Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1386 Vicious Curse

As for the spiritual objects, if they can be preserved, they will definitely not be wasted. I hope that at the last moment, I can achieve the Nascent Soul Fruit that has not yet reached the ten thousand year limit.

Entering the second layer of the Fire Domain, its power blocked many cultivators. Although the Fire Domain opened and forced back at least 90% of the cultivators, the cultivators who entered the Tianfeng Secret Realm came from all over the human world. There were too many of them. Even if there was only one tenth left, there were still many cultivators in the Fire Domain.

However, the number of Nascent Soul Fruits in the first layer of the Fire Domain is limited after all. Many of the cultivators who failed to seize the Nascent Soul Fruits must be unwilling, and they might risk entering the second layer of the Fire Domain to compete.

I just don’t know if the spiritual objects can withstand the impact of the strong power from the second layer of the Fire Domain.

Lin Yi looked in one direction and walked quickly. He felt that the power released by the flames here should not belong to the depths of the Fire Domain. The ten thousand year old Nascent Soul Fruit must not be here, so he naturally would not stay here for too long. He hoped to cross it as quickly as possible.

Along the way, as they moved deeper into the second layer of the Fire Domain, the power of the flames gradually increased. Lin Yi was also trying to absorb it, hoping to practice the fourth layer of the Nine Transformations of the Tyrant Body.

However, Lin Yi was disappointed that the cultivation environment here was still unshakable.

He could only be forced to give up and rush to the deeper layer.

Many of the cultivators who entered the Fire Domain earlier had already arrived at the second layer of the Fire Domain. Some cultivators also met Lin Yi. Seeing him and knowing how powerful he was, they were all respectful and worried.

They were afraid that Lin Yi would attack them. After all, the cultivators who came here were all for the Nascent Soul Fruit. Killing them would increase the chance of getting the Nascent Soul Fruit and they would not miss it.

However, when Lin Yi left them, there was no sign of him taking action, so he felt relieved.

It seems that for a peerless genius like Lin Yi, they did not take them seriously. Their goal was not the Nascent Soul Fruit here, but they were definitely going for the Ten Thousand Years Nascent Soul Fruit.

In the second layer of the Fire Domain, the Nascent Soul Fruit that Lin Yi encountered was only 1,900 years old at most, and he had not seen one that was more than 2,000 years old, but it was much older than the first layer of the space. At least the Nascent Soul Fruit here was more than a thousand years old.

For most cultivators, it was definitely a dream come true.

What else could he not be satisfied with if he could get a thousand-year-old Nascent Soul Fruit?

When Lin Yi passed by, he just glanced at him lightly and continued to move forward. Seeing Lin Yi's arrival made the cultivators who were fighting for the Nascent Soul Fruit tremble.

But fortunately, Lin Yi had no intention of fighting, which made them feel relieved. After seeing Lin Yi walk away, they fell into a battle again, fighting endlessly for a Nascent Soul Fruit.

"Master Lin, help!"

Lin Yi continued to move forward. At this moment, a cry for help came into his ears. On his right hand side, a cultivator in the second layer of the space chose to spend spiritual objects to risk breaking in in order to get a Nascent Soul Fruit.

However, the spiritual objects were about to be exhausted and could no longer protect him. He was about to be swallowed by the terrifying power released by the flames.

Seeing Lin Yi appear, he was like seeing a life-saving straw, and hurriedly shouted, hoping that Lin Yi could help him.

As long as Lin Yi could help, with his strength, he would definitely be able to send him out of the second-level fire domain space and return to the first level.

Lin Yi glanced in his direction and saw that his spiritual objects were about to be exhausted. If he had no other means to resist, he would be swallowed by the flames immediately.

"Master Lin Dan, help, help!"

Seeing Lin Yi stop and look at him, the monk shouted excitedly and saw hope.

However, he soon fell into despair. Lin Yi just glanced at him lightly and continued to walk in the original direction, leaving a back figure that made him despair.

"Master Lin, help me! I will be your slave in the future if you can save my life."



Looking at Lin Yi's receding back, his eyes were filled with endless despair, but his instinct to survive still did not give up. He continued to cry for help, hoping that Lin Yi would change his mind and come back to save him.

However, when Lin Yi's back completely disappeared from his sight, his spiritual objects were also exhausted at this moment, and the boundless and terrifying flames devoured him.

There were shrill screams under the flames, accompanied by curses. The monk who was devoured at this moment did not blame his own greed for his death, which made him fall into death. Instead, he thought that it was Lin Yi's indifference and ruthlessness that killed him.

Cursed Lin Yi to die a bad death, never be able to break through the Nascent Soul Stage, and never think of getting the Ten Thousand Years Nascent Soul Fruit...

Even after death, he would not enter the reincarnation cycle. Various vicious curses were issued one after another until the flames completely devoured him and stopped extinguishing.

A passing monk heard him cursing Lin Yi and didn't know what happened.

However, he did not dare to stay here, knowing that Lin Yi must be nearby. To make this person utter such a vicious curse, it is conceivable what Lin Yi did to him.

He did not want Lin Yi to sense his presence and flee in a hurry, and did not want to be swallowed by the boundless flames like that person.

This person actually used spiritual objects to resist the powerful invasion of the second layer of flames, but his strength was stronger, and the speed of spiritual objects consumption was slower, allowing him to stay in the second layer of flame space for a longer time, find the Yuanying fruit, and get the Yuanying fruit before the spiritual objects were exhausted and leave.

Lin Yi continued to move forward. If the man asked him for help in other places, there would be no hatred between the two. In such a situation, he would take action, but it was just a matter of convenience.

However, this place is the Fire Domain. The consequence of taking action is to return to the first layer of the Fire Domain space. For an irrelevant cultivator, it would take time and might miss the ten thousand year Yuanying fruit. How could they take action?

Since they knew the dangers of this place and still chose to enter, they should be prepared to die and be responsible for their decisions.

In the end, Lin Yi still did not take action and chose to leave directly. He just didn't expect that this person would be so vicious and attribute his death to himself.

Lin Yi heard every word of the man's vicious curse.

If he didn't leave, Lin Yi would send him off directly.

He shook his head and smiled, ignoring it. Not saving such a person was definitely an extremely correct decision.

In the second layer of the Fire Domain space, when he came to the end, Lin Yi did not meet a peerless genius. They seemed to have disappeared.

Although the Fire Domain is extremely huge, the chance of meeting is very small.

But after crossing two layers of the Fire Domain space in a row, he didn't see a figure, which was still a bit curious.

And along the way, he did not hear from others...

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