Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 138 Fierce Battle

"Now I give you a chance to accept me as your Lord and take you out of this mountain wilderness."

Hear what the man in black said.


A violent roar showed the anger of the giant tiger.

The roar of the giant tiger had such a huge impact that Lin Yi's eardrums hurt. He almost lost his balance and was blown away by the roar of the giant tiger.

Although the giant tiger was very angry, he did not step forward to attack the man in black. The monster beast in the foundation-building stage itself has a certain wisdom, and the giant tiger also knew that this person was very dangerous.

Looking at the reaction of the giant tiger, the man in black said: "It seems that you are toasting instead of eating the penalty wine, thinking that you can fight me after breaking through the foundation building stage."


"I'll give you one last chance. Will you recognize the Lord or not?"

When Lin Yi saw the current scene, it seemed that the man in black and the giant tiger were likely to have a fight.

And he was standing in the middle now. If the two of them fought, he would be annihilated in an instant.

He tried to move away from this position carefully, and looked nervously at the man in black and the giant tiger, and found that they were not paying attention to him.

Lin Yi moved to a farther distance, but he did not dare to escape at this time. Although the man in black paid attention to the giant tiger, it did not mean that he did not pay attention to Lin Yi. If Lin Yi chose to escape, he would definitely kill him with one strike.

We are currently in the confrontation stage with the giant tiger, so try not to make any moves, otherwise there is a high possibility of a fight immediately.

Although the giant tiger has just broken through the foundation building stage, the monster's combat power is very strong. With his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building, he is still not completely sure.

After the man in black said these words, the pressure on his body was released, pouring onto the giant tiger, allowing it to feel the pressure of its mid-stage foundation building, increase the stakes, and make it have no intention of resisting and choose to surrender.

The giant tiger felt the pressure of the man in black, and roared fiercely again. The hair on its body stood up and it stared at the man in black.

He has just broken through to the foundation building stage and will become the king in this mountain range. How can he accept being enslaved by a human and lose his freedom.

It seemed that there was no hope of subjugation, and the only option was forced enslavement. A fork appeared in the hands of the man in black.

Lin Yi saw that the man in black made no fancy moves and stabbed directly at the giant tiger.

The giant tiger did not flinch, leaping high into the air and striking out with its giant palm, as fast as lightning, powerful and domineering, and powerful and heavy.

But the man in black jumped up and quickly avoided the attack of the giant palm, and the fork in his hand had already reached the giant tiger.

He stabbed hard, but the giant tiger's body was like a hard stone, and it only scratched a little skin on its body.

Although it only scratched the skin a little, the giant tiger fell into a disadvantage in the first round.

"I didn't expect you, a beast, to have such a hard body."

The physical body of the monster beast was already very strong. Now that the giant tiger has broken through to the foundation building stage, it has undergone a qualitative transformation. The monster beast's physical body has become stronger, and ordinary magic weapons cannot harm it at all.

"But you think you can resist it. Human skills are beyond the imagination of monsters like you."

After saying that, he continued to attack the giant tiger.

Lin Yi saw that the fighting skills of this giant tiger were basically the most primitive instinct, although it relied on the advantage of the monster's body to resist the attack of the man in black.

But more and more wounds appeared on his body, and the man in black relied on his superiority in cultivation to suppress the giant tiger.

Every time the giant tiger tried to hit the man in black, the man in black dodged it in time, and his movements were very fast.

And he kept changing his moves, making the giant tiger unable to defend himself and unable to parry.

The giant tiger also gradually realized that it was no match for this human being. After striking out with a palm, he turned and prepared to escape.

Seeing the giant tiger's movements, the man in black smiled and said, "You beast, it's too late to escape now."

The man in black only dodged a few times and was already in front of the giant tiger. With the advantage of his body skills and the speed of the giant tiger, there was no possibility of escaping.

When the giant tiger saw the human appearing in front of him, he knew that he had to fight and there was no other possibility of escape.

The man in black and the giant tiger started fighting again. Lin Yi saw that although the man in black had a huge advantage, he could not defeat the giant tiger for a while.

Moreover, the giant tiger saw that it had lost the possibility of escaping, so in this fight, it attacked desperately.

I don’t know how many moves it took. Although there were many more wounds on the body, one of which was still very deep, the giant tiger was still attacking the man in black with all its strength, as if it had endless strength.

Through constant fighting with the men in black, the giant tiger also gradually mastered some skills, no longer attacking with brute force.

Seeing this, Lin Yi relaxed a little from his nervousness. He didn't want the situation to be one-sided.

An easy victory for either side would be disaster for him.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more anxious, Lin Yi gradually moved away, trying not to be affected by them.

The combat power of the Foundation Establishment monks affects a very large area. In the past, when I saw the monks at the sixth level of Qi training, I already felt that they were very strong. However, compared with the Foundation Establishment monks, they were not on the same level at all. They were like an ant and an elephant. difference.

I really hope that I can break through to the foundation building stage, and I laugh at myself in my heart. I am only on the second level of Qi training now. I don’t know that it will be a year of the monkey before I can reach the foundation building stage.

Now that we can escape this crisis, everything will be fine.

"You beast, how dare you hurt me."

I saw the giant tiger slapped the man in black's arm with a palm. With the giant tiger's powerful and heavy palm, the man in black's arm was instantly filled with flesh and blood, revealing all the white bones.

But at this time, the giant tiger was also in a miserable state. The fork in the man's hand penetrated deeply into the giant tiger's flesh and blood from the wound, and he pulled it out.

The tiger spurted blood, and both sides were seriously injured.

The man in black looked at his left arm, and a pill appeared in his hand, which he swallowed.

The wound on his left arm was healing visibly.

"Beast, even if you hurt me, it doesn't matter. We humans have pills to treat it and can recover instantly. If you follow me, you will have everything you want in the future."

The tiger saw that the man in black was recovering from his injuries, and he didn't care about his injuries. Even if he died, he would never be enslaved by humans.

He continued to attack the man in black.

Lin Yi saw that although the man in black took the pill and his injuries were getting better, he was still greatly affected. It was not easy to recover completely.

The tiger seemed to have discovered this through fighting, and his attack became more and more fierce.

Through continuous fighting and learning, his skills became more and more sophisticated. If the man in black didn't have the advantage in cultivation, he would probably have died in the palm of the tiger.

At this time, Lin Yi was far away from where they were fighting.

Later, they didn't care about him at all, which gave Lin Yi the possibility of escape.

Lin Yi heard a mournful howl, and then there was no more sound. He thought to himself, could it be...

At this moment, he could no longer care about anything else. He used his full strength to perform the Wind Step and fled in one direction.

"Ah, I won't give up!"

The man in black stared at himself, looking at his body. His heart was directly pierced, and his life was constantly slipping away.

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