Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1370: The poisonous bee queen recognizes her master

It has grown a lot taller, but that's all it has changed. It hasn't changed as much as other spiritual medicines.

It seems that this ordinary little tree is definitely extraordinary. Lin Yi couldn't help but become serious.

He looked at the Yin-Yang Soul Beast and said, "Xiaobai, do you know its origin?"

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast said, "Master, Xiaobai and you share the same fate and are inseparable. If I knew, how could I hide it from you? I really don't know."

"Then is it the treasure of the master of the Tower of Babel?"

Lin Yi was very troubled by this. The little tree was definitely extraordinary. If it was the treasure of the master of the Tower of Babel and he took it away, it would be bad if he found him later.

"Master, since Tongtian Daozun did not stop you, it means that he acquiesced to your actions. Don't worry, and even if you worry, it won't do anything. It's better to forget about it."

"Tongtian Daozun?"

Yin Yang Soul Beast was unusually serious and said, "Yes, Tongtian Tower is Tongtian Daozun's natal treasure. However, Tongtian Daozun is a dragon that is hard to find. I guess no one knows where he is. But his Tongtian Tower keeps appearing in various places in the cultivation world."

"Master was able to enter Tongtian Tower because of this, and had the opportunity to achieve the foundation of the Heavenly Dao. The two of you are inseparable in the dark. When you reach a certain level, you may meet him."

Lin Yi said, "Tongtian Daozun, how strong is his cultivation?"

"I'm afraid no one dares to say that they can win against him. People standing on the top of the cloud, even Xiaobai at his peak, have to retreat."

Lin Yi automatically filtered out the words of Yin Yang Soul Beast. Tongtian Daozun was such a terrifying figure. He must have known when he took the small tree. Since he didn't stop him, he didn't know his intentions.

Forget it, it's all taken away anyway, there's no point in thinking more.

Looking at the small tree in front of him, at that time, he gave it a name, the poison bait bee tree, but at present, it is definitely not its real name.

Looking at the poison bait bee again, it is in the distance, dare not approach, and looks at Lin Yi cautiously. It has been trapped in this space for a long, long time. How much it hopes to regain its freedom.

Lin Yi said: "You can stay on this tree, or you can enter the poison field to collect poisons for cultivation, but you are not allowed to destroy it."

In the spiritual medicine field, there are many poisons planted, almost all of which come from the Tower of Babel. These poisons have never been abandoned. They are both poisons and life-saving medicines. Many poisons cannot be found in the outside world, so they will naturally not be destroyed.

The poison bait queen bee has followed him for a long time, so he will naturally not kill it unless it threatens him.

Lin Yi took a look at the poisons. Since they were planted on the soil covered by Xirang, they had changed a lot. As time went by, the current cultivation of the poison bait bee was very low, only a second-level poison bee, but if it absorbed poison for many years, its cultivation might be beyond his control.

Lin Yi was really worried. He looked at the Yin-Yang Soul Beast and asked, "Xiaobai, do you need to let it recognize the master?"

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast looked at the poison bait queen bee with contempt and said, "Master, just because it is such a low-level spirit insect, it wants to recognize the master as the master. It doesn't have the qualifications."

What the Yin-Yang Soul Beast actually wanted to say was that you, Lin Yi, have my Yin-Yang Soul Beast.

No one in the world can compare with me.

"Don't worry, even if it has a Tongtian cultivation, it will bow down in front of Xiaobai."

However, the poison bait queen bee in the distance hurried to Lin Yi's side, regardless of the fear of the Yin-Yang Soul Beast, as if it was eager for Lin Yi to let it recognize the master.

Although it was extremely reluctant to recognize a human as its master, at least it could regain its freedom. Moreover, even such a terrifying Yin-Yang Soul Beast recognized Lin Yi as its master. Why should it feel ashamed?

"Go away, go away, be careful that I will swallow you up too."

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast showed a fierce and cute look, staring at the poison bait queen bee viciously. It knew exactly what the poison bait queen bee wanted to do.

Wanting to be on par with it was not an insult to Lin Yi, but an insult to itself.

If Lin Yi was not present, the Yin-Yang Soul Beast might really swallow the poison bait queen bee in this situation.

The poison bait queen bee was even more scared and hurriedly asked Lin Yi for help, hoping that he could recognize her as his master.

"Master, you won't really let it recognize you, will you?"

"Xiaobai will never agree."

Lin Yi couldn't completely trust the Yin-Yang Soul Beast, and said: "Xiaobai, with the environment of Xirang, the poison will surely be greatly improved, and the poison bait queen bee will also benefit from it. If you don't pay attention to it, its cultivation may be out of control."

"Although you have the second most poisonous poison in the world, your cultivation will fall after all, and it may be beyond your control. In order to prevent accidents, it is better to let it recognize you and take precautions."

"Moreover, letting the poison bait queen bee recognize you is not without benefits. As its strength increases, poison bait bees will be born and form a bee colony. In the case of an unexpected situation, it can save the crisis."

This is Lin Yi's true words. The poison of the poison bait bee is also extremely terrifying. It's just because the Yin-Yang Soul Beast in front of him is a Yin-Yang poison, so the poison of the poison bait bee seems a little weak.

But a group of powerful poison bait bees, once they release the Heaven Stealing Pass, will be a devastating disaster for others who want to murder him.


The Yin-Yang Soul Beast was very depressed and sulking. Would it be useful for it to stop him? Lin Yi would not listen to it at all.

Soon, the poison bait queen bee recognized its master.


The poison bait queen bee finally felt relieved and flew towards the poison happily.

"Xiaobai, don't bully the poison bait queen bee."

As he said that, he came to a place and sat down cross-legged, and began to recover.

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast looked at Lin Yi, who was concentrating on recovering in seclusion, and then looked at the poison bait queen bee, and went towards it in anger.

The poison bait queen bee, who was collecting poisons in the poison, saw the Yin-Yang Soul Beast coming towards it, and had an instinctive fear, but it did not run away. It also recognized Lin Yi as its master. With the same master, it didn't believe that the Yin-Yang Soul Beast would dare to do anything to it.

It continued to collect poisons, but kept paying attention to the Yin-Yang Soul Beast. Although it believed that the Yin-Yang Soul Beast would not kill it, it could not be completely at ease because of the instinctive fear of the Yin-Yang Soul Beast.

"Don't think that I can't do anything to you because I have the support of the master. You are wrong. Even if I devour you, the master won't blame me for it."

"However, now you recognize the master, you must understand that I am your boss and you must obey me from now on."

"Also, you can only devour 10% of the poison here, and the remaining 90% belongs to me. Once I find out that you are disobeying me, I will let you know the consequences."

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