer. If you have time, you can wait and maybe you can get a treasure."

"But, this place has become a magma land. In the magma, there are red flame black demon wolves. They are extremely hateful to us human cultivators. Once we go deep into the magma range, we are likely to be attacked by them. If we snatch the Fiery Fire Crystal, we will definitely be hunted down by them."

"It has been almost a year, and there has been no news from Taoist Qinglian. It seems that he has completely obtained the Fire Lotus."

When he said this, this cultivator showed envy. Which cultivator does not want to have such a rare treasure as the Fire Lotus?

Lin Yi was shocked. In fact, there are very few things that can make his mood fluctuate so much, but when he heard the word Fire Lotus, the fluctuation could not be suppressed.

Fire Lotus, the magma actually spewed out such a treasure as the Fire Lotus.

It's a pity that I missed it and left at that time. In fact, even if I didn't leave, would I be able to get it?

It must be extremely fierce.

"Fiery Fire Crystal!"

At this moment, including the cultivator next to him, exclaimed loudly, and saw a piece of Fiery Fire Crystal rushing into the air with the eruption of magma.

Some monks rushed to grab the Fiery Crystal the moment they saw it.

The monk next to Lin Yi also did not suppress his desire and rushed to the Fiery Crystal.

However, screams were heard soon.

Lin Yi had no intention of rescuing them. This was their own choice. He left...

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