Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1128 Obtaining Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings

Lin Yi counted the spiritual stones on his body. Apart from the spiritual stones that needed to be traded, he still had about eight million middle-grade spiritual stones.

More than eight million pieces, thinking about it, should be enough.

The price quoted for the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings continued to rise. Lin Yi quoted one million mid-grade spiritual stones, which did not scare away the monks in Cave No. 70 at all.

Not long after, the quotation for the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings came to two million mid-grade spiritual stones.

"Cave No. 39, bid two million mid-grade spiritual stones."

"Master, what did they say?" Shan Xuefeng looked at Xin Qizhi and asked hurriedly.

"I didn't reveal it, and I didn't stop it." Xin Qizhi stared at the light screen with a gloomy face. He had originally controlled the anger in his heart, but he could no longer hide it at this moment.

When Xin Qizhi saw the monks in Cave No. 39, he had no intention of giving up. Two million was no longer a small amount. If he continued, he might not be able to hold on for long. It was not his time to worry about the souls of the monks in Cave No. 39. Stone, but worry about yourself.

He also hoped to use the Xingchuang Chamber of Commerce to accuse Cave No. 39 of deliberately causing trouble, hoping to use them to put pressure on him to give up the idea of ​​​​continuing to quote. The result was beyond his expectation, and he ignored it at all. The quotation is his freedom and no one can interfere with it.

Then he complained that Cave No. 39 might not have so many spirit stones at all, which would also be a great loss to the Star Creation Chamber of Commerce. The monks of the Star Creation Chamber of Commerce also gave a clear answer. This situation does not exist. Listen. At these words, Xin Qizhi felt a chill in his heart. It seemed that they knew the monks in Cave No. 39 very well.

He wanted to know the information about the monks from Cave No. 39, but was rejected by the monks from the Xingchuang Chamber of Commerce.

But it is impossible for him to give up the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings. This may be a change in his destiny, and he will never give up.

Since there is no way to stop Cave No. 39, he can only continue to bid. I hope he is really deliberately causing trouble and will stop bidding after a certain quotation.

"Five million, five hundred and fifty mid-grade spiritual stones, Cave No. 39 offers five hundred and fifty."

Qing Pingzi's voice became louder and louder. He never thought that Wu Rongzi and Lin Yi were so persistent in Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings, and they had no intention of giving up. It seemed that he had guessed wrong before, and Lin Yi had no intention of giving up. It's not because of grudges or deliberate trouble, he has a strong need for the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings.

If this is the case, the final transaction price of Wuying Thunder Eagle Wings may be able to exceed the previous peak. He knows Lin Yi's worth. As for Wu Rongzi, there is no doubt about it.

Shan Xuefeng did not dare to look at Xin Qizhi at this moment. The cave seemed to be frozen. After hearing Qing Pingzi say five million middle-grade spiritual stones, the coldness in Xin Qizhi's body reached the extreme.

At this time, Qing Pingzi was already urging whether there were any more offers from monks, otherwise the final result of the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings would be announced.

Shan Xuefeng looked at Xin Qizhi cautiously and asked in a low voice: "Master, this disciple still has some resources, and I can give them all to you."

Shan Xuefeng thought that Master Xin Qizhi's resources had reached their limit. Normally, he would not dare to say this.

Xin Qizhi did not speak, nor did he focus his eyes and attention on Shan Xuefeng. Instead, he was looking at the light screen and kept listening to Qing Pingzi's voice. His eyes kept changing, and he knew that Xin Qizhi must be struggling fiercely in his heart. , making trade-offs.

Qing Pingzi saw that the monks in Cave No. 70 had not made any bids for a long time. He estimated that he had reached his limit, so he did not waste any more time and prepared to end the auction of the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings.

"Congratulations to Cave No. 70..."

Qing Pingzi spoke extremely slowly, as if stimulating the monks in Cave No. 70, hoping that he would continue to bid. He also thought that the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings could break the price of the top-quality Yuan Dan.


Shan Xuefeng was also a little anxious. If he didn't make a bid, he would lose his Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings. Ever since he knew that the place of opportunity was extremely extraordinary, he wanted to go there. Maybe he could get the chance to change his own destiny.

At this time, he began to remind the master, hoping that he could continue to quote, otherwise there would be no chance of regret once Qing Pingzi announced the result.

Xin Qizhi shook his head and said: "Forget it, let him keep it for a while for the master."

Seeing the master like this, Shan Xuefeng also knew that the master had given up before continuing to make an offer. Seeing the master's expression, could he possibly find a way to find the monk?

However, Shan Xuefeng did not express his doubts.

When Qing Pingzi saw that he spoke so slowly, Wu Rongzi in Cave No. 70 still made no movement and stopped waiting and announced quickly.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist in Cave No. 39 for obtaining the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings for the price of five million medium-grade spiritual stones. Qing would like to express my congratulations to you."

The transaction price of five million medium-grade spiritual stones has far exceeded expectations. Coupled with Lin Yi's ability to produce the best spiritual elixir, Qing Pingzi's unprecedented congratulations were heard.

Seeing the end, Lin Yi finally exhaled a long breath and slowly sat on the stone chair. Although he spent a lot of money to obtain the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings, Lin Yi did not look depressed at all. Purple Sun Sword All the refining materials were finally gathered, and one thing on my mind could finally be taken off my mind.

The materials to restore the level of the earth weapon are almost collected. As long as the remaining four materials are obtained, the Ziyang Sword can be promoted to the earth weapon.

Lin Yi was not in a hurry for other treasures, but he could not let the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings have any more accidents. Although he had already bought it, he still could not rest assured that it had not entered his pocket. He picked up the token and sent a message to Gong Zun, hoping that he could complete the transaction in the cave.

As for the problem of not having enough spiritual stones at this time, he could deduct them from the spiritual stones obtained from the top-grade Zhiyuan Dan. He was just not sure whether they would agree to trade in the cave, so he would try it first.

Soon, a cultivator walked into Lin Yi's cave, and it was Gong Zun. Lin Yi did not expect that after he made this request, there was no obstacle and they agreed to his request.

Gong Zun had a ring in his hand, and believed that the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings was in the storage ring.

Gong Zun smiled and said, "Congratulations, fellow Taoist, you have obtained a treasure."

As he said that, he handed the storage ring to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi took it, and his spiritual consciousness probed into it. There was only one treasure in it, which was the Shadowless Thunder Eagle Wings. A stone weighing on his heart finally fell to the ground.

He said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Gong. I don't have enough spirit stones on me right now. Can I trade with the spirit stones of the best-grade Zhiyuan Pill?"

Gong Zun still smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Lin, of course there is no problem."

After completing the transaction, Gong Zun left the cave, but before leaving, he said something to Lin Yi...

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